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What is a best friend and what is expected of them?

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 September 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 7 October 2007)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

What is a best friend?

What is expected of them?

Whats the median between best friends love and passionate love ?

How can i befriend someone that I'm in love with when they don't feel the same?

How to tell your friend that they are taking advantage of you and its time to stop?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 October 2007):

a friend is someone who comes in when the rest of the world had gone out!

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A female reader, i might be a girl but i can help United Kingdom +, writes (24 September 2007):

i might be a girl but i can help agony auntbest friends are the ones you trust with anything, being girl or boy. you hang out with them you love them to bits (as friends). love is based on trust but there are over things to it.

As for being with friends with the person you love but doesn't you, but you feel she is giving you signs she likes you then moves away again. You are just going to have to tell her how you feel, if she is a true friend she will tell you she is sorry and than move on to just being friends.

If you want to remain close to her you are just going to have to put your feelings a side a get on with it i know im being harsh i know whats its like you think they like you, but then they do something different and then you are confussed. just be friends you will find someone new who derserves you.

good luck hunny xxxx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 September 2007):

A best friend is someone who you trust and they trust you just as much. You don't expect anything of them, only that they are there to listen and give advise when you need them to.

Best friend love is unconditional and a line is drawn where relationships are concerned that is not to be crossed. passionate love relies on trust, compassion, loyalty and many other things.

why would you need to befriend someone that you are in love with? Im not sure if you have used the word befriend in the wrong context, it is usually ment when you make friends with someone when you have other intentions.

Its easy for friends to take advantage of each other, especially where feelings are concerned. If you have a friend that you are particuarly fond of and they know, they often use this to their advantage. only you will get hurt in the long run. You must stop this at once by telling them how you feel and that it is not fair on you. Dont be used.

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