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*ack Bauer's lover agony aunt

*ack Bauer's lover

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*ack Bauer's lover's Ratings

A secret email account... What else is he hiding?

Q.   Hi, I'm really confused at the moment. I have a lovely boyfriend whom I have been with for many years - we both love eachother very much and he means more then the world to me. Recently I discovered he had a second email address that he...

A.   25 June 2008: Hi Guys, Thank you all very much for your help. Yesterday me and my partner had a lovely meal and we returned home where he decided to take a shower. His computer was on, and I though hard to myself what I was about to do. I decided to look... (read in full...)

What can I do about the taste of a man's cum?

Q.   is there a way to get use to the taste of a mans cum when giving him a blowjob?...

A.   25 April 2006: This is quiet strange. Cum doesnt taste too great, it is very salty and has a distintive aftertaste which again isnt too great. However, after you have given many blowjobs, the taste doesnt seem to bother you that much, well i find anyway. ... (read in full...)

We're both 14, but he thinks I'm too young to go out with him...

Q.   I liked this guy for ages and just found out he likes me too - but he won't date me because he says I'm too young! He's nearly 15 and I'm 14. I've tried to persuade him but I don't want to go too far unless I annoy him. What should I do? How can ...

A.   13 April 2006: Hey sweety, sounds to me like this guy is big on his ego. Just because he is that little bit older he thinks it makes a difference? I have been out with a lad and there had been a 6 year age gap between us, listen sweety, true love happens reg... (read in full...)

He's a great mate but I want him as more, what should i do??

Q.   I recently worked in a school theatre production working closely with two boys. One's just my friend but i really fell for the other boy and am totally nuts about him! I'm really in love and recently he was dumped by his girlfriend and has been ...

A.   13 April 2006: Awww sweety, Listen, I have been in this situation when i was your age, i was in love with a guy who was two years older then me. We eventually did go out but two weeks later he left my school. We tried to see each-other everyday after s... (read in full...)

It felt as though he still have feelings for me. How can I reveal this?

Q.   Hello, After a nasty break-up from my ex i decieded to move away from that particular group of friends. It has been agaes since i last since them and him, and i got on with my life fine, although the odd time i did think about about him. So...

A.   13 April 2006: In an update to this question, I haven't stopped thinking about my ex, and i really miss him. It's not that i want to get back with him, (Well i dont know my feelings are all over the place at the mo!) I just want him to reveal how he is fee... (read in full...)

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