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*NEROCKET_09 agony aunt


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*NEROCKET_09's Ratings

How do you french kiss? All tips welcome!

Q.   I'm scared i will have to pash my bf and i have never pashed a guy before.I dont know how and im worried it will be bad. how do u french kiss?HELP ME....

A.   26 April 2006: Well as a girl told me the way she likes to do it is kiss like you normally would and then tap your tounge on the other persons lip to let them know you wanna go farther and after that it's very simple gently work your tounge it don't force it in ... (read in full...)

Call for moderators to help out with DearCupid!

Q.   Hi everyone, This is another appeal for volunteers to be moderators. You get to approve and categorise questions and approve answers. If you could spare say ten minutes a few times a week, then this could be for you! Just add your name in thi...

A.   26 April 2006: I'd love to be a moderator ... (read in full...)

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