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*ittikat agony aunt


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*ittikat's profile:

Nothing really "qualifies" me to help people, but I am a lover of people and I am fascinated by human nature. I live in the US, a super hot place called San Antonio, in Texas...Too many things for this site make me tick and I am happily in a relationship with the only man on this Earth who can make me content and happy.

123Next > [3 pages, 94 answers]

What are the facts about pre-cum?

Q.   Hello, I've recently come off the pill and my boyfriend and I and now using the 'pull out method'. I'm a little worried because once his done his business outside me he re-enters me straight away. Could I still get pregnant? What are the f...

A.   30 November 2008: You can absolutely get pregnant! My first child was conceived about a week after I went off the pill and my second was conceived while using the "pull out" method. It's not the best form of birth control...Sandman has an excellent answer. Good ... (read in full...)

I don't understand why I can't wear a tampon.

Q.   Hello. I am a 40 year old woman. I don't understand why I can't wear a tampon. I have tried for years, however my body seems to push them out on it's own. Does anyone know why this could be? Yes, I use them right! lol I'm just so tired of pads. ...

A.   30 November 2008: Hi, I agree that you should look to a doctor to make sure you don't have a medical problem. It could be that your body just isn't shaped like the average woman's. My mother could never use tampons, they caused pain, leaked and came out on their ... (read in full...)

Is life all about religion, or is it about being happy and feeling fulfilled?

Q.   First off, please do not judge my situation. I am involved in a moral and emotional dilemma and am seeking whole-hearted answers, not judgments. I have been involved with a MM for over 6 months. We have known each other for over a year; we work tog...

A.   30 November 2008: Hi, I've been off of this site for many many months- had a few huge life changes! Just curious to know how your situation is going? Any updates? I'm glad that I helped, even if just a little bit. ... (read in full...)

I'm getting a divorce! What are my legal rights to his inheritance??

Q.   I am getting a divorce after ten years, I need to know if I am legally entitled to his inheritence or what reasons I would not be entitled to it....

A.   30 November 2008: Well, if he received the money while you two were married- I believe that most states see all income into the family as joint. But, don't most inheritance type monies come with stipulations regarding spouses? You definately should talk to a lawyer ... (read in full...)

She was paid to go out with me!

Q.   She was paid to go out with me, then I found out and after I did she said some mean things then she started going out with another girl after she told me she was straight. A couple of weeks later she dumped her girlfriend and asked me out again. I ...

A.   30 November 2008: Honey, she sounds like she's really immature- too immature to date...You guys are so YOUNG! Don't worry, I'm not trying to pick on you, this behavior is pretty typical at your age, but you have the added complication of sexual identity issues- she ... (read in full...)

Brown discharge...

Q.   I'm 15 and I haven't started my period yet, but I have been having a discharge for a about 2 years I think but the other day my discharge went from white to brown... what is this from and what can I do to make it not brown?????...

A.   30 November 2008: Well, I think you should talk to someone about your questions...maybe a doctor or a trusted female adult- health teacher, parent, etc... I would say from experience, I'm not giving any medical advice, that it sounds like you're starting your period. ... (read in full...)

I feel so much of an outcast...

Q.   I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend. It's driving me mad! I went to an all girl school until I was 16 and since then i've had male friends but never felt attracted to any of them. Now that i'm at university all my friends have had so ...

A.   30 November 2008: I don't think that because you haven't had a boyfriend that it means there's something wrong with you! I understand your frustration, but don't rush it. Take it from someone who rushed into a few silly relationships simply because I didn't want to ... (read in full...)

Please, no dumb do I get this weight off ASAP?

Q.   Hey, I am overweight . I'm 14 years old and the scale says i'm 195 pounds. Thats wayyyyyy over average for 14 year old females. School has been out since May 22 and all my best friends are swimming and i'm the only one who isnt! And its all because ...

A.   26 May 2008: Remember that you are a teen and your metabolism is working splendifically (yah, it's a word I made up) right now...You really just need to kick it in gear...Yes, several nutritious meals a day will make an impact-it's a very important part I forgot ... (read in full...)

Please, no dumb do I get this weight off ASAP?

Q.   Hey, I am overweight . I'm 14 years old and the scale says i'm 195 pounds. Thats wayyyyyy over average for 14 year old females. School has been out since May 22 and all my best friends are swimming and i'm the only one who isnt! And its all because ...

A.   26 May 2008: Do you have any medical problems? My daughter does and she's 97 lbs at 9. Rock solid muscle and the bones of a 14 yr old... I worry about her health- but hers need to be cautiously approached, certain regimens won't work...If not, just be more ... (read in full...)

How do I talk to a guy online without giving the wrong impression?

Q.   How do I talk to a guy over the internet without giving the wrong impresson? ?...

A.   26 May 2008: Hell yah, many faces (:-):-):-)), BE very, very careful girl!... (read in full...)

What is a single mom's best bet?

Q.   I'm single mom with health issues, my BF wants to buy a house and put my name ONLY on the mortgage and he pays Is this wise? The reason I am having a dilemma: I live in a bad neighborhood, my kids like him, we have been together for 6 years and ...

A.   26 May 2008: Listen to Danielepew, he has too many good points to make him "male"! Just kidding, D, but seriously, I hope you take our comments to heart. I worry for you :-(... (read in full...)

I had anal sex and I'm bleeding

Q.   hi im 14 almost 15 ive been with this boy 1 year 5 months and i really love him but today i had anal sex with him unprotected for my first time it hurt a bit and he stopped but i noticed that there was like some bleeding and he cummed in me too and ...

A.   26 May 2008: No, not so much less safe- I'm an STD counselor and I've been WAY too trained on the subject :-). Yes, anal sex can make you more susceptible to HIV and Hep B, two VERY, VERY dangerous diseases. Simply because blood and body fluids are exchanged. ... (read in full...)

Is it a sin to be gay?

Q.   I'm not too sure how many people will answer this question but I'm going to give it a try .... does it say anywhere in the bible that it's a sin to be gay? if it does what exactly does it say ?? I think I'm bi and that's why I'm asking .... ...

A.   26 May 2008: HonningKanin- We are ALL an Abomination! We, with our pierced ears and made up eyes...we who sleep in our husband's beds when we menstruate...Seriously, life is changing constantly. I sincerely doubt that anyone in today's society can live up to ... (read in full...)

Is it a sin to be gay?

Q.   I'm not too sure how many people will answer this question but I'm going to give it a try .... does it say anywhere in the bible that it's a sin to be gay? if it does what exactly does it say ?? I think I'm bi and that's why I'm asking .... ...

A.   26 May 2008: Well said Laura! Honey, don't beat yourself up for feeling what you feel. It may be against what you were taught, but God gave us the ability to "feel" for a reason, and maybe those reasons aren't exactly written in black and white-the Bible has ... (read in full...)

What is a single mom's best bet?

Q.   I'm single mom with health issues, my BF wants to buy a house and put my name ONLY on the mortgage and he pays Is this wise? The reason I am having a dilemma: I live in a bad neighborhood, my kids like him, we have been together for 6 years and ...

A.   26 May 2008: I just thought of something...If you're disabled and a full-time single parent, you probably qualify for government benefits-we do in the states and I'm sure Canada has even better benefits...So, maybe he's thinking that if for some reason the two ... (read in full...)

What is a single mom's best bet?

Q.   I'm single mom with health issues, my BF wants to buy a house and put my name ONLY on the mortgage and he pays Is this wise? The reason I am having a dilemma: I live in a bad neighborhood, my kids like him, we have been together for 6 years and ...

A.   26 May 2008: First off, I'm going to put out a disclaimer: I'm in the US, you're in Canada, so I don't know what your laws are like. Here goes my American advice: I don't know, it sounds strange. Did he say why the both of your names shouldn't be on the ... (read in full...)

How do I talk to a guy online without giving the wrong impression?

Q.   How do I talk to a guy over the internet without giving the wrong impresson? ?...

A.   26 May 2008: Oh yeah, one more thing...Just to harp on how devious and gullible we humans are- About a month ago, I created a fake myspace page, complete with location, photos, stories, etc...It took me about 2 days of complete psycho-like dedication. I did this ... (read in full...)

How do I talk to a guy online without giving the wrong impression?

Q.   How do I talk to a guy over the internet without giving the wrong impresson? ?...

A.   26 May 2008: Well, what impression are you trying to give. I'm going to tell you that from what I've seen, the forum tends to dictate what people will expect. For example, I logged into Yahoo chat and ended up in the Romance rooms, didn't mean to honest! Well, ... (read in full...)

My girlfriend is very distant, does not reply to my texts or make time to see me, yet says she loves me! I'm confused!

Q.   Hey guys i am in a bit of a struggle here i've in a relationship with my girl for about 8 months already, ok basically i am a bit lost because we dont live close to each other i am a Marine stationed in DC and well she lives in Roanoke Va anyways we ...

A.   25 May 2008: Geez! The military did this to me too! Just kidding, I did it to myself. Fell in love with a guy knowing that the Air Force would move us apart. My man and I have been together for 6 years and have spent the majority of that time stationed at ... (read in full...)

I'm lonely when I come home and unsatified with my job - stuck in this daily routine!

Q.   fed up with my life, Im always bored by it. My job I dont enjoy but I cant find the job I want- no1 is giving me the chance and its disheartening and Im starting to lose the mojo to keep looking for it. Lonely when I do come home, so I seem to end ...

A.   25 May 2008: Hi, this sounds all to familiar. This is how I ended up becoming alcohol dependant. I'm sober now, but it was a long, hard road. I'm not saying that you're there yet, but it's a deep, abysmal rut to get out of. I suggest seeking help, I know you ... (read in full...)

I'm finding it extremely hard fullfilling his pissing fetishes!!

Q.   I told my b/f I'd do every single one of his fantasies at least once, but it's hard. He has a urine fetish, and I'm finding it really hard to go through with! He wanted me to drink it, to pee myself, to let him pee inside me...basically lots of stuf...

A.   25 May 2008: Hee hee, that's great! Gotta love moms :-) ... (read in full...)

Do I get pregnant if I finger myself?

Q.   do i get pregnat when i finger myself....

A.   25 May 2008: If that were the case, I'd probably have millions of babies :-) ... (read in full...)

Is life all about religion, or is it about being happy and feeling fulfilled?

Q.   First off, please do not judge my situation. I am involved in a moral and emotional dilemma and am seeking whole-hearted answers, not judgments. I have been involved with a MM for over 6 months. We have known each other for over a year; we work tog...

A.   24 May 2008: Oh, one more thing. It IS all about him. He has to understand that. He made a decision to see you- there was no outside force working. Again, he has to take responsibility, no one is going to be able to make this easy on him. It's not an easy ... (read in full...)

He keeps pushing me to perform sexual acts I'm not comfortable with, can you help?

Q.   I am engaged and have been with my fiance for just over a year. We have a loving relationship and things are mostly amazing. Recently tho he has been pushing me to perform sexual acts I am not comfortable doing. For example, right now he keeps ...

A.   24 May 2008: I have a friend who is going through a very similar situation. She was sexually abused as a child and forced to perform oral sex on her father. No matter how much counseling she goes through, she still has problems with it. The major issue that she ... (read in full...)

Is life all about religion, or is it about being happy and feeling fulfilled?

Q.   First off, please do not judge my situation. I am involved in a moral and emotional dilemma and am seeking whole-hearted answers, not judgments. I have been involved with a MM for over 6 months. We have known each other for over a year; we work tog...

A.   24 May 2008: No, you're not the only one at fault, he is the one who has the commitment to his wife, not you. Honestly, there's no telling why he's so tormented. Religion does have a way to controlling people's thoughts and actions. You just brought up an ... (read in full...)

Is my girlfriend interested in this guy because she talks about him a lot?

Q.   Is my girlfriend intersted in this guy at her work because she talks about him alot?...

A.   24 May 2008: PeterPan is dead on as usual :-) Just because she talks about him doesn't mean she likes him like that. It depends on how she talks about him. I am in the military and most of my co-workers are male. I spend 40-50 hours a week with these guys, so ... (read in full...)

I think my husband is chatting online often and late with a female coworker. Should I have a word with his boss?

Q.   Hi, think that my husband is staying late at work to chat up with his female co-worker via online. Ive seen him change diff towards me. He's not as attentive. He is very rude to me when I ask him if he can make it home earlier, and then when h c...

A.   24 May 2008: I agree with Eddie, talking to the boss won't get you anywhere. Your husband's personal life doesn't really have much to do with work. Yes, he's friendly with a co-worker, but it's not your boss's place to get involved with that. You do need to have ... (read in full...)

Is life all about religion, or is it about being happy and feeling fulfilled?

Q.   First off, please do not judge my situation. I am involved in a moral and emotional dilemma and am seeking whole-hearted answers, not judgments. I have been involved with a MM for over 6 months. We have known each other for over a year; we work tog...

A.   24 May 2008: Hi, please take this to heart and know that I am not being judgemental in my answer. I also have to warn you that you're probably going to get a lot of angry answers thrown at you...Be prepared for that. Your dilemma concerns me because your MM ... (read in full...)

I'm finding it extremely hard fullfilling his pissing fetishes!!

Q.   I told my b/f I'd do every single one of his fantasies at least once, but it's hard. He has a urine fetish, and I'm finding it really hard to go through with! He wanted me to drink it, to pee myself, to let him pee inside me...basically lots of stuf...

A.   24 May 2008: Diovan!? Drinking pee for hiccups!? Seriously!? Wow, I'm so happy that my mom never heard that one! That is so interesting...Next time my boyfriend complains of having hiccups all day and gets grumpy, I'm going to offer up this cure :-)... (read in full...)

I wonder if I have physically lost my virginity by practising horse riding!?

Q.   everyone says that having sex is less painful if you've broke yourself in. How does this include the sport horse-riding, I have been horse-riding for 9 years now so does this affect me!?...

A.   24 May 2008: Hi, I've heard that this is something girls often ask. True, you could tear your hymen from horseback riding, just as you could by wearing a tampon, masturbating, etc...I guess it really depends on what you think virginity is. In Western society, ... (read in full...)

She is amazing but her past puts me off...

Q.   Im in a relationship with someone. I love her. She is amazing. She is, ultimately, what I have ever desired about in a woman. Except, I fear she is a slut... Slept with about 20 people, one a couple weeks before me... A couple months before that ...

A.   24 May 2008: Hi, I read your response from 23 May...You should NEVER bury your questions and you absolutely have a right to feel whatever it is that you feel. I know that I came across pretty harsh, I didn't mean to. It's just that you both seem like pretty ... (read in full...)

He's a millionaire but won't give me money for a deposit, how can I make him regret this?

Q.   I am a 25 year old female who has been involved with a married man for 3 years. We have an okay relationship, I dont ask him for much or expect much from him at. I respect his private life, and know where not to cross the line. He is a millionaire, ...

A.   23 May 2008: Yes, get rid of this cheap millionaire. You're not a Chinese mistress, even if you came here to visit- You're all American baby Many cultures respect and revere their mistresses! Shrines are built, Pyramids, military forts! But, you live some... (read in full...)

He's a millionaire but won't give me money for a deposit, how can I make him regret this?

Q.   I am a 25 year old female who has been involved with a married man for 3 years. We have an okay relationship, I dont ask him for much or expect much from him at. I respect his private life, and know where not to cross the line. He is a millionaire, ...

A.   23 May 2008: I apologize for my salty language...I am sincerely perturbed by this post. I hope I didn't offend anyone, including the original poster. I just wish that Madison83 would respect the dynamics of life. Nothing comes for free and revenge is never ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: Wow, the other side has spoken....You were right Diovan, it's a totally different pic when you hear both sides! They need counseling or something along those lines so that they can really HEAR what the other's saying. Thank You for posting ... (read in full...)

He's a millionaire but won't give me money for a deposit, how can I make him regret this?

Q.   I am a 25 year old female who has been involved with a married man for 3 years. We have an okay relationship, I dont ask him for much or expect much from him at. I respect his private life, and know where not to cross the line. He is a millionaire, ...

A.   23 May 2008: OK, I read this again for pure entertainment.... "I dont ask him for much or expect much from him at. I respect his private life, and know where not to cross the line. He is a millionaire, money was never the isssue with us. I dont ask or expect m... (read in full...)

Can a 21 year old virgin could still have an hymen even though she masturbates ?

Q.   Hi, I was wondering if a 21 year old virgin could still have an hymen even though she masturbates ? I noticed that there was a membrane cut in half covering the entrance of my vagina, I don't see a hole...could it be an hymen ? and can a guy kn...

A.   23 May 2008: If you haven't had intercourse-you're hymen is more than likely intact. Masturbation is a very vague word. Have you inserted anything into your vag? If so, your hymen may be perforated or semi-perforated. Who cares? It's your body. Short of being ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: Right! Hopefully they can resolve it in the bedroom... I know that I personally connect with my man in a tantric way when we make love. It doesn't matter what he said or I said, it's all about the loving energy that we share. I honestly feel that ... (read in full...)

I am somewhat confused because if there is a problem living together she might not want marriage or long term commitment?

Q.   I have dated my girlfriend feor 11 years. I am 46 and she is 57. She has 3 adult children. Her 31 year old Daug currently lives with her with a 5 year old. She relocated from New York to Atlanta to help her Daug. I followed one year later and moved ...

A.   23 May 2008: You seem more disturbed that she told you her desires to move out before you could tell her...Her children probably aren't the problem...I think that she's sending you mixed messages and she has a very confusing life- she doesn't know what she ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: YUP, You're right, it's silliness, but still kind of scary! My point was that she shouldn't apologize for something stupid like moving flip flops...I didn't see the bigger picture. They wouldn't be having this convo if things were cool to begin ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: Yes, IMS, it's funny I know! I thought it was a joke at first, but when I saw all of the studies and the serious effort put into them I let it become my 'excuse' for his bad behavior! Don't knock it dammit! Let me think my man has a hormonal ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: DiovanLestat? I agree with most of your post, but what should she apologize for? I've said "I'm sorry" so many times just to keep the peace and I'm telling you, most of the time I cringe when I say it. WHY? Why do we have to be the peacemakers? ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: It's weird, Lotusmamma has a point...when I was all jacked up about my man being moody to me, I did some research and found that men also have hormonal cycles and swings... It's not as prolific as us females, but it is a condition that has gained a ... (read in full...)

He's a millionaire but won't give me money for a deposit, how can I make him regret this?

Q.   I am a 25 year old female who has been involved with a married man for 3 years. We have an okay relationship, I dont ask him for much or expect much from him at. I respect his private life, and know where not to cross the line. He is a millionaire, ...

A.   23 May 2008: Wow, a piece of ass on the side has the nerve to think she's entitled to his assets!? HA! That's why you're the piece! Why try to get even? You're the one who put yourself in that position. I am laughing because what kind of fucked up individual ... (read in full...)

She is amazing but her past puts me off...

Q.   Im in a relationship with someone. I love her. She is amazing. She is, ultimately, what I have ever desired about in a woman. Except, I fear she is a slut... Slept with about 20 people, one a couple weeks before me... A couple months before that ...

A.   23 May 2008: Grrrrr! Love your stuff DiovanLestat! (looksie, I got your name right finally!) Make this boy come to reality dammit!... (read in full...)

I'm finding it extremely hard fullfilling his pissing fetishes!!

Q.   I told my b/f I'd do every single one of his fantasies at least once, but it's hard. He has a urine fetish, and I'm finding it really hard to go through with! He wanted me to drink it, to pee myself, to let him pee inside me...basically lots of stuf...

A.   23 May 2008: Serioulsy?! He shouldn't feel rejected...Like I said before, you agreed to perform all his fantasies with the expectation that he wouldn't want you to do something you're uncomfy with. It's human nature, we ALL do it. Tell him that. Please, I am ... (read in full...)

My new husband says I'm mental, am I ?

Q.   Hi, I am recently married and I need some advice as to how to stor the rows that are happening in it. It's not so much the rows but the escallation of them. For example today my husband asked my opinion on a carton of milk that had been left in his ...

A.   23 May 2008: I am from the US and don't really know what a "row" is, but from what you've said, I've assumed it's an argument. I don't know you, but if what you've put on here is true (It more than likely is-you wouldn't have come to this site to blast ... (read in full...)

She is amazing but her past puts me off...

Q.   Im in a relationship with someone. I love her. She is amazing. She is, ultimately, what I have ever desired about in a woman. Except, I fear she is a slut... Slept with about 20 people, one a couple weeks before me... A couple months before that ...

A.   23 May 2008: YES! I love Oldfool's advice! Dude, I'm soooo hoping you read this and haven't thrown away something that you'll most likely be pining for later in life! ... (read in full...)

I'm finding it extremely hard fullfilling his pissing fetishes!!

Q.   I told my b/f I'd do every single one of his fantasies at least once, but it's hard. He has a urine fetish, and I'm finding it really hard to go through with! He wanted me to drink it, to pee myself, to let him pee inside me...basically lots of stuf...

A.   22 May 2008: You set yourself up for that one! Geez. Nothing against fetishes, I'm very openminded and I know that we all have out freaky little secrets...But, if you're not comfortable now that you know what he wants- you have to let him know it. Even though ... (read in full...)

She is amazing but her past puts me off...

Q.   Im in a relationship with someone. I love her. She is amazing. She is, ultimately, what I have ever desired about in a woman. Except, I fear she is a slut... Slept with about 20 people, one a couple weeks before me... A couple months before that ...

A.   22 May 2008: You know, I read this a couple of times and really had to think hard about what I wanted to answer...At first I got kind of angry, you know? I mean you talk about "pounding her in the ass" as hard as you want and that she's so "amazing" and a freak ... (read in full...)

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babymamma626 agony auntbabymamma626
Danielepew agony auntDanielepew
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PeterPan agony auntPeterPan
RachakaRoni agony auntRachakaRoni
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