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I cant get the nude images of my boyfriend's ex out out of my head.

Q.   I have never been with other peole before but my boyfriend has been in a few relationsihps. His last relationship was pretty serious and lasted roughly four years, out of which two years were long distance because ex moved to a different country for ...

A.   8 September 2016: Hi there, that must have been really horrible for you to see that-I'm sorry that happened. But you must trust your boyfriend that he wasn't keeping them or still looking at them. It sounds like a genuinely forgot about them. You really do have t... (read in full...)

I don't feel comfortable with who I am. How do I turn my life around and find contentment and satisfaction ?

Q.   So just a week ago I turned 33 years old. By now, a lot of people would know about my previous posts in regards to dysfunction in my marriage. But I want to change focus to think about my own personal development. Perhaps I am being too hard on ...

A.   8 September 2016: Mindfulness. Helps a bundle. Have a google or there are some cool apps out there nowadays. Adds a little gratitude for what you have got, and how to cope with "boredom" xx... (read in full...)

I'm feeling insecure. Almost three years datiing and we know each other very well. Have we hit the comfort zone?

Q.   I'm scared. This is my first long relationship and I don't know if we've hit a comfort zone or if we're falling apart. We've been together 2 years and 10 months. He says I love you but not all the time like he used to (every day). It feels l...

A.   17 May 2015: Hey there, Ive been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, and in all fairness I sometimes have the same thing- I feel like he doesn't say im beautiful anymore and he doesn't say that he loves me as many times as he did. Weird trick I've learn... (read in full...)

Is it me? What should I do?

Q.   So, I'm a 20 year old gay guy and I'm feeling a little lonely and vulnerable right now. I'm already in my 20's and I've never even kissed another man yet alone have one as a boyfriend. And I really wanna know why that is. I mean, I know the fact ...

A.   19 December 2014: Hello there, to me it sounds like your pretty under confident in yourself, and as soon as you address that, get your head up and get stuck in then I think your problem will start solving itself thinking that guys aren't interested in you beca... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has slept with 15 of his friends- feeling insecure now,

Q.   Hi there, Just looking for a bit of relationship advise Been with my boyfriend for a year now. I'm 21, he's the first guy I've slept with as I wanted to wait until I was comfortable enough with a guy. He however, has slept with 15 girls,...

A.   19 December 2014: To "chigirl" and "when guys attack" thank you very much for your help, I am fully open to the idea that it's something off in my head-and I think chigirl you've got it right on! Can either of you suggest any ways of getting over this fear? I do w... (read in full...)

My boyfriend hides couples photos of us on facebook but the ones with his ex girlfriend are there for all to see!

Q.   Hi there, nothing major. just a quick question. My boyfriend keeps hiding photos of us together from his facebook timeline thing. This is going to sound very petty, but I'm just a bit worried that he's embarrassed about me or somethin...

A.   29 June 2014: Thanks everyone, you were all very helpful! I gave him a light hearted call, and did ask whether he was embarrassed about me at all as a girlfriend but in a chatty way. He said he had put the timeline review of photos of us up because of his n... (read in full...)

Met a girl I like but am a virgin and want to tell her but don't want to seem pathetic or clueless.

Q.   For various reasons (a mix of bad luck, bad timing and my own commitment issues) I've never have had a girlfriend. Sure I've been on dates but it's never gone anywhere because either I'm not interested or I struggle to pursue something I am ...

A.   22 April 2014: hi there :) I had similar experience with my current boyfriend. I didn't want to have sex with just any person, but someone I cared about, and I'm very glad I waited. As for the telling her that you're a virgin- I went for the right before we w... (read in full...)

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