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8 yr relationship, a kid, and now he is drinking doing drugs and not coming home

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together for around 8 years and have a 6 year old daughter together, and we live together. The problem is, that this man often goes off on drinking binges and ends up sleeping at other people's houses. He smokes cannabis ...

A.   20 September 2006: if i was u id try to sit him down and talk about it ask him why he dont come home he could have a gd reason but tell him u dont want to be sitting and waiting for him all hours of the day and night tell him you dont want ur children to see this... (read in full...)

I called the wedding off, should I wait to find out if he will still marry me

Q.   MY CLOCK IS TICKING.... Ok, I am almost 30 and my bf is only 25. We have been dating for almost 2.5 years. We did have a date to get married a year and a half into dating but we went about it all wrong. We started planning the day and telling ...

A.   20 September 2006: i have never bin in ur situation but if it was me in ur shoes id ask him when he thinks he will be ready and if he says not for ages tell him u cant wait that long u want to know where u stand as life is too short to wait for someone who is not ... (read in full...)

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