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Very confused about my feelings and my online boyfriend

Tagged as: Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 November 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 21 November 2010)
A female United States age 36-40, *n?caligal writes:

I'm scared, I don't want to leave my country (mexico) right now, I wanna stay here, but I don't see a chance for me to make my dreams come true here that makes me sad, scared and frustrated. I've been thinking a lot in my "online bf" and right now just the fact I still don't know him know him, I've been losing trust and interest. This guys sometimes means the world to me and sometimes even nothing. I feel a total meltdown coming very hard and just the fact of feeling it coming scares the sh!t out of me. H e has everything I have been waiting and searching for my entire life... He wants kids, a family, dogs, a wife that wants babies and I'm a girl that wants a baby been wanting one since I had a misbirth when I was 17. He wants me to finish school first but school is getting on the way of everything right now and I just don't know what to do anymore!

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A female reader, in?caligal United States +, writes (21 November 2010):

in?caligal is verified as being by the original poster of the question

in?caligal agony auntI just want to be with him that's all and I know I'm being stupid about all this but he has been nice to me and he makes my heart beat slow and fast at the same time and all of this is BS! I've never felt like this b4 I'm so confused

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A male reader, Racna1305 United States +, writes (21 November 2010):

Racna1305 agony auntlol and in no way am I accusing you of such. Just throwing it out there, I would hate for you to be stuck with a baby by someone who mistreats you or isnt the guy for you. You have alot of time for that, see how this visit goes and see where it goes but take things slow.

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A female reader, in?caligal United States +, writes (21 November 2010):

in?caligal is verified as being by the original poster of the question

in?caligal agony auntHe said he's gonna visit first by april next yr well duh! I want a baby that is one of my biggest dreams. I want a bby to take care of him to look after him to take care of him, etc. not just to make up my miscarriage.

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A male reader, Racna1305 United States +, writes (21 November 2010):

Racna1305 agony auntlets see....dont rush for kids please. As wonderful as they may be they can shatter a goal or dream. Take care of everything else first before the kids come into play because your all will be put into raising them. Now as for confused feeling, that's normal. Lol you are talking about leaving your country to be with someone you met online. MAJOR step, MAJOR change....who wouldn't be nervous? Take things slow, how about visiting him first. Do that for a little then after a while start doing longer visits where you stay for a week. Then slowly move into the transition of moving to another country and leaving it all behind. The last thing you wanna do is move out and have a kid with someone then find out they arent the guy for you. Make sure you want a kid for the right reasons, not to make up for your miscarriage...thats foolish and a big mistake

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