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How do I ask a woman to have sex with me?

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Question - (30 November 2008) 8 Answers - (Newest, 30 November 2008)
A male United Kingdom age , anonymous writes:

I'm in my forties and have not had sex for nearly 17 years. How do I get a woman into my bed? Females only answer please.

Thank you.

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A female reader, luvy duvy United States +, writes (30 November 2008):

luvy duvy agony auntWell...first of not ever put yourself down like that. You should look for love. When your in love with matter how they look...they will be the most handsome or most beautiful to you because love has that power. I think I have said this like a million times today but I will repeat it until someone listens "There is a someone for everyone, but it's our job to find them!!!!"

Stop...looking for a one night in the can have the rest of your life...and the only way your gonna have sex just to have sex is if she's a prostitue or the woman has no respect for herself.(please don't take this harshly...i mean well)

You!...Find a woman...(think positive)...Oh yeah! You can get to know people on MySpace or FaceBook!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I know not to ask a woman straight to have sex with me. If I wanted that I would go to an escort service. I'm not looking for a relationship at this moment but just some adult fun with like minded females. I am a sensible person, quite reserved, not good looking. I have done all the things most of yuo have suggested but this yields absolutely nothing. In fact I haven't kissed a woman in nearly 20 years. So what can I do, if you can't be up fornt about things in your forties when can you be?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

Just find someone you like and be kind to her. If you are not seeking an actual relationship, let her know up front. Whoever she is, she at least deserves to know your intentions. Although as the person above mentioned, if you just want a one time deal, there are places that could help you out.

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A female reader, Ashleigh9345 United Kingdom +, writes (30 November 2008):

I know im olny young myself but if someone asked me straight up to have sex with me it would be a kind of turn off and kinda uncomfable.

All i can say is, take a woman out that you like, have fun with her and make sure you dont act all up front with her about having sex with her, and then bring her home and get quite passonate with her and see where it leads.

its better for it to happen naturally than to plan it out.

good luck

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A female reader, luvy duvy United States +, writes (30 November 2008):

luvy duvy agony auntYes, okay I am a teen, but my suggestion would find a female in your situation...if that is not an option...find someone you a job, restraunt, someone you just happen to bump into...get to know them and ounce you do the physical attraction will fall right into place.

and...if you are bold enough...ask a woman that you think will less likely slap you...what they think a man should do to get them in bed...Oh yeah! Look for something more than just a night in the sheets and you will find more...I'm talking L-O-V-E!!!! You will get your groove back. Hey...your 41 to 50yrs young!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

I think you are limiting yourself by stating females only need apply. I bet there are a lot of men out there who can share thier experiences with you. The previous answers from women should be helpful...but I think you may want to seek the advice of other men also!

Good Luck

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

Well first of all you've got to make sure she's at least somewhat interested in you. Do not try to get in her pants on the first date. Get to know her, make sure she comfortable around you and trusts you. You need to come off as a clean guy (clean clothes, smells good, just look clean cut). Don't get too sexual with her like saying stuff or touching her. When its the right time (and you'll know when) thats when you ask her if shes ready or if she wants to. If she says not yet don't pressure her, respect her decision. And don't expect to get some within the first couple weeks of knowing her, she might think your just a horny man. good luck bud!

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A female reader, petina1 United Kingdom +, writes (30 November 2008):

petina1 agony auntWomen like clean men, not necessarily film star looks, just a clean body, clean shaven, clean clothes, freshly ironed shirt. Nice manners. Oh, and a clean house. Then you may have to do some 'wooing, you know, buying flowers, opening doors, be a gentleman. Not all women are bothered about some of those things, but from my point of view thats what would be nice. But first, find a woman you like and would like to enter in to some kind of relationship with. If it's just a case of sex and nothing more, then there are places out there that will cater for your needs. Good luck. hope this helps.

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