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*agachips's Ratings

Is 110 sexual partners too many?

Q.   I want some advice, mainly from the women out there. I would like to know what you all think is an acceptable number of sexual partners for a man in his late 20's to have been with. My boyfriend is fantastic but I can't seem to get past the fact ...

A.   6 July 2006: Be tough... you can get over it. You should probably evaluate your past and how many you have done, if any. Maybe you can talk about your number with him, instead of just talking about his number. Fight fire with fire, you have your history so ... (read in full...)

Should I call the BBQ guy?

Q.   I MET a bloke at a friend's barbecue. We really hit it off. It was quite awkward as I was there with another guy - but he's not a boyfriend as such, just a male friend. Once I explained the situation, everything seemed fine and we sh...

A.   6 July 2006: Sorry, But it sounds like things went pretty quickly for a reason. He probably has a girlfriend. Three weeks? But maybe he doesn't have one. Still.. I think you should wait becuase he said he would call you.. Im sorry, it is one of the worst th... (read in full...)

I adore someone who is not my wife

Q.   I have been married for over ten years. I have a loving relationship with my wife, but I know something is missing on my part. I have never adored my wife and don't know how or if I ever can feel this way towards her. We both brought pretty heavy ...

A.   6 July 2006: I try to resolve issues in relationships when there is no one at "arms-length" or a replacment to try to convince me otherwise to quit a relationship. If indeed there is a problem with your marriage, keep clear of anyone that is a potential. ... (read in full...)

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