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Is it wrong to want a baby at such a young age?

Q.   is it bad to want a baby at such a young age? i feel myself really wanting to be a mum and i don't know why. i had a pregnancy scare a while ago and i was actually happy about it. me and my boyfriend are very happy together and i just reli want a ...

A.   13 November 2008: I wouldn't recommend having a baby so young. My advice to you is to go out, have fun and see the world. There's so much to see and do, in my opinion having a baby so young will just hold you back from doing those things and you may end up resenting ... (read in full...)

She says she doesn't want to be with me - so why all these texts?

Q.   Dear Cupid I broke up with my girlfreind about 6 weeks ago, because we had moved in a flat, and were both really home sick and not happy living together. We were both really distraught about it and a couple of days later, after we had both moved b...

A.   21 October 2008: Thanks for the advice and I definately agree that she doesn't know what she wants... but she is obbsessed, especially with the idea of being freinds and wont leave me alone. I tried to break it to her nicely that I think its best that we have som... (read in full...)

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