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*rimson_Bliss's Ratings

My best friend calls me a "cradle robber" because I like a boy a year younger than me, but I need help to approach him.

Q.   ok so i really REALLY like this boy ALOT! im 14 almost 15 and hes 13 almost 14. but im in 10th grade and hes in 8th. it was hard enough for me to tell my bff that i had fallen for him. but she is totally against it! she even calls me a kerd ...

A.   25 July 2008: Hey feel for YOU execpt its vice versa for me I ASK HER OUT AND SHE SAID LETS GET 2 KNOW ECHOTHER FIRST A YEAR LATER WE DATED AND THAT LASTED 2 YEARS so my advice ASK HIM!! trust me he wants you more than u relize who cares wat ppl think i meen hes ... (read in full...)

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