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I'm in med school, should I quit and choose modelling?

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Question - (11 December 2008) 15 Answers - (Newest, 15 December 2008)
A female Australia age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hey i am 20 years old..n i am in a major delima...i have always wanted to get into the glamour field ever since i realised i had the potential for it,its not only me but everyone around me thought that i deserved to be in the field rather than study..oh i am in med school by the way..anyways there was this very very prestigious beauty paegant auditions held in my city..its a small town but for the first time they chose to audition here..n so i went to audition and they wanted to see the portfolio pictures and i dint have them but they saw me in person and were very impressed and i got selected..

i was selected to go to the next stage where they train the girls for catwalk etc but i quit last minute cause my exams were comin up and i couldnt concentrate..but i feel that the comin year i will be more prepared for this pageant but i have to quit my studies cause i wana be a model and an actor than being a u think i should quit..

i appreciate your advise but please dont tell me complete medicine and get into modellign because i cant do that since they have an age limit of 22 years..what should i do..sorry for the long msg hehe

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 December 2008):

Yeah true you can't do both at once, but you can't model forever, you can be a nurse for as long as you want! Be a model for a bit and then leave the profession to go back to med school =]

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 December 2008):

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ahhh i cant do modelling and medicine both..thats huge..i was thinking of completing this 1 year of med school then get into modelling and do some buisness studies through coresspondence..what say agony aunts??

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2008):

Personally if i were you id hedge my bets...looks fade, do both the modeling and medicine part time

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

Go for the modelling you only live once!

take a chance on what you believe in xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

It sure looks like you're hell-bent on doing this modelling thing irrespective of what people are telling you. I just hope you know what you're doing!

When you get to your first $10 million, remember how wrong everyone was!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

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cherry sundae i would like to say that what if all people start thinking as how u have put in i would enter the acting world only if i become the next angelina jolie n have brad pitt with me..come on u cant think of becoming heidi y should u..focus on your work be dedicated and never try wanting to be someone be yourself!!i think when u have the passion for something u should not put conditions..yes of course one should think abt their future.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

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i am not against the field of medicine,i think its the noblest profession ever but all i have to say is..there are million n millions of students who dream of becoming doctors,getting into med school..some do get in and some dont..i knw sooo many doctors who have done mbbs but still couldnt afford a ride for themselves and are still struggling in life..even here its all wen it comes to that i think any comparison should be done..

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A male reader, DoubleM United States +, writes (11 December 2008):

DoubleM agony auntAs a pro photographer for more than 35 years who has worked with many models, please at least consider my advice. Modeling is fine for many, usually for the short term, but a medical career will last you a lifetime. Consider clinching the med education, then play with the modeling as a sideline or whatever, but you have that ace in the hole, e.g. a career.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

If you want to make it as a model then go about things properly; get yourself a portfolio and then try approaching agencies. Then you will get some professional opinions which will be able to inform your decision making about whether or not you should leave med- school.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

I wonder if you have the TV programme 'The X Factor' in Oz?

There are no end of people attending auditions absolutely convinced that they're going to be the next Frank Sinatra or Shania Twain. Unfortunately for 99.5% of them the judges differ on that opinion. What I'm saying is that although you think you have the potential, and so do all those around you, the professionals may not agree and you'd be sadly disappointed especially if you gave up your studies to pursue this.

I think if I were you I'd seek the advice and opinion of a modelling agency, or Playboy and Hustler Magazine on your suitability before doing anything drastic. You see literally thousands of glamour models in magazines, but you don't often see them more than a few times before they become old hat. You may get your five minutes of fame, but you'd have to be extremely outstanding to make a career out of it.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (11 December 2008):

Danielepew agony auntThis is a very personal decision. If I were you, I wouldn't quit medical school. In that field, all you need to do is work hard and study, and there you go, you have a profession. In modelling, you're at the mercy of someone else: the guys who control the profession need to like you.

Modelling is also over at the turn of a few years. It pays well, if you make it to the top. If you don't, you're forgotten.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

If you want to model, go with your heart! And your modelling days will have to come to an end eventually but then you can continue in med school when you're done. That's what I would do. You'll never know what you're missing unless you try it and then you won't be missing it! Go into modelling and then go back to med school when you are finished posing! =]

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A male reader, Dr Vendetta United Kingdom +, writes (11 December 2008):

Dr Vendetta agony auntmajor delima = major drama.

what you gonna do once you over 24 and all wrinkled and used up form the wonders and joys of the modelling world?

I have been around the modelling world, and i have been around the actors world. its 2 faced and anyone will stab you in the back for a nickle.

i know i know its all glits and glamour but the famous models out there.. for every one of then there close to 10,000 who don't make it and end up in sleazy porno's.

what are you going to do once you reach your age limit and no company will hire you.. how you gonna support yourself then?

If you REALLY want to get into acting and or modelling. speak to epople who have done it or are doing it. find out what its really like.

a modelling degree isn't going to do you alot of good. Speak to people who have experience.

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A female reader, cherrysundae19 United States +, writes (11 December 2008):

Honestly the final decision is up to you. You know what makes you happy, and if modeling makes you happy then try it out. Modeling and being an actress are very hard to get into and I'm sure you know that. You need to meet the right people to get you into the business for your career to really take off. I'm not saying that it will not happen for you but the chances are kinda low, I mean look at how many men and woman struggle because they want to be that next big star. Medical is a wonderful career to be in it is always needed. Yes medical school is a long process but the chances of you being a doctor are better then you becoming the next Heidi Klum. But because the age limitation is only till 22 and you are 20, then maybe stopping what your doing now isn't so bad considering that you still are young and if the modeling does not work out then you can get back into medical. You only live once and don't live your life regretting not tring to model. Good luck

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 December 2008):

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hey i would like to add that i am very keen on gettin into the acting industry i think i can excel in it..i am in med school only for my parents and i think i can no longer continue to live someone elses dream!!!!i want to live mine..even if i fail i will try hard until i suceed..m planning to complete first year of med school and then quit just to settle things down and prepare myself..all i want to know is am i right or wrong..i need ur advise desparately agony aunts!!!shw me u exist

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