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Should I tell this girl about the spots on my penis?

Q.   hello every1 im 15 years old.n i was wondering if ya can give me an advise plezz its very ergent?? ok..see i have these spots on my penis there called Fordyce spots. i had these sinces i was 11. at 1st i was like wut ever u now. but then n the p...

A.   12 June 2009: Hello, my advice to you is that you should do what your heart tells you too. Your heart is telling you that you love her and that she loves you and if she truly does than she won't mind. You don't need to tell her but maybe if she asks just say oh ... (read in full...)

Posing for naked pictures

Q.   I would really like to send my boyfriend naked pictures of me but I don't know how I should pose. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it.....

A.   11 June 2009: Thanks guysss. This was all really helpful=) I can't wait to get starteddd... (read in full...)

Posing for naked pictures

Q.   I would really like to send my boyfriend naked pictures of me but I don't know how I should pose. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it.....

A.   11 June 2009: Well this wouldn't be the first time I sent him some. We've been together for years and we broke up once because of something I did and he even told me he'd never do something stupid like that. I really trust him and we're getting engaged haha I ... (read in full...)

Scared to go too far into relationships

Q.   ok so i was raped wen i was 6 and now i keep jumping from guy to guy before we do anything at all ive not even done oral now ive got together with my mate n weve been going out for about a year now and he wants to take it further but i cant seem to ...

A.   11 June 2009: I think you should let this guy in on what has happened. you have been going out with him for a year so you know you can trust him and if you couldn't you wouldn't be with him. I think you need to confide in yourself and tell him what has happened ... (read in full...)

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