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On my father's dating profile he said he was married but with no children!

Tagged as: Family, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 November 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 17 November 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *othorien10 writes:

I HATE my dad. (and i understand the concept of hate being a particularly strong word) He emotionally abuses everyone in the family. Behind closed doors he makes us all think that we're useless but when we're in public he acts like he's the world's perfect dad. My mum would never leave him, as there are some days when the two of them get along.

Recently I was forwarding an email off his address and came across a dating website he'd joined. Curious and confused, I viewed his dating profile and was shocked to see that he had entered on his page that he was married, but had no children!

Last time I checked, my brothers and sisters still existed!

I wish he didn't.

What shall i do?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 November 2010):

I'm pretty confused as to why he'd be on a dating site in the first place considering he's married. The only reason i can think of why he wouldn't put he has children is it could put people off. That's not really the issue though, the real issue is why the hell does he have a profile on there?

I can understand your feeling towards your father but i think you should just lay low with regards to this. If you bring it up it will do more harm then good. Pretend you never saw it and concentrate on your future and making plans to move out of there when you're old enough.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 November 2010):

Dont really think he was denying you and your siblings,he just didnt want to reveal his true status i believe its a man thing

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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (17 November 2010):

chigirl agony auntTry deleting his profile or write in that he has children. Then embrace for a huge fight.

Or lay low, tell your siblings, you could always try to tell your mother, but as she has already decided to stay with this man it would probably be best for her to have her eyes closed. Why make life harder on her than it already is.

You already hate your father. No matter what else bad you discover hate is already there, so how much worse can it be other than confirmatory of his character that you already know. I suggest you do nothing, and try to not let your bad role model colour your view of men too dark.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 November 2010):

You should probably tell your mum about the dating profile just so it doesn't become your fault if it comes out later. He sounds like a total twat, my grandad was like this with his immediate family and I know that my grandma and grandad ended up being happier apart.

If your dad is on a dating site and not married as well as emotionally manipulative I wouldn't take it personally that he is lying about having kids. He is just doing what will work best for him like a selfish immature guy would. Have you talked to your brothers and sisters about this?

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (17 November 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntWhy does he have a dating profile when he's married? You could tell your mother but it doesn't sound like it would do any good seeing as she's caught in his web of emotional abuse. Plus it's your word against your father's, he could go back and delete it. There's really nothing you can do..I suggest you get a job and start saving money so you can move out of the house soon. Right now you're just going to have to bite the bullet.

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