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*uiet Guy

United States  (Male   XML/RSS

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*uiet Guy's Ratings

Is he trying to get me pregnant?

Q.   I'll try to make this short. Three years ago I was pregnant and had an abortion behind my boyfriends back. At the time I was 19 and scared and I was pressured into it and I do regret it very much. I KNEW when I did it that he loved children, ...

A.   2 June 2010: If you wont give him what he wants (a baby), trust me, he'll eventually find someone else that will.... (read in full...)

Wife says you want sex give me romance. What's a husband to do?

Q.   My wife and I have been married for a little over a year now. The first year is always the hardest they say, but my wife may have just made it harder. She says that we have never had romance in our relationship and that from now on if I want sex I ...

A.   3 May 2010: Thank you Vantage. Great advice.... (read in full...)

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