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*trightsGaga agony aunt


United Kingdom  (Female   XML/RSS

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right well i'm from the uk, arrogant people annoy me and so do very bitchy people which seems to be everyone in these modern times.

I want to know his feelings towards me...

Q.   My teacher is 43 and well don't know too much about his private life as i don't really tend to take notice, but since i've started his class which i've been in for a year and a month or something, there was sort of something there, its hard to ...

A.   11 September 2010: hey, sorry but i just can't see this guy being violent towards me and i think some of the things he says is a joke, but i can though see him as controlling ... (read in full...)

I want to know his feelings towards me...

Q.   My teacher is 43 and well don't know too much about his private life as i don't really tend to take notice, but since i've started his class which i've been in for a year and a month or something, there was sort of something there, its hard to ...

A.   11 September 2010: Thanks and yeah I agree I totally see the controlling side of him but I don't think I'll hear much from him since he has deciding he's going to ignore me and my friends and if I'm honest I'm in the middle of starting my gcses late thing I need Is ... (read in full...)

I want to know his feelings towards me...

Q.   My teacher is 43 and well don't know too much about his private life as i don't really tend to take notice, but since i've started his class which i've been in for a year and a month or something, there was sort of something there, its hard to ...

A.   10 September 2010: It's like I really don't understand him, it's difficult to say the least I really do get my self over him then all of a sudden find myself falling all over again it's like were a married couple and I just can't somehow get Hume out of my head at all ... (read in full...)

I want to know his feelings towards me...

Q.   My teacher is 43 and well don't know too much about his private life as i don't really tend to take notice, but since i've started his class which i've been in for a year and a month or something, there was sort of something there, its hard to ...

A.   10 September 2010: It's just when I mention his behaviour to him he's always just sayi I'm only joking don't take it to heart or he'll just ask as though he doesn't want to know me and it's like I've came to talk honestly with you which is something I find hard ... (read in full...)

Trying to look older

Q.   How to make myself look older? I'm 19 and I guess I look my age or less. I probably look 20 or 21 if I wear make up or maybe even my age some people say. However, I would like to look older maybe 23 or something. My boyfriend is 34 and its weird...

A.   9 September 2010: hey again, if i'm honest it doesn't matter how many kids he's had. All that matters is you love each other, as long as you accept each other and don't feel you can't kiss him in public do it if you want to its got nothing to do with anyone and i'd ... (read in full...)

Should I apologise to her again personally?

Q.   hi i had a fight with my girl in the office. our friends and other colleagues were also there. she shouted on me and i did the same thing. afterwards i realized that it was my fault. due to my guilt i apologize her by writing a note rather than ...

A.   9 September 2010: give her space to calm down, and go up calmly and just ask if you could speak to her, and apologize and be genuine about it all and after that just, leave it and go on as normal, if she continues to act funny ask to speak privitely and just calmly ... (read in full...)

Trying to look older

Q.   How to make myself look older? I'm 19 and I guess I look my age or less. I probably look 20 or 21 if I wear make up or maybe even my age some people say. However, I would like to look older maybe 23 or something. My boyfriend is 34 and its weird...

A.   8 September 2010: i'm nearly 16 and when i go out the only people i seem to attract is middle aged business men (not a bad thing) but i know what you mean when i talk to them not doing anything else people stare going hes way to old to buy her drinks she should be ... (read in full...)

I want more self confidence but just don't know where to start!

Q.   Hey everyone .. need you help =/ over th past few days ive been feeling like crap .. i have no confindence at all .... and i just feel really ugly =/ i just feel like crying =/ school has made it even worse .. im like madly inlove with one of my ma...

A.   8 September 2010: hey, i'm basically nearly 16 and well i'm in the same boat, to get self confidence try talking to boys or other girls observe confident girls see how they walk,talk act honestly it will give you a piece of mind, and i bet your not ugly it'll just be ... (read in full...)

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