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Trapped in the 'friend zone'

Q.   Alright guys, basically there is a girl in my year at school i really like and we are quite close mates. Anyway, someone hacked her email account and sent loads off ppl an email sayin we were goin out when we weren't. She said to one guy, "i'm ...

A.   8 March 2010: Ahh the friendzone. I was stuck in that all the time when I was in school. Now I can get any girl I want into bed. In my experience the best thing you can do is make your intentions clear before you enter the friendzone. However seeing as your ... (read in full...)

Is he interested in MORE than friendship?

Q.   I know this question has been asked a million times, but I'm here to ask again. I am NOT a teenager, rather a 38 year old woman, trying to figure out if my best guy friend is interested in more than friendship. We text OFTEN, not daily, but often ...

A.   8 March 2010: I wish I could help you out, sadly I'm only 19 and waiting for an answer to my own question. I'll do the best I can anyway. In my experience simply telling someone how you feel tends to end awkwardly and in a negative way. If I were you I'd ask ... (read in full...)

Attention guys: What do you like girls to do?

Q.   Okay. So. I need advice about what exactly guys like girls to do. What's something really hot a girl's done in bed, on the phone, anything! Or you wish a girl would do? Anything! What's hot things to say, good places to touch, positions in bed,...

A.   8 March 2010: Lol this is an awesome question, can't believe no ones answered you yet! To start with ur boyfriends a lucky dude having you go out of ur way lime this to please him! I like a girl who will take charge and get a little rouph. If your giving him ... (read in full...)

How to get over a COLOSSAL breakup?

Q.   I really need advice on how to get over a COLOSSAL breakup. I am 21 years old, and I just broke up with my fiancee who I have been dating for 8 years. We started dating in high school, and our relationship all through high school and college was ...

A.   8 March 2010: First of all you haven't wasted 8 years of your life, in my opinion you've learnt alot of valuable life lessons about love and relationships. Secondly, of course you did the right thing dumping him!!!! A relationship is a 2 way street. You should ... (read in full...)

Could he be blowing what I'm doing out of proportion and should I stop?

Q.   I'm very upset with myself, I don't know if it's a big deal but I'm now upset. There was this guy that used to like me when I didn't like him, he called me boring and would try to be funny and say are you gay? I would ignore him but we go to school ...

A.   8 March 2010: If you like him why didn't you let him kiss you. You should stop buying him things and start letting him buy you things. It's more than likely that he was only being mean to you in an attempt to make you feel attracted to him. In other word... (read in full...)

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