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He was naked, I had on jeans..wondering if I'm pregnant

Tagged as: Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 May 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 May 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, *oxichic writes:

Hello, I'm a virgin and I haven't had intercourse. However, my boyfriend and I were doing sexual stuff like oral sex and such. The one thing that has me scared is that I was really wet, but I had my jeans on. They're not heavy denim jeans more like stretchy mixed with light denim.

Anyway, so his penis was bare, but I still had my pants on and he thrusted himself on my area quite a few times, but he did not ejacualate. I almost can say that he didn't have much precum either, but again I'm not sure. I do know for a fact that he did not ejaculate though.

Now it's been almost a week since then, and my stomach has been making crazy noises nonstop! I almost always feel bloated and it's freaking me out! I'm hungry like every three hours or so. I'm hoping for my period to hurry up already...and about that I should say it's normal for me to miss my period, because it's been like that for about a year now... i don't know why but sometimes I go almost 2 months without having it.

Could someone with professional knowledge or experience please help me!

Thank you so much in advance :)

View related questions: ejaculate, oral sex, period, precum, really wet

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A female reader, toxichic United States +, writes (28 May 2009):

toxichic is verified as being by the original poster of the question

okay soo... i hope my mind is playing some hardcore tricks on me!

But for about a week since I last wrote I have had odd things happening to my body. The bloating didn't go away, so i starting thinking of it as just me gaining weight, but my breasts have been hurting for quite awhile for a week now. Not as usual as they do before my period starts.

I usually get my period around the 27th.

But my breasts feel a lot more heavier and tender.

I've also had light, very very mild cramps in my lower abs and lower back.

On the 26th, I had light spotting, but no cramps.

And on the 27th, I had this weird discharge of like one slow heavy drop of blood mixed with brown..just very very odd.

I am however, going to visit an clinic so they can answer these questions..

I'm just wondering if these are any signs of pregnancy?

If i am pregnant, I am considering the abortion pill.

However, I'm about to get my first job ever, and I"m scared that I may not be able to afford it. Considering that my mo wants me to pay some bills and such.

I'm so freaking scared.

I've been thinking about how impossible it is for me to be, yet i have all these weird symptoms.

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A female reader, toxichic United States +, writes (21 May 2009):

toxichic is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thank you both so much !!

I feel so much relief now ^_^

Thanks again :D

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (20 May 2009):

You are fine.

Even if there was precum, there is no way that it would have got through your jeans and to your vagina.

You are probably just stressed and this is what is causing the symptoms.

If you are worried then make sure that the condom goes on as soon as his pants come off.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, kellyxxx United Kingdom +, writes (20 May 2009):

kellyxxx agony auntIts unlikely you are pregnant if there was a barrier protecting you such as your jeans. If your period doesn't arrive then buy a pregnancy test as soon as possible. Don't worry for now though, it sounds like your mind Is playing tricks! X

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