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I can't get over this mystery breakup.

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Faded love, The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 January 2013) 6 Answers - (Newest, 14 January 2013)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hey guys, well, I'm trying to find the best advice on how to move on with my life or keep fighting for my true love.

My ex girlfriend and I went out for 6 months and we were a decent couple, we never had big problems or any huge fights while we were together. Everything was going well and I just didnt see this coming but one day, I went to pick her up from soccer tryouts for school (we went to different schools) and that was on a friday, so up to that day everything was fine, but then the following monday, she started acting weird towards me.

She wasnt acting like the girl I knew, her words were cold and dry, it was like she was talking to some random guy. The following days, nothing changed and she still kept acting weird towards me. I then went to pick her up from school on a wednesday, and I was mad because of the way she was acting. So I walked her home and on the way, I was mad and upset.

It was all very awkward, and that day, later in the night, I asked her what was wrong, and all she said was that she didn't know and that she just saw me more as a friend. This was quite a surprise for me.

Even though she told me that she didn't want us to pretend we were in love, I was honest and I told her I really love her and she also told me she loved me. I really don't know what happened, it all came down to three days and bamm, the relationship broke.

I tried fighting for her, I went to see her, I send her messages, calls, and all she said was that she needed time. I know her and I know something happened, but she doesn't want to tell me.

Even after three months of break up, I still can't get over her and according to one of my friends, she said she doesn't feel or ever felt something for me. Her parents don't love each other and they fight a lot. She's a good girl, and I think it's worth going through all this just to get her back, but the problem is that she always rejects me when I bring my feelings up and I just dont know how to make her see how I really feel for her.

View related questions: ex girlfriend, move on

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A male reader, Serpico United States +, writes (14 January 2013):

Read what mouse wrote below. Says it all.

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A male reader, anon_e_mouse United Kingdom +, writes (14 January 2013):

anon_e_mouse agony aunt"she just saw me more as a friend"

You're OUT. She's not interested. Stop wasting your time with this one and find another girl. A bit harsh I know. You need to get over it and move on buddy.

If a woman starts acting cold and dry somethings up. This means she's not interested and you'll be getting your marching orders shortly.

She acts cold and dry so you get angry/annoyed and end it. Saves her having to do it. Best just to not get mad and just leave her hanging.

Next time this happens, just don't call her again and move on - just disappear.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (14 January 2013):

So_Very_Confused agony auntHow you feel for her does not matter to her honey.

You need to accept that she's not as into you as you are into her...

and you need to move on...

and I agree with Code Warrior... she was not happy with her decision because while she does NOT love you, she obviously cares about not hurting you and breaking up with you hurts.

I get this. I cried so hard when I broke up with my first real boyfriend. We dated from age 15.5-18 and every one thought we would marry... I just had to get out and it killed me to hurt him so... but there was no way I could have stayed.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 January 2013):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

The main problem is that, when she broke up with me, I told her that I was going to respect her decision, and that I hoped this made her happy, but she said that SHE WASN'T HAPPY FOR HER DECISION, so I was just like, wait what? What did she mean by this, and like I said, her parents have many problems, but on that Monday that she started acting weird, her parents had this huge fight, and I didnt know about it till the day I went to pick her up, so I dont know.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 January 2013):

I think she was being honest. So don't take this wrong way, but leave it alone. Don't make her regret being honest. That's the problem with relationships and why one person either disappears or stops calling. They are afraid of the fallout. The breakup is not a mystery at all. She already told you how she felt. That's it. She didn't just fall of the face of the earth. She did the honorable thing. I'm sure she did not want to break your heart. And it really does suck. But sounds very clear to me. You deserve to be with someone who can reciprocate your feelings.

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A male reader, CMMP United States +, writes (13 January 2013):

"I just dont know how to make her see how I really feel for her."

She doesn't care how you feel. Your relationship is over. Period. Getting rejected is hard but you won't be able to move on until you accept that there is nothing you can do to win her back.

Rejection tends to make people's self esteem take a hit, but don't take it personally. Some people only like relationships until the spark is gone. Once it is they move on looking for the next spark. Who knows what her reasoning was, but you should assume it probably has more to do with her own shortcomings than yours.

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