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New Zealand  (Female   XML/RSS

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The mother that abandoned my husband has come back into his life trying to get close and asking for money. I don't like it!

Q.   How would I deal with my mother in law? She abondoned my husband as a baby. My husband had a very difficult times as a child. When we got married about 8 years ago my husband had built a relationship with her and we do see her on mother's day. We do ...

A.   29 October 2016: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your prompt response to my complicated situation ... (read in full...)

The mother that abandoned my husband has come back into his life trying to get close and asking for money. I don't like it!

Q.   How would I deal with my mother in law? She abondoned my husband as a baby. My husband had a very difficult times as a child. When we got married about 8 years ago my husband had built a relationship with her and we do see her on mother's day. We do ...

A.   28 October 2016: Thanks a lot for your wonderful feedback. I appreciate it a lot. I totally understand the fact that she's the biological Mum and I can never separate the bond between them. I'm concerned that she not only come for the relationship but she wants more ... (read in full...)

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