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Their tickling really gets me down, how do I get them to stop?

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Question - (22 September 2006) 4 Answers - (Newest, 23 September 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

My sister started dating in march and im really on edge about the way they behave when im alone with them,i live at her place at the moment.he was very touchy feely from the beginning,when she popped out anywhere hed use any excuse to tickle my sides or first it was little playful tickles but it got more prolonged each time until one weekend he sat on my legs and tickled me on the soles of my feet and underneath my toes so much i was crying from laughing so much and panicking because he wouldnt stop.she could see i was flustered when she came in but just laughed when i said what hed the pair of them do it sometimes when theyre tipsy and it freaks me out because im sure hes a bit kinky about it and,apart from how ticklish it feels,its weird when she is tickling me to.ive told them i cant handle to much but they just laugh and sit on me.any idea how to get them to listen to me and stop ganging up on me?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 September 2006):

I've been in a similar situation,it does sound as if he's got a fetish for ticklish feet.the trouble is when he or your sister are tickling away at your soles you can't help but laugh your head off,then they don't take your protests need to try talking to her again,even if you can get them to do it to a lesser degree it's a start.i had an ex who constantly tickled mine,it became more and more prolonged as time went by and in the end they even enlisted their friends help to keep me held down because i'd nip,bite and scratch them i was so desperate to get need to be firm now,if it continues escalating you'll find the longer they do it for the more ticklish the soles of your feet will become,that will make him want to do it even more,it's a vicious circle.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 September 2006):

Thanks for the replies.we had a chat this morning like you suggested toria,she basically said i was overreacting and she wasn't going to get on to him about something as trivial as be honest shes as bad as him now when he starts so i wasnt expecting much help off her anyway.i cant afford to move out so i suppose ill just have to grit my teeth and put up with it for now.thanks for trying anyway.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 September 2006):

you have told them you are not comfortable with the situation, my suggeestion is not to be around when he comes around, either go to your room or go out. maybe its time to get your own place or try and hook up with a couple of mates and get a place together,then you and your sioster caan see each other more freely. life is too short take control, if you keep complaining you will be labelled as a moan

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A female reader, Toria +, writes (22 September 2006):

Toria agony auntYou are going to have to be straight with your sister and tell her it doesn't feel right to have him tickling you and you don't like it and want it to stop, as you don't want to keep feeling uncomfortable around him anymore and hopefully that should stop it if it doesn't you might have to either put up with it or think about another living arrangement.

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