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Is this married man hinting for me to sleep with him?

Tagged as: Cheating, Flirting<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 September 2019) 10 Answers - (Newest, 30 September 2019)
A female United States age 41-50, *aliente writes:

Is it flirty for a married men to remove his ring while he is speaking to a woman? And to twist and toy with his ring, removing it from his finger? Once he even switched it to a finger on the opposite hand...all while talking to me.

How would I know if this behavior was intentional and conscious--or not?

View related questions: flirt, married man

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2019):

He got his wedding ring so obviously he got a wife or even kids of himself. What ever body language he is showing and the interpretation of it. Better get rid of such kind.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2019):

I have a habit of taking my engagement ring on and off and have done for years. It means nothing OP so don't get your hopes up.

It's a mild form of OCD - the constant need to fidget with rings/bracelets etc

Interested to know why you ask though - personally if you're eyeing him up I hope you fall on your ass and humiliate yourself!

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (30 September 2019):

CindyCares agony aunt FWIW, I read somewhere that in terms of body language, fiddling with a wedding band signals sexual attraction- it is an unintentional, subconscious thing. The ring feels suddenly tight.. because the marriage bond feels " tight " and the ring-wearer wishes ,subconsciously, he could be free to indulge his impulses.

Then again, .. maybe he is a just a fidgety person !. People who are nervous or shy or simply not too social always have a way to play with things ( their buttons, pens, glasses etc. ) as a sort of " prop " to help them defuse a vague anxiety brought on by human contact in general.

So, I would not read too much into this ring fiddling.

Also because , as the other posters say, the guy is married anyway ! Even supposing he was actually sending seductive signals- why should you get involved with a married guy ?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2019):

They say that body language tells us a lot about a person and there is a perception that if women fidget with their rings that either they are separated or going through a divorce .

However that is just a guide it doesn’t mean that is the case . Next time he’s twiddling his finger say ... ooh are you married ? Simple question gets simple answer .

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A female reader, Youcannotbeserious United Kingdom + , writes (30 September 2019):

Youcannotbeserious agony auntYou KNOW he is married. You KNOW he has a wife. Intrigued to know why you would even be give this a second thought?

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (30 September 2019):

Tisha-1 agony auntI’ve seen quite a few newly married men play with their rings in the way you described. Men don’t typically wear engagement rings so don’t have the chance to get used to wearing a ring before the wedding. There’s also the possibility that by fingering his ring, he is reminding himself that he is married.

You are in your 40s.

Is this man your supervisor, employee, or otherwise in a position of power over your career?

Do you have a crush on him and are looking for confirmation that he’s the cheating type?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2019):

It seems more like a nervous-habit. The ring might have an ill-fit.

I'm not married, but sometimes I wear nice rings. I might slip them off and on, if my hands get sweaty. Sometimes my ring feels a little loose. If it feels tight from natural swelling of his fingers, he might remove it. He shouldn't put it down, or he could lose or misplace it.

I think it's nothing, and you're reading too much into it.

It seems like a pretty stupid way of trying to signal somebody that you want to boink. You can't even tell why he's doing it. Obviously, it's an ineffective way to get his point across. Just ignore it!

Overreading and conjecture sometimes causes unnecessary trouble. If he is being suggestive, continue being oblivious to what he's trying to communicate. That is, if you're not hoping that's your signal?!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2019):

Yes he is. In a tacky, tacky way. Imagine being married to this piece of shit. He swore to his wife to be faithful as they were giving each other these rings and then when he sees a woman he wouldn't mind f@@@@ng, he takes the ring OFF and plainly puts it on a finger that means nothing. Like his marriage and his wife. Nice.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States + , writes (30 September 2019):

Honeypie agony auntWhy even ponder this? The guy is married!

I mean it's NOT exactly a subtle action to fiddle with your ring while flirting.

My guess he is testing your boundaries and person seeing how "easy" you are.

You that desperate for a roll in the hay?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (29 September 2019):

OP, you have seen the ring with your own eyes and you know that this man is married! Why do you care is this man has a nervous habit or if he is longing to not be married? Are you implying to us, that you would knowingly cheat with a married man, and screw over a loving trusting wife? I certainly pray that you are not tempted to do such a despicable thing!

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