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*usty Dave

United Kingdom  (Male   XML/RSS

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If we're friends why does he call/text every day?

Q.   hi i have problem with someone.I am a girl and i have met with someone who is working in the same place with me and he wanted my cell and after that we started to talk almost everyday and everyday we text it happens for 3 weeks.he always says me u ...

A.   21 January 2009: Right,i have dished out good advice on here, you need to change the game, he needs to see you in a different light, do your hair, slap the make up on look sexy, believe me im a man, and that gets my pulse racing, you need to get the target to look ... (read in full...)

If we're friends why does he call/text every day?

Q.   hi i have problem with someone.I am a girl and i have met with someone who is working in the same place with me and he wanted my cell and after that we started to talk almost everyday and everyday we text it happens for 3 weeks.he always says me u ...

A.   19 January 2009: Stop texting him now, no more texts, it makes you look desparate, do you know where he hangs out, doll yourself up and go there, don't look at him, make him come to you, wear something that makes you stand out from the others, if he comes on to you, ... (read in full...)

Fighting a lot... Honestly I rather sleep on the lumpy couch than be in the same bed as her.

Q.   Me and my wife have been fighting a lot lately. We normally fight about my work hours. She says I'm not spreading enough with her. I usually get up at 5:00am and won't get home until 8:00pm (I actually get off at 5:00 but I like to work over time) ...

A.   17 January 2009: Look, you need to cut down on you're hours first, then tackle the other issues, i have given up the drink, i feel alot better and i am very tuned in to this sought of thing, patch things up with you're wife, talk about you're problems openly, you ... (read in full...)

If we're friends why does he call/text every day?

Q.   hi i have problem with someone.I am a girl and i have met with someone who is working in the same place with me and he wanted my cell and after that we started to talk almost everyday and everyday we text it happens for 3 weeks.he always says me u ...

A.   17 January 2009: Listen to what i say, if you want this boy you will have to do something to catch his eye, can you dress in a stunning way to knock him off his feet, if he approaches you, tell him you are not interested anymore, you have your sights set on someone ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   17 January 2009: This has been a uphill struggle, my friend has taken her husband back because he begged her, she told me the situation, which i found hard to swallow, but i used reverse pysycology and told her i wish you both all the best, she then text me and i ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   23 December 2008:  Liewe I met my friend again, for our lottery party, but things did not go well, i need your help, she was very frosty towards me, i detected there was something wrong, i think its her ex putting pressure on her, trying to manipulate her feel... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   20 December 2008: Update i seen my friend today, and she was frosty, i detected this before i even went to the shop to see her, i think her ex husband is trying to manipulate her, i broke through the frost, and she was back to her old self, i brought food for her ... (read in full...)

I'm unlucky in life all the time.

Q.   life for is very depressing i live in town in ireland where there is nothing but houses and small few shopni gym and no nightlife and no where to go.very very few sports clubs..i hate the town i dying to leaave it but i can,t.i am 29 yaers old and ...

A.   19 December 2008: Hi It sounds like you are low on esteem, you must get a sheet of paper and write down your plus and minus points in the columns, address the minus points first if its weight problems, image problems or any other issue now is the time to make New ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   19 December 2008:  Liewe I am starting to get negative a little, my gut feeling is mixed, because i am getting different emotions, i am playing with a straight bat, but i think there are things going on behind the scenes with her ex, he is manipulative, he made a po... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   18 December 2008:  Liewe, Thankyou for your lovely replies At this moment i am terrified someone will snap her up and sweep her off her feet, why have things not happened yet, do you think she is trying to adjust to the situation, i am giving signals,but she coul... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   16 December 2008: I seen her again this morning She made me a cup of coffee, and she said she had a wonderful time on sunday, i know i kissed her a few times in the pub, because i could not hold back,i hope it does not blow up in my face, but the signs are good, she ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   15 December 2008: A further update She came out after Lunch to the local pub, she was meeting some girlfriends as well, but i had a hour with her before the girls arrived, she looked ravishing, and i could feel things were right, i was sitting with all the girls and ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   14 December 2008: This is surreal My friend has phoned me and she has made me a sunday dinner, she as also given me a radio for my friend, i have to go to her home today, i have betterflies in my stomach,but this is progress, i am a bit in and out with it at the ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   13 December 2008: I am unsure of my position at the moment, i know i am falling deeply in love with her, we have been friends for 17 years, but i am now looking at her in a different light, the old saying it was under your nose comes to mind. She made me a nice cup... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   10 December 2008: Still hanging on in there, recieved a nice xmas card with Luv to David and a kiss, also a rugby joke on the card as well. I am hopefull things will develop, she has confided in me again about issues around her ex, and she really knows its ov... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   7 December 2008: (Further to my last message) I have seen my friend, my phone is not accepting messages due to a fault, the lady text me 5 times since i put the first message up on this board,i thought she did not text me, i had that wrong, i have seen her and she ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   3 December 2008: I have kept away from my lady friend for 2 days, i have been told, she is off sick from work, this is her 3rd day off, as i suspected here husband is back on the scene. Can anyone tell me will it last, my experience was dreadfull when i had my e... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   30 November 2008: Some real good responses I am afraid of the knock back if it happens, call me chicken, but my feelings could not take it, i would slump into a deep depression, and i would possibly ruin a good friendship. I know you women think different to us ... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   30 November 2008:  Liewe Heksie Thanks for you're reply Why am i not having signals from her, she is bubbly and quite forward, she has my phone number, i text her Saturday without reply, which makes me think her husband is back on the scene, because she always r... (read in full...)

I love my friend of 17 years

Q.   Hi Everyone i have been friendly with this lady for years, we go out for the rugby matches. But recently she has split with here husband, due to his drinking and Gambling, and the divorce proceedings are near the end, but i have fallen for here b...

A.   30 November 2008: Thanks for replying If her husband is back to the fold, it will be difficult for me to express how i feel about her,she has confided in me over the relationship, but i am not sure what signals she is giving as she is in a state of confusio... (read in full...)

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