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Does she have the same feelings?

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Question - (24 August 2010) 7 Answers - (Newest, 24 August 2010)
A male United States age 36-40, *nternet_guy writes:

does she feel the same way i feel ?

this girl and me are staring at each other quite for a while,at first i was,not interested in her even after being attracted to her,i ignored her as she is much younger than me,but after few days she didn't show up for a week,and i missed her and i looked everywhere for her,but as she lives in same neighborhood,i saw her again unexpectedly and this time around,i showed my interest in her by staring back at her and hanging around the places she goes,and she responded too

thing is if i get close to her,she kinda get nervous and uncomfortable,like her expressions are completely shut ,so i am not able to talk to her fearing she wont talk to me and i cant get her to be alone as she keeps hanging with her friend to give her company

she doesn't sit near me,she maintains some distance like sits in a place where i can notice her and she can notice me

sometimes she shows up her interest in me so easily by hanging arnd the place i am ,and sometimes she ignores me but she stares back when i am not watching her

right now she is driving me crazy,and wanna see her daily,but i am controlling my emotions when she is around coz i don't want to be looking desperate

i am just confused and wanna put end to this mind games..does she have the same feeling?

View related questions: her ex, notice me

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A male reader, internet_guy United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

internet_guy is verified as being by the original poster of the question

DazedConfused & tennistar88,misspurple thanks for helping

i hope to talk to her soon,just hope she shows up tomorrow

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A female reader, DazedConfused United Kingdom +, writes (24 August 2010):

Next time she walks past stop her and say hi get talking and invite her for coffee. Easy!

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntAttraction, if she's taking the time to notice you then there's something there. In order to get past these games you're going to have to approach her, go up either say excuse me, or wait up..Hi my name is (insert name). I've noticed you and I've seen that you've noticed me, I was wondering if could call you sometime to get to know each other better. Get straight to the point you've already played around enough. Take her number, call/text to get comfortable with each other then ask her out on a date. Easy as 1, 2, 3!

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A male reader, internet_guy United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

internet_guy is verified as being by the original poster of the question

hey all thanks for replying,i saw her few days back walking down the road and not aware of my presence,i was staring at her and she turned her face to me like she sensed i was there looking at her and immediately straighten her clothes as they r wrinkled and messy and stared back at me again n walked away

is this crush or is this just being attracted ?

one last question if i approach her,whats the best way to ask for her phone number without feeling akward ?

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A female reader, misspurple United Kingdom +, writes (24 August 2010):

It does sound like she is interested but seeing as though you think she is too young for you she may think you are too old for her possibly?? If you are not sure if she will talk to you.. you could just say 'hello' and see if she responds to that. If she doesn't then keep trying everytime you see her. If she does respond in a positive way then say, 'Hello, I have noticed that we have been making alot of eye contact and i would like to get to know you'. Hope this helps,,

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (24 August 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntThere's a big possibility but she's waiting for you to make the first move. She's probably wondering the same of you, so put an end to the staring game and go over and there and start with "Hi" and see where it goes.

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A female reader, DazedConfused United Kingdom +, writes (24 August 2010):


Im in a similar situation but in reverse. And yes she likes you. But shes scared. The eye contact and the hanging around says it all. Basically the problem is,,, there is an attraction here and you both know it,,, and you both know the other person knows it. So shes scared, she shuts her feelings off when your close to her because she knows you know shes likes you and she doesnt want to seem desperate.

If you dont like someone, you dont hang around them, you dont stare at them. You dont want their attention.

From being in a position like hers I would suggest you tell her you like her. I know I would really like if my guy would just come out and say it because I know Im to scared to do it. You dont want it to be to late.

Just be sublte and gentle with her. Just ask her out for coffee. Its easy!

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