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I'm pregnant and I'm a minor. My 20 yr old bf wants to help but my Mother wants to take this to court!

Tagged as: Pregnancy, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 October 2006) 6 Answers - (Newest, 29 October 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

im 16, pregnant by my 20 yr old boyfriend. hes assuming resposibility and wants to move in with me, but my mom's really protective and wants to take this to court because im still a minor? would me and my bf get in trouble?

by the way i live in california not the u.k.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 October 2006):

Think of all the option like adoption

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (29 October 2006):

DrPsych agony auntTechnically he can be prosecuted for statutory rape of a minor but the courts would be prepared to hear both sides of the story. You cannot stop your mother pursuing court action and I suppose most parents would be unhappy about the situation. However, you are pregnant and must make the best of it now - you should let your mother have some time to think things through and calm down; legal action maybe dropped once she has realised he is assuming some responsibility.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 October 2006):

Yes if your mother decides to press charges by all means he can be put in jail and also he can get a record as a sexual predator for the rest of his life. Seek counseling but if your mother decides to press charges there isnt muchg you can do. Definitely dont run away with him then he may get kidnapping as well

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A female reader, Toria +, writes (29 October 2006):

Toria agony auntAge of consent in California is 18 therefore your mum is right your under the legal age to be having sex and your boyfriend is over the legal age therefore making the situation worse.

You need to talk to your mum as this situation is only going to get messy for all involved, and your mum can have your boyfriend up for Statutory Rape.

Explain to your mum how much effort your boyfriend is putting into making sure he does right by you and the baby, explain to her that taking things in this direction is only going to stop your baby, her grandchild from having a dad in his or hers life, plus your pregnant and going all through the courts and the stress this could cause won't do you or the baby any good.

She may not want you to move out to live with your boyfriend and you should respect that especially as you are only 16 and to be honest I've had a baby and I don't know what I would have done without my mums constant support and at your age the option of living at home with your mum will be such a help for you once the baby is here.

Good luck :o)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 October 2006):

Well if you're over the legal age to have sex, then I dont think this will even make it to court. Otherwise, your boyfriend could be charged with statutory rape...

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A female reader, uonlyliveonce United Kingdom +, writes (28 October 2006):

uonlyliveonce agony aunti dont really know much about the law in california but as things go over hear then if you consented to the sex then theres not much that can be done. try talkng to your mum i know it will have been a shock for her but she needs to realise it takes 2 to make a baby and it wasnt just your bf's fault you both as responsible as eachother

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