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This guy kissed me and the next day, he acted like he regretted it! I'm so confused..what should I do?

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Question - (29 September 2006) 7 Answers - (Newest, 30 September 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

This might sound a little stupid I guess, but it's confusing me. While out with friends I realised I was really quite attracted to one of my male friends and then after we had been drinking for a while and were a bit tipsy, before I left to go home my friend and I kissed a couple of times. I really like him, and i gues he must like me too but when i spoke to him the day after i got the impression that he regretted it and kept saying things like alcohol makes him do stupid things. I'm so confused, I really like him and wish something would happen with it, what should i do?

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A female reader, Toria +, writes (30 September 2006):

Toria agony auntYes they are good things but still don't really tell you whether he regrets or glad it all happened, I still feel you should talk to him and see what his real feelings are regarding this drunken night :o)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 September 2006):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Just re-reading my question there i realise I should maybe have pointed out that he initiated the whole thing. I knew I liked him but didn't expect anything to come out of it. He told my friend after I was gone that I'd looked really hot and that I was a great kisser. He was the one that kissed me. Those are positive things...right?

Also he didn't say outright that he regretted it, I didn't mention it either i was just trying to see if he even remembered it, I was more drunk than he was. My friend that he had spoken to suggested maybe the thing he was counting as stupid was his bizarre drunken dancing lol. Sorry just thought i should've given as mush info as possible. Thanks for everyones help so far :) xXx

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A female reader, Toria +, writes (30 September 2006):

Toria agony auntI agree with baadgrlz117 maybe he was worried you was regretting what had happen therefore saying he did was him covering himself as to not look silly and spoil the friendship or anything, I would talk to him and tell him that these things happen and that you don't regret it at all if he continues to feel the same way then just cover yourself by saying something like.. well like I said these things happen and I don't regret it as we are good friends and a silly drunken act shouldn't come between us.

Good luck :o)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 September 2006):

What should you do? Forget about him. Dear, you kissed a toad and didn't get a prince. which was what you were hoping for. Your hopes are dashed and this is where the confusion is coming into play. Please don't be confused and 'do not' take this as a personal loss. You kissed-that's all you did. You made the common error of assuming, he liked you. Realize that at any time, when alcohol is involved..people do dumb things. He has fully understood that concept and told you he had some regrets. All you can do now is..accept what he said and move on, in another direction.

You got be careful about what happened to you, here. Many woman do what you do. They have this 'neediness' to attach to a guy that can be so obvious, that she unconciously acts grateful, he chose her. Men have this ability to pick this up on their radar so fast, it would make your head spin. ! So watch your behaviours. This was just kissing-nothing more! Some woman go further than what you did, in all their stupidness. So be lucky that didn't happen and just strike it up to being a great memory, smile when you think of it and just forget this fellow. Get on with your life, hun and stop acting like this is the ultimate rejection. This was simply a good learning experience.

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A female reader, baadgrlz117 +, writes (29 September 2006):

baadgrlz117 agony auntwell hes probably worried that you are regreting it. He is covering his ass just in case you regret kissing him. Maybe hint at the fact that u dont regret it and that u liked it.

Good Luck

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A male reader, fallenman United Kingdom +, writes (29 September 2006):

fallenman agony auntDrinking is well known to distort judgement and reduce inhibitions. So in one sence affter a night like you describe I would put it down as an experience, forget it and move on.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 September 2006):

alcohol does make people do stupid things but in this case maybe your male freind likes you only as a mate and him and you kissing was a one off. but then again maybe he does like you and maybe one of his other male freinds likes you e.g. there is a group of boys and one girl boy A likes the girl but the girl likes boy B so boy B wont get with you becuse his mate boy A likes you . its very confusing ino but lads are just like that .just give him time to think and ask him if he regreted it or not :) x x

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