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I am a professional fortune-teller and am available to answer your questions through this great site for free. If you would prefer a more in depth professional answer feel free to visit my website ( where you can also find out more about me and what I do! Telling fortunes has helped me learn one thing for sure, "Life isn't always as bad as you think it is!"

I saw my ex after 3 months of no talking & now I feel strange & alone. Is this normal?

Q.   Dear cupid, I'm 19, I was seeing this 22 year old guy from Sept 2011 until March 2012, but things never got official between us (long time I know) anyways, I ended things because I found out he wasn't looking for anything serious and the last few...

A.   12 June 2012: Here's the thing. Sometimes life sucks! In my day to day work as a fortune teller, I hear a very similar story over and over again. But you are different, you're a strong person who is ok with externalising your toughts and asking for help. Things ... (read in full...)

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