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My OBGYN tells me to dump abusive boyfriend, should I?

Q.   Help! My boyfriend says that my vagina does not feel teh same as it did when we began having sex 9 months ago. He refers to it as being loose and accuses me of cheating on him. I have tried kegels (excessively and obsessively) and have been ...

A.   2 December 2009: your obgyn is a professional. and they are right. nothing is wrong with you. it is abusive. its a way to keep you with them. they put you down and make you feel like nobody will want you to keep you close. this relationship wont get better. im sorry ... (read in full...)

How do I overcome this and learn to feel better about myself?

Q.   like 5 months ago a guy i reallllly like sat their after we came from a party where i got really drunk! he sat in his house with his friends and told them how he thinks im boring.. this still hurts my feelings up till this day. i dont know if ...

A.   2 December 2009: its gonna take awhile hun... just take slow steps. its hard. and guys only say oh shes boring because they want a reckless girl to take advantage of. or a girl who will have sex with them. relax and enjoy your life day by day. :D if you need ... (read in full...)

We kiss but she says we can't date, I don't know why?

Q.   There is this girl.She is older than me and I think we like each other because we eat together,study together,play together and it has even gone to the extent of kissing and romancing.The problem is that she say we cant date and i dont know why.I ...

A.   1 December 2009: she is either ashamed of what others may think cause of the age diffrence. or that she wants to see other people too. i think you should move on before you get even more hurt. i know it will be tough. im sorry... (read in full...)

How do I overcome this and learn to feel better about myself?

Q.   like 5 months ago a guy i reallllly like sat their after we came from a party where i got really drunk! he sat in his house with his friends and told them how he thinks im boring.. this still hurts my feelings up till this day. i dont know if ...

A.   1 December 2009: ignore them hun. dont let them break you. out of personal experience i know its hard. it really is. all you need to know is that no matter what you are beautiful. i dont care what you look like. your always beautiful in atleast one way. okay hun do ... (read in full...)

How can I keep my jaw from hurting so fast when I give him oral sex?

Q.   Ok so I'm seventeen and have a nineteen year old boyfriend, we have sex a lot and use protection. I feel that our love life is missing something. He does oral sex real good and I think that I suck! I don't know how to make oral sex fun for him. ...

A.   1 December 2009: lol its all about getting used to it. the only thing that may work other than that is oragel before hand. they have the spray ones too. and try to massage it first in the bathroom. that may help. be safe hun. Cheryl... (read in full...)

What if you're too tight for sex?

Q.   What if your ready to have sex but your too tight? Is that a bad thing what do you do.... I feel like that would be so embarrising!?? ...

A.   1 December 2009: Ok im assuming your a virgin. it usually isnt too tight. it may feel to tight for you cause your the one who has the vagina. anyways. guys like it and if he for some reason has an issue all you have to do is have him use his finger then doubl then ... (read in full...)

I can't resist my cousin, is she leading me on?

Q.   Hello everyone,sorry, its a big question. So, i am 20.everyone say um handsome and all that. But i am single all the way,something happens when i am around girls i am interested in and i feel nervous.cant talk,cant flirt etc.ok, so In short my ...

A.   1 December 2009: okay your not a loser. it happens. a connection is a connection. its not the best thing to do because say if she gets prego your familys genes that have defects will double and worsen and other problems (where you get the funky body parts stories ... (read in full...)

Wrong makeup! How do I handle this buying situation?

Q.   Hi,this isnt a relationship question but i desperatly need some advice. 2 months ago my lady who does my wax and facials etc held a make-up party where we could test the items and then purchase etc... I was after some foundation and she found me...

A.   1 December 2009: i think you should call the company if she isnt willing to help ive had the same issue but she took it back. so please try that.... (read in full...)

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