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Girlfriend interested in someone else?

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 September 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 September 2010)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I'm in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend we met online and in the beginning our love grew quite a bit but lately she's been getting distanced and pushing herself away from me. How can you tell if she's interested in someone else and what would be the best way to approach this situation?

View related questions: long distance, met online

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A male reader, jimrich United States +, writes (19 September 2010):

Approach the situation by improving your own low/needy self worth.

google: self worth

When you have good, healthy self esteem you won't be falling for someone like that or be so NEEDY and desperate.

I'd add that your 'love' was not love at all!

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