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If we don't get married, do you think it will ruin the relationship?

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Question - (23 April 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 23 April 2009)
A female United States age , *unnieyes writes:

First I want to give you a little background to help with your opinion.

I'm 23 years older then my bj, he chased me for almost a year til I gave in. We don't plan on ever getting married or meet others family. Other then that

it's norman (what ever normal is) We have been seeing each other for 1.5 yrs now. We have a wonderful relationship in ALL areas. The couple of week ago he brought up the idea of having a threesome, I was open to talking about it and have to admit was turned on and at the same time some. He called me this afternoon to tell me someone he had dinner with a few years ago that lives out of town call him and will be

in town this week end and that she would be part of the T.S...................A stranger is one thing

but someone he went out with, even if it was one time.

I've decided to say not on this one but what about others................if we don't want to get married do you still think it would ruin the relationship?

Look forward to hearing for you.............


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 April 2009):

he made plans with her before he made them with you for this threesome- that i can promise you. trust me, he needs o get more serious about this relationship and so do you before he starts fessing up about the other shtuffs- as well as respecting you.

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