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He won't talk to me because his new g/f tells him not to

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 May 2010) 7 Answers - (Newest, 23 May 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

if you have lost some one you loved and they have now got a girlfriend and they dont wont nothing to do with you because there girlfriend has told him he carnt have nothing to do with you how do you win him back and tell him how much he really meens to you ?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 May 2010):

and i agree, you need to wait until he is single. keep yourself busy in the meantime by going out with your friends, or try dating other guys.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 May 2010):

did you actually go out with this guy or did you just have feelings for him ?. i told my boyfriend to stop talking to someone he used to like at college, who is on his friends list on facebook, becasue it amde me uncomfortable. does his girlfriend know that you used to have feelings for him ?. maybe she is worried that he will leave her for you. respect the fact that he has a girlfriend and leave him alone. put it this way, how would you feel if you had a boyfriend and someone else tried to come between the two of you ?.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (23 May 2010):

YouWish agony auntIf I were his girlfriend, I wouldn't want him chatting up his ex either. That's just the way it is. Why did you break up with him?

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A female reader, MonksDaBomb United States +, writes (23 May 2010):

MonksDaBomb agony auntYou can't really win him back in that scenario. As long as he is with that woman that forbids him to talk to you, there's nothing that can be done. Believe me, I tried!

I knew this boy in high school - we were good friends but I had strong feelings for him. After we graduated, I had asked if he wanted to hang out sometime, but he told me he had a gf and didn't want it to look like he was cheating on her (which was preposterous, but whatever). Hurt, i said fine. I used to send him birthday cards, but he never reciprocated, never replied to emails, so I finally just gave up.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 May 2010):

just leave it alone he has a girlfriend and most times in situations like this it is not right for the guy to still talk to his ex sorry. just move on let him go if he comes back it will mean so much more if he doesn't then it just wasn't meant to be. don't try to break them up he will just resent you for it.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (23 May 2010):

He's moved on. So should you.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (23 May 2010):

Well it depends on how and why you broke up.

Figure out what went wrong in your relationship, then sort yourself out and then when he's next single, you can talk to him and remind him why he liked you in the first place.

Dashing up, or sending letters saying "BUT I LOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" when he has a girlfriend will just make you seem sad and psycho.

So take some time, be with your friends, get yourself cool and happy and back to normal and then you'll be happy.

Good Luck!! xx

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