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Upgraded husband!

This question has 5 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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20 November 2008: I received this story from a friend. I found it too funny not to share it with you! :) INSTALLING A HUSBAND Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system pe...

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My Own Life Experiences

Q.   I have been looking over my answers to posted questions and I think I offer pretty good advice. I do however see a pattern of getting into my own life experiences to make a point. I wondered maybe some might think I am self centered by doing so...

A.   11 January 2009: Hi Britt429 Your life experiences and your way of sharing them to help others is what makes you such a great aunt! Best of wishes for the New Year to you too! ... (read in full...)

All my friends have done it but me and now I've met a guy who wants to take my virginity, should I do it or not?

Q.   Hey i knw am under age n all... buh am just having second thoughts... all my friends have done it. there's this guy at skwel a little bit older than me and we only started talking on msn..( as friends) then he mentions tht he wants so bad.. 4...

A.   5 January 2009: No, you shouldn't do it. And I highly doubt that all your friends have done it, people do lie about those things. When you are ready to have sex for the first time you will know. If you feel this uncertain, it means you are not. Personal... (read in full...)

My Best Friend's parent hit her and I swore to secrecy - what can I do?

Q.   My best friends parents hit her, and I really need someone to talk to about it, but I swore to her not to tell anyone. She won't do anything about it, won't tell anyone or anything and it's driving me insane. I can't tell my mum because she'll want ...

A.   4 December 2008: I feel so much for you and your friend. It is such a shame she has to go through this, and indirectly you too. I have read through the others answers and I think they make a good point when saying that you should stick to trying to pursuade your ... (read in full...)

My partner changed his will leaving everything to his daughter. What shall I do?

Q.   my partner and i own equal shares in our home at 50% each...when i moved in i had put up a large sum of money into the property, approx 70k, which covered the extention works carried out. it took nine months to get my name on the deeds of the ...

A.   4 December 2008: Ah, well on that question i would say that you are right in thinking that she doesn't act very good towards you. I would have felt very upset too, to have her come rubbing it up my face like that! I'm sure she did it only to provoke you. I'm g... (read in full...)

Am I right to hope that this man really cares about me and that in the future our friendship will develop into something more?

Q.   Hello, I would like some advice please since it is years since I last dated (my relationship of 9 years ended at the beginning of this year). I have been friends with a colleague for 3 years - just friends - but my feelings for him have become r...

A.   4 December 2008: Hi, You sound very happy :). I'm glad you feel so good about this man and I wish you all the luck and happiness! Best wishes to you!... (read in full...)

Am I right to hope that this man really cares about me and that in the future our friendship will develop into something more?

Q.   Hello, I would like some advice please since it is years since I last dated (my relationship of 9 years ended at the beginning of this year). I have been friends with a colleague for 3 years - just friends - but my feelings for him have become r...

A.   3 December 2008: It sounds to me there are definitely something in between you, kissing on the lips are a very intimate thing to do. If you really like him and would like something more to happen, I would advice you do just as you suggest yourself, give it some more ... (read in full...)

My partner changed his will leaving everything to his daughter. What shall I do?

Q.   my partner and i own equal shares in our home at 50% each...when i moved in i had put up a large sum of money into the property, approx 70k, which covered the extention works carried out. it took nine months to get my name on the deeds of the ...

A.   3 December 2008: I'm sorry but I must ask; did your partner pass away or not? When reading your post it looks like he hasn't? If I got it right, then I don't really understand how his daughter can claim anything at all already now? You should be safe regardin... (read in full...)

My Best Friend's parent hit her and I swore to secrecy - what can I do?

Q.   My best friends parents hit her, and I really need someone to talk to about it, but I swore to her not to tell anyone. She won't do anything about it, won't tell anyone or anything and it's driving me insane. I can't tell my mum because she'll want ...

A.   3 December 2008: I'm sorry, this must be so very hard on you. I would still want to advice you to make a tough decision though, and tell someone adult. Your friend might feel betrayed, but in the long run she will be better off getting help with this. Being beaten ... (read in full...)

Am I putting myself at risk by doing these things on webcam?

Q.   am i putting myself at risk? I have fantasies about guys watching me masturbate, so much that find myself getting people i meet in chat rooms to watch me on webcam. I dont let people that i know watch me as this would be very imbarising at scho...

A.   3 December 2008: Apart from the risk you're running that people can actually find out exactly who you are and where you live, you also run a definite risk to have your pictures forever spread around the net, forwarded from one man to another, without any possibility ... (read in full...)

Should I pay attention to the guy I like, or the guy who likes me?

Q.   there is this guy i am in love with and there is another guy who i like and who is also interested in me i dont know whether i should carry on lovin that guy or whether i should pay attention to the guy which is interested in me?...

A.   1 December 2008: My advice would be that you should pay most attention to the guy YOU like the MOST. I believe it is better to choose than to be choosen. Especially if it means you became interested only because you were flattered by the fact the other guy like... (read in full...)

How do you break off a LDR?

Q.   How do you end a long distance relationship. We have been going out for over a year and she moved 3 month ago. She visits frequently (once a month), but do I end it now like over the internet or in person when she comes to visit. One is imperso...

A.   30 November 2008: I think you should say something to her already now instead of faking interest for a month. You can say you feel this is hard and that you're thinking about that it can't work out for you and that you and her will talk about it next time she comes ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend insults me but says he is joking. Would you take it as a joke?

Q.   My boyfriend calls me names like b__ch, sl_t, w___e, ugly, fat, smelly, tramp, etc. But he says that he is just joking and he doesnt mean it. Well I dont take it as a joke, and I take very seriously. Do you think that Im overreacting? Would you take ...

A.   30 November 2008: You are not overreacting. He is very immature and even if he himself would believe he is just making a joke, his sense of humour shows that he is not ready to have a healthy, loving relationship with any girl. Stand your point here, it is not a ... (read in full...)


Q.   I am 15 years old and have been dating my boyfriend for over 10 months. we haven't been having sex long but I think I'm pregnant even though we used a condom but it broke. I truly do love my boyfriend with all that I have and I really want to marry...

A.   29 November 2008: You really must see a doctor! If you try getting rid of it on your own you run a very high risk to never ever being able to have more children later in life. You also risk your own life. Many women have died when having had to get rid of fetus on ... (read in full...)

How Do I Convince Him????

Q.   Okay, here goes...I'm used to doing the answering, but I am feeling troubled right now, and there are so many wise Aunts out there, I've decided to reach out... I am in a LDR, very long 3,000 miles. We have visited each other and fallen in love. I...

A.   29 November 2008: Yes, you shouldn't give up on him! You are still in a negotiating position and there is a long way to go before you would maybe (hopefully not) need to take such a decision. His new position at work of course adds another twist to the problem ... (read in full...)

I want to stand up for him but I'm worried I might get bullied too.

Q.   My friends and other classmates pick on this (cute) new boy. He has trouble making friends and he is very shy so that makes him a easy target. Almost everyone in my grade say hes a loser. The girls once put a note with (she knows that he has a cr...

A.   29 November 2008: You have been very brave and you did the right thing. In the long run you will never regret having stood up to someone being treated badly. It is more likely you would in the long run regret if not having done this to help him. And you didn't do ... (read in full...)

How Do I Convince Him????

Q.   Okay, here goes...I'm used to doing the answering, but I am feeling troubled right now, and there are so many wise Aunts out there, I've decided to reach out... I am in a LDR, very long 3,000 miles. We have visited each other and fallen in love. I...

A.   29 November 2008: Hi, yes, this looks like a tough one. It seems like you can't live together unless one of you leaves the security behind and take the big risk. I understand it as you're both in the same country even though in very different parts? Is there an... (read in full...)

Told a few white lies in the beginning, feel guilty......

Q.   Everything is going well, and we are in love. Just have a quick question. I told some very minor white lies in the very beginning of it. Nothing harmful, just small things to "pump" myself up I guess to make her like me. Just kind of slightly ...

A.   29 November 2008: I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your before. I just couldn't believe anybody would leave a good relation over those things you'd said. If I after all made a mistake, then I'm truly and honestly apologizing. I'm glad to hear everything seeme... (read in full...)

Why is it so hard for parents to talk to their kids about sex??

Q.   why is it so hard for parents to talk to us teenagers about sex? i just dont know why to some parents its so hard for them to tell us what sex is. i think that me at age 13 i should have been known this stuff from my mom but why do they insisted in ...

A.   28 November 2008: Oh, I just read through my post and need to add that by aunt or uncle I meant in your family, not on here! :)... (read in full...)

Why is it so hard for parents to talk to their kids about sex??

Q.   why is it so hard for parents to talk to us teenagers about sex? i just dont know why to some parents its so hard for them to tell us what sex is. i think that me at age 13 i should have been known this stuff from my mom but why do they insisted in ...

A.   28 November 2008: I can't answer you on WHY some parents have such hard time talking to their kids about this subject but i understand your frustration. It would be wonderful if more parents understood that their children WILL grow up to be sexual individuals no ... (read in full...)

I've recently been feeling ill and I don't know what's causing it.

Q.   Hey, I know this is a relationship advice kinda site but was wondering if anyone could give me some help on this issue. I've recently been feeling really ill after I have eaten, usually stomach cramps, nausea etc and I dont know what's causi...

A.   28 November 2008: How long have you been feeling like this? I must give you the same advice as the good ones you've already had: Go to the doctor! Now! Hopefully it is just nothing to worry about and it will go away, but don't take that risk. Go see the doctor t... (read in full...)

How can I change from the "girl with an attitude" to being "the nice girl"?

Q.   I want to the sweet girl but, I'm know as the girl that has an attitude. I don't mean to be like that but it come out that way. What do you like i need to work on?...

A.   28 November 2008: Just by you asking this makes me think you already are a nice girl inside. Maybe your problem is that you react too fast and kind of get "bitchy"? If this is how it is (and I know very well how that could happen! ;-I) then I would practise... (read in full...)

Is kissing considered cheating?

Q.   Is kissing cheating? Just how bad is it to kiss (make out with) someone else when in a VERY serious relationship?...

A.   28 November 2008: It sounds like real, proper cheating to me. I'm sorry, you must feel very hurt from this. I know I would have. Did you talk to her about it? If not I still think you should. If she has done those things, then she doesn't respect your feelings... (read in full...)

Is kissing considered cheating?

Q.   Is kissing cheating? Just how bad is it to kiss (make out with) someone else when in a VERY serious relationship?...

A.   26 November 2008: I'm sorry! That sounds pretty bad and also sad. Did you talk to her? Does she know that you know? I can't tell you whether to leave her or not, it is your decision to make, but I do think you should talk to her about this if you haven't already. ... (read in full...)

Is kissing considered cheating?

Q.   Is kissing cheating? Just how bad is it to kiss (make out with) someone else when in a VERY serious relationship?...

A.   26 November 2008: Did you talk to your girlfriend about this? It is pretty bad to kiss someone else when in a serious relationship and I would say it is a form of cheating, but it doesn't necessarily mean you have to break up with her. (I got it as if it was her ... (read in full...)

Told a few white lies in the beginning, feel guilty......

Q.   Everything is going well, and we are in love. Just have a quick question. I told some very minor white lies in the very beginning of it. Nothing harmful, just small things to "pump" myself up I guess to make her like me. Just kind of slightly ...

A.   26 November 2008: I think you are wasting people's time with your made up questions. ... (read in full...)

Told a few white lies in the beginning, feel guilty......

Q.   Everything is going well, and we are in love. Just have a quick question. I told some very minor white lies in the very beginning of it. Nothing harmful, just small things to "pump" myself up I guess to make her like me. Just kind of slightly ...

A.   25 November 2008: Fade is right about no lies of course being totally innocent but I think you don't have to worry too much over this. I think you should be safe to tell her and it will give you some peace at mind. I wouldn't have liked the part about the weed and... (read in full...)

Told a few white lies in the beginning, feel guilty......

Q.   Everything is going well, and we are in love. Just have a quick question. I told some very minor white lies in the very beginning of it. Nothing harmful, just small things to "pump" myself up I guess to make her like me. Just kind of slightly ...

A.   25 November 2008: Does she still believe in those things you said? If it's minor, then maybe it wouldn't hurt telling her. If it is really not a big deal and you explain to her that you exaggerated only to impress her in the beginning she might find it somewhat cute ... (read in full...)

Can you still have sex and get access to her clitoris if her legs do not part very wide?

Q.   Can you still have sex and get access to her clitoris if her legs do not part very wide?...

A.   25 November 2008: ?? I'm sorry but I don't understand? Why wouldn't her legs part? Is she having a physical condition? If she does, you could maybe try reaching it from behind if she bends over? ... (read in full...)

Upgraded husband!

Q.   I received this story from a friend. I found it too funny not to share it with you! :) INSTALLING A HUSBAND Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system pe...

A.   25 November 2008: Thanks, troubledtoomuch with wife! :)... (read in full...)

I'm so skinny and I hate it! What can I do to gain some weight?

Q.   Im so skinny and i hate it. Im a 15 year old girl, 5ft4, and weigh about 6stones 9pounds. I hate being soooo skinny. I eat sooo much and im stil the skiny stik i alwayz have been. People can make such horible comments. 1)Erghhh, your arms a...

A.   25 November 2008: Hi, I always had the same problem as you. My metabolism has always been super high and I stayed a skinny stick although eating more than all friends and all my brothers even. I wish people could understand that it is just as hurtful and bad ... (read in full...)

Is it possible for a man to not like sex?

Q.   I'm confused. I started things a little late, but since I've reached 30, I've been with three women one time each. The first time, even though the girl I was with was attractive, I didn't feel turned on. I couldn't finish, and the whole ...

A.   24 November 2008: I think you just didn't meet the "right" women yet. Just hang on and don't think so much about it. The thoughts can in this case be your worse enemies! It will get better over time, I'm sure. Wish you luck!... (read in full...)

Be yourself, don't change for anyone

Q.   Hey, this is just my personal opinion. This isn't a question, just an opinion, and I would be happy to hear yours :D I believe, firmly, that you should not change who you are for anyone. I think that everyone is different and unique and diffe...

A.   23 November 2008: This is a very nice article, vamp-gal. And never let go of those thoughts as you grow older! :) xx... (read in full...)

We can't be anything but friends and we both have a hard time over this and keep going back and forth. What can we do to accept what can't be and still remain good friends?

Q.   i have been dating with this girl since 6 months. she loves me a lot and really cared about me. i was a special gem in her eyes and i am very lucky to get her.but to be frank, inspite we being committed, i didnt feel for her that way . i care for ...

A.   23 November 2008: To be honest I think you should probably leave her alone for some while. To cool things off and let her get used to the idea to not have you around as before. It might make you feel bad, but it is probably the kindest thing you can do to her right ... (read in full...)

Why is it so difficult to have a serious relationship with someone?

Q.   why its so difficult to have a (serious) relationship? everybody says i'm cute, good looking ... bla bla bla .... but i'm stil alone ... i'm friendly, openminded, funny, serious when needed .... what's wrong? ...

A.   23 November 2008: I don't think it is anything wrong with you! Just keep hanging out where there are other people and one day.... Don't give up!... (read in full...)

Upgraded husband!

Q.   I received this story from a friend. I found it too funny not to share it with you! :) INSTALLING A HUSBAND Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system pe...

A.   23 November 2008: Thanks, glad you liked it! That is how I feel sometimes: How does this thing work, huh?!?! ;-))... (read in full...)

When is too soon to be committed to someone after a divorce..

Q.   Ok I've been separated from my husband that I was with for 10 years and have 2 children with for 6 months. It was my choice and I have never felt better since. I've been over it, since the day he walked out the door. I have dated 2 rebound guys ...

A.   23 November 2008: If you feel ready for it as you say, then go for it rather than let "the book" tell you what's right or wrong. If you however feel this might not be such a good timing and you really do want to take it slow, tell him that. He might very well und... (read in full...)

Men have turned me into a Superbitch!! How can I stop being like this?

Q.   Ever since the boy I was in love with finished with me for someone else I have turned into some nasty, evil girl who's out to hurt other people at no expense.This has been going on for a few months and today Ive only JUST realised what Ive been ...

A.   23 November 2008: Good girl! Now forgive yourself for everything that has happened. Why would we be harsch to you? I don't think there are anyone out there who have never fallen into doing anything similar at some point in their lifes. It is human. But it is hurting ... (read in full...)

Have you eaten with a guy you liked but he's vegetarian?

Q.   Has anybody had a meal with a guy you really liked but he just happened to be a vegetarian? Which is completely fine with me, but I'm just not sure what to eat in front of him. I mean, do I just get whatever I feel like or should I avoid getting ...

A.   22 November 2008: I dated a vegetarian. He didn't mind me eating meat, but he told me no kisses before brushing teath. It was a joke, but as I understood it he didn't really mind me eating meat in the sense he wouldn't tell me what not to eat, but he was definitely ... (read in full...)

At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past?

Q.   At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past? I'm 20 yrs. old and this is really my first attempt at a serious relationship. I was a troubled teen. I used drugs and alcohol. I became sexually active at 14 and had literally dozens of ...

A.   21 November 2008: So you made up your mind. That's good. At least you won't have to worry about it anymore once you're done telling him. Don't worry too much, you are a good person and your past doesn't change that. I think he knows that. I wish you luck! Tell us ... (read in full...)

Men have turned me into a Superbitch!! How can I stop being like this?

Q.   Ever since the boy I was in love with finished with me for someone else I have turned into some nasty, evil girl who's out to hurt other people at no expense.This has been going on for a few months and today Ive only JUST realised what Ive been ...

A.   21 November 2008: I think that firstly you must stop thinking that he makes you behave in a certain way. You do have a choice on your own. I think many people can have those feelings you have but it becomes a problem when you really live it out. I know this is ... (read in full...)

At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past?

Q.   At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past? I'm 20 yrs. old and this is really my first attempt at a serious relationship. I was a troubled teen. I used drugs and alcohol. I became sexually active at 14 and had literally dozens of ...

A.   20 November 2008: p.s. and if you can, move from that awful place where people view you as a whore! Doesn't sound -decent- to me. I guess the "decent" guys who call you that didn't mind being with you back then?... (read in full...)

At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past?

Q.   At what point in a relationship do you reveal your past? I'm 20 yrs. old and this is really my first attempt at a serious relationship. I was a troubled teen. I used drugs and alcohol. I became sexually active at 14 and had literally dozens of ...

A.   20 November 2008: I would too say wait till you feel comfortable with him. And you don't have any obligation to tell him about your past life if he doesn't ask you about it. You have taken good precautions when testing for std:s which shows that you are a good person ... (read in full...)

Is it possible for a man to not like sex?

Q.   I'm confused. I started things a little late, but since I've reached 30, I've been with three women one time each. The first time, even though the girl I was with was attractive, I didn't feel turned on. I couldn't finish, and the whole ...

A.   20 November 2008: I guess it is a possibility that you might not like it as much as you had pictured it, but I would dare to say that most people, if haven't been through some trauma, should like it because we are physically made that way. Couldn't it just be that ... (read in full...)

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