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What if I gain weight and my bf isn't attracted to me?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 March 2012) 5 Answers - (Newest, 9 March 2012)
A female United States age 30-35, *onfused33 writes:

I am turning 21 soon and yes I am sexually active with my bf but we do use condoms every single time and I just had my period like a week ago so I know I'm not pregnant.

I just want to know why I'm soooo hungry all the time now. It's been like this for the past week or two and I'm afraid I'm gonna gain weight and my bf will leave me. I just started working out two days a week so i dont think that's a factor. I'm just worried because I'm so hungry but once I'm half way through my food I realize I'm full. I probably eat like 7-9 little meals a day. I'm 5'2 and weigh 123. Please help me.

View related questions: condom, period

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (9 March 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntWhat has changed in your life lately? Did you change medications? Has anything else changed? 7-9 little meals if they are made up of low fat, high protein low carb foods that are good for you should not be an issue if you only eat till full….

Also 5’2” and 123 is a good weight… if you think your boyfriend would leave you for gaining a few pounds then you have to talk to him about it… because if he’s that shallow then you have a bigger problem. I’m not talking about going from 123 to 250 but 123 to 135 or so should not be an issue for him.

I have to lose about 10 pounds right now… and my fiance grabs me and I think he’s not happy about the weight but the truth is just the opposite… he likes me with a bit of meat on my bones…. So talk to your boyfriend and see what his take on it is. To be honest while most men like to LOOK at uber skinny girls in clothes (think victoria’s secret models) they prefer to HUG a woman with a bit of padding.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (9 March 2012):

YouWish agony auntAre you taking different medicine now? Some medicine makes you more hungry. Also, you might be "trigger eating", meaning your body is conditioned to eat when you do certain things, similar to a smoker being triggered to have their first cigarette whenever they smell coffee.

Put yourself on a schedule to eat at certain times, rather than simply when you're feeling hungry. And, eat healthy! Drink some water first before you eat!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 March 2012):

You didn't mention how long you have been with your boyfriend, but if it's a fairly new relationship, that could be the reason: you are EXCITED, and for some, that opens up your appetite :)

It could be that because you're turning 21 soon, you have a lot on your mind. It's a milestone that makes many pause and take stock. So possible emotional eating?

As "Fish Dish" asked you, what are you eating? Make sure it's LOW GI food, which keeps you fuller for longer. Anything with a high GI content will keep making you hungry. Google "Low GI" food and you will get an idea.

It's also natural initially for couples to put on weight - less time for focused goals like exercise and healthy eating like when you were single, because you eat out more as you get to know each other. If this is not a factor, then ignore, but even on shows like "How I Met Your Mother" they had an episode about this ;-)

WOW, you should trust in your boyfriend's feelings for you, that it's not just about looks. That if you put on weight he will leave you? Cast that fear aside, it takes more than that before someone will summarily leave you. I'm sure if it ever became a problem, he would say something, or do something. Like suggest more exercise. It could be the 2 sessions a week would then need to be increased, as well as the type of exercise, and intensity. There is a lot you can do to avoid it if you find it becomes a problem and you really begin putting on weight. You can eat healthy (only allow 1 treat day a week; cut out cooldrinks and have more water, green tea or iced teas, drop junk food or have the burger, leave the fries, etc).

If the Low GI food doesn't make a difference, perhaps consult a Dietician who can guide you on the necessary nutrients required for your activity level, height, weight, age, etc. If that still does not work, then as "Trisha-1" recommended, see your GP to make sure it's not something like a hyperactive thyroid, etc. which at your age should not be a factor, but it can't hurt to do a full check-up.

Good Luck and hope you beat the hunger pangs!

xxxx E

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A female reader, fishdish United States +, writes (9 March 2012):

fishdish agony auntEating 7-9 little meals is not necessarily a bad thing, if the content of what you're eating is good for you. Are you eating meals of fruits, veggies, fish, eggs? Or is it junk food? I think part of the problem could be the lack of conscious eating. These days, we eat in front of the tv or eat to get full without allowing ourselves to feel the process of becoming full. When this happens you have to 'retrain' your brain to be connected/more aware of what's happening in your stomach. Take your time eating. Chew at least 10 chews per bite of food. savor and appreciate what is going in not just as a means to an end. Other factors for overeating are stress and lack of sleep, and emotional eating. If your bf loves you he will continue to support you regardless of your weight. 123 is not a bad weight for your height, so don't worry so much because that'll probably make the eating even more prominent. hope that helps.

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (9 March 2012):

Tisha-1 agony auntI can see why you might be worried, you don't feel the same and now you have this new symptom that you feel hungry all the time.

No need to worry, as you know you aren't pregnant, just have a quick check in with your doctor and a short exam and then you'll know if you have anything to worry about! A no-brainer! She can tell you what may be going on and give you great guidance based on your specific health needs.

Best wishes!

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