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I feel like I don't belong.

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Question - (27 January 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 27 January 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I wnt to run away im always getting the blame and feel like i dont belong where can i go and who can i talk im only 13 help me x

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (27 January 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntRunning away will not solve your problems. It will add more problems and you will put your life at risk. Where are you going to stay ?Where will you find the money to pay for food and necessities?

Even though you think your home is a bad place, the outside world is even worse. There are bad people out there and they will do bad things to little girls like you.

Maybe you could talk to your dad or mum about how you feel.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 January 2008):

If other sources of advice dont help, you can consider having a quick chat with the Samaritans (08457 90 90 90). They are very good at listening. There's no harm in trying. :)

Hope things get better.

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A female reader, dazzleberry United Kingdom +, writes (27 January 2008):

dazzleberry agony auntHi there, i hope i can be of some help to you. Have you spoke to any of your firends about how you are feeling because i'm sure they feel exactly the sme way, i remember 13 and it was a terrable time so please don't think of yourself as being alone. But i do remember growing out of it and getting the closeness i once had with my family back. Running away is definatly not the answer though, for one it is extreamly dangerous, i don't like being out alone in the dark and i'm 26. If you have a relative you are close to or who you were once close to, go to them and talk, also try to keep to any rules set for you by parents or guardians this is a sucessfully tried and tested method. If all else fails you have us here at dear cupid. don't ever feel alone. I wish you all the best. Shine on, Dazzle x

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 January 2008):

It's hard being teenager today, I know it is. When I was 11 me and my parents moved house. I had left all my friends and was going from primary to secondary school so it was hard for me. I was bullied by a guy in my year from Yr8 onwards because I eventually wouldn't give him money to be my friend, and I was also picked on by people at the top end of high school.

High school is a clique zone sadly, but they are in cliques because they are scared and feel they have to be in a group to feel belonged. You should talk to your parents, if not go to a teacher you like (I'm not sure if your school would have counsellors as mine didn't).

Oh and btw when I was 13 I always felt I got all the blame.

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A male reader, rcn United States +, writes (27 January 2008):

rcn agony auntIt's not fun feeling like you're always being blamed. I don't really know too many children who are 13 who feel as if they belong all the time. It's hard growing up. I'm sure being a teen today is very difficult. I know I wouldn't want to repeat my teens again.

You can speak with a school counselor, a teacher you may trust who can lead you in the right direction to people you can talk to in the area you live.

Good luck

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