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How tall is too tall?

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Question - (11 May 2009) 12 Answers - (Newest, 6 June 2011)
A male age 41-50, anonymous writes:

So, uh, ladies... what height do you prefer on guys?

What's gotta be the bare minimum height you like on a guy? And if there's such a thing as too tall, beyond what height would that be?

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A female reader, Kristy1600 United States +, writes (6 June 2011):

Well personality is the proirity but ideally I would want a guy who was at least 6'4 because I am 5'11 and want to be able to wear heels without being taller than my date.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (14 May 2009):

Original poster here. The reason I asked was to get an idea of the general height range that women prefer. I pretty much get that women really do prefer very tall guys. I feel short at 5'6" and pretty much resigned to feeling a bit inferior so it doesn't faze me as much.

Thank you for all the replies, I'd like to keep hearing more.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (12 May 2009):

well mate...

i'm only 5 foot 3, but i managed to chase a girl who's like 5 foot's about ur personality...

make her laugh, make her know you care, make her feel special, make her feel like she's been looked after, make her know that your always available for her to call, good or bad moments.....

yeh.... as long as she feels all that.....any girl in teh world will fall for you..

bring up some confidence.....

but to be very honest....i do see problems with my height , like it's justa big disadvantage while the average height for a guy is like at least 5 foot 7......

just wait for the opportunity patient, then you'll hav the opportunity to show what's good about you....hmmm hope this helps...

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 May 2009):

It all depends on the woman. I have dated guys shorter than me( im 5'4) and guys who were 6'2. I'm personally not picky, its more on how the guy and I get along and laugh with eachother. is there any certain girl your going after? you should just put it in the back of your mind and just be yourself around any women. hope this helps.

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A female reader, whydoidoit United Kingdom +, writes (11 May 2009):

it dont really bother me

although i ADORE TALL GUYS!

there is sometihng about tall men that makes me weak at the knees 6'4 6'5 6'6 yea i love it! nothing wrong with shorter men though!

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (11 May 2009):

To go out with me a guy must be taller then me so at least 5'10''

Since I am so tall there is no maximum height, but I can understand that if a girl is 5'0 then a 7' 10 guy might be a bit much.

Basically, since girls come in all heights, they are all looking for guys of different sizes too.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, Sarah12345 United Kingdom +, writes (11 May 2009):

Sarah12345 agony auntmost girls prefer their lads to be a little bit taller then them why???

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A female reader, candyluvsu01 United States +, writes (11 May 2009):

candyluvsu01 agony aunti dont think there is such thing as being to tall (for guys)

im 5 foot 2 inches and absolutly LOVE tall guys but i dont really care how tall they are just as long as there atleast a half an inch taller than me. lol

hope this helped

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A female reader, Olivia(Y). United Kingdom +, writes (11 May 2009):

Olivia(Y). agony auntThere no minnimun height of a guy really.

Some people like shorter guys and other people want taller guys. We are all different and like different things.

I'm 5'5 and my boyfriend is 5'11 but i wouldn't really care if he was short because i love him and its whats on the inside that really matters.



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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 May 2009):

I knew a guy in school who was so TALL he would have to duck to get under the door frame. I still fancied the pants off him anyway. I dont really mind guys who are tall. Ive liked smaller guys than me and taller. I prefer a guy to be a little bit taller than me and not smaller but I like personality more than looks.

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (11 May 2009):

jessica04 agony auntThis question is going to have a different answer for everyone, its entirely subjective.

I mean, my ex husband was 5'8 (five feet, 8 inches. I'm not on metric like our UK Agony Aunts). My current boyfriend is 6'2. I'm only 5'5... so there is a huge range in height for me regarding who I date.

Some girls will prefer their guys to be tall, some don't really care. Some super tall girls have gotten over trying to find a guy taller than them, and focus instead on the person and not so much on what they look like.

Likewise, some guys prefer to date petite, tiny girls and others like a tall gal who could be a super model.

There is no set answer to this. If you think a girl likes you, then your height must not be a problem.

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A female reader, sugar_sugar United States +, writes (11 May 2009):

sugar_sugar agony auntFor me I LOVE tall guys. I'm 5'8 so my ideal guy is a guy that will allow me to wear 9cm heels and not tower over him!

I don't think I've ever really encountered too tall and if I liked a guys personality it wouldn't matter in the slightest.

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