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Help me to be more confident around girls

Q.   Hi, I was just wondering if you could give me some advice on how to become more confident and outgoing around girls. Im 15 years old, athletic, quite good looking and quite inteligent. Please give me help as it is really annoying me and I just want ...

A.   27 March 2011: talking to girls is no walk in the park u got to take chances.First of all your an atheltic so that should make it easier, you stated that ur good looking so even if you say something stupid they might not even care bout it. Girls could sense ur ... (read in full...)

I'm in love with her but I don't get her behaviour back?

Q.   i am 16 and i am in love with this girl alot...she knows i like her and bcoz of this she does not interact with me as much as she does with my friends or other guys, does not reply to my comments on fb, doesnt chat etc..(probably hates me). I li...

A.   27 March 2011: She is just shy and is scared that she is going to say something wrong. She wants you to make the first move in person... (read in full...)

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