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Do you shave your "part" before you have sex?

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Question - (29 February 2012) 18 Answers - (Newest, 13 June 2013)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I asked my friend if you should shave your "part" before you have sex and she didn't know. So Im asking this site,do men like it unsaved, or shaved? I got a boyfriend and I need some advice here before we get more intense.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 June 2013):

I would ask him. :) He'll probably tell you, and tell you why, and say, "Oh, but this could be fun, too!" I hope his answer isn't harsh or judgmental.

It might depend on the age. My sweetheart is 35 and thinks that a completely shaved pubic region is a little too pre-pubescent and creepy for his tastes. BUT, there are definite advantages to trimming! I obviously keep my bikini line clean, and trim the hedges, haha...and shave the underside of my labia so we can participate in some fun sliding activities without him getting rugburn.

I also agree that a little triangle is cute...nice and trim, but womanly enough to let the guy know you're not jailbait...

One more thing. If you decide to completely shave, unless you get a new razorblade each week and use hella good shaving cream, it WILL hurt and you WILL have ingrown hairs and it WILL be gross, thereby destroying all the reasons for shaving in the first place.

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A male reader, Mosaic United States +, writes (5 June 2012):

Mosaic agony auntas a man i personaly perfer for the woman to be hairles in the nether reigons. i also perfer formyself to have hard wood floors. hiar is designed to capture odor. im not saying hiar makes you stink. everybody has a smell. hiar helps concentrate that smell. it helped primal humans locate eachother and let them know when it was time to mate based on odor. as this is really no longer needed as a reproductive mechinism i think it is a personal preferance. and mine is hairless

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 March 2012):

Honest opinion? Ask your boyfriend and then explore! I just started getting intimate with my boyfriend and lets just say I trimmed on our first. Ten afterwards I tried brazillian wax and I fell in love with it! Though the first wax was really painful, it leaves you soft and hair free for a few weeks! When I said "explore" I tried waxing and shaving. I found myself in love with waxing because it makes the hair finer. But when my time of the month is near, I usually wax. Hope this helps!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 March 2012):

i prefer 2 shave, i dont want my bf 2 think im....i dont know wht, im sorry if it makes u uncomfreble

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 March 2012):

Shave body hair is gross!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (3 March 2012):

I like a brazilian; i love oral; so i find its a lot cleaner and no hairs in the mouth....i also like my man shaved....but different strokes for different folks....i like the little hairlook on the yoni as well...its cute.

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A male reader, Reaper_18 United Kingdom +, writes (1 March 2012):

Ask your boyfriend, what he preffers...Honestly, in my oppinion shaved is better. If you're expecting oral sex from him definitely shaved. I don't know a boy who likes to lick a hairy "part"...

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A female reader, uroboros United Kingdom +, writes (1 March 2012):

i've got a laser treatment and only left a thin landing stripe, everything else is hair free.i really like it as i'm not a massive fan of pubes.

i had to repeat the lasers 5 times every 5 weeks each.

my partner likes it this way, or the stripe waxed off, which i do as well every now and than.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

I shave every week it makes me feel cleaner and its better but everyones different. Its up to yourself what you think and feel is best. Also it may be a good idea to ask your bf what he likes. Also its not unhealthy to remove pubic hair that's an old myth it was only neccessary thousands of years ago. But what ever works for you.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (1 March 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI used to shave but i hate the stubble.

I prefer to have it waxed (although more expensive and a touch painful at first) it lasts longer and less hair grows back and it does my thighs too...

the thing is not all men want clean shaven women..

NO ONE wants a forest but nicely trimmed is good!

you have to find what's comfortable for YOU and do what works for YOU...

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A male reader, Hugh.J United Kingdom +, writes (1 March 2012):

Hugh.J agony aunt"Anonymous", I am sorry to disagree with you but the true purpose of pubic hair is to trap and enhance personal odour - ask any Frenchman - and these days, as we all deodorise our natural smells out of existence, it has become irrelevant and nature has been defeated!

Follow "katiekate"'s advice and use a cream, because as has already been mentioned, nobody wants hair in the teeth.....

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I really appreciate all the advice I got from you guys, honestly helped me, thanks (:

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

Don't shave- your hair is there for a reason- it protects your sensitive skin and protects against infections. Shaving the bikini line is ok but more than that is going to be uncomfortable with bumps and irritations and infections. If you're very hairy, trim if you must.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

Most men I know like it trimmed up but all the way can resemble a child so it can be creepy. Also, shaving it all the way means sex causes A LOT of friction... which hurts and leaves you red after wards. I say trim it down most of the way, or shave it all a few days before, and you'll look amazing and not deal with the friction =) good luck!

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A female reader, katiekate United States +, writes (1 March 2012):

katiekate agony auntUse a hair removing cream for the bikini area. It's painless, and doesn't cause the after effects like shaving. Get some from any store like Walgreens or Wal-Mart. To keep the area hair and stubble free, you'll need to do it every few days before you shower- only takes a few minutes. It does smell bad, but the smell disappears as soon as you wash it off. (Tip: Scrubbing gently with a loofah gets most of the hair removed)

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A female reader, pinktopaz United States +, writes (1 March 2012):

Shaving sucks, it gets itchy and almost sore when growing back. So if you're worried then trim, but with a trimmer and not scissors. I would suggest waxing, but I think you're too young for that. A lot of men tend to like no hair "there" but it's a trend, some like it and some don't.

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A female reader, person12345 United States +, writes (1 March 2012):

person12345 agony auntShaving it all off will make it stubbly and rough feeling. I used to do that and it always gave him a rash. Just trim it well and you'll be fine.

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A male reader, Uncle PJ  +, writes (1 March 2012):

Uncle PJ agony auntThis depends on two things. The first is, are you comfortable with shaving it or are just as content with leaving it as it is. The second is whether your boyfriend would like you to, if he would then he should be willing to shave as well so you don't feel alone.

I believe the majority of women don't wholly shave down there. They have the bikini line done and that's about it. The problem is, most porn videos will show girls with shaved 'parts' and some boys/men think this is how all girls are and get disappointed when this is not the case.

If you are planning on having or giving oral sex, being shaven is probably easier as you don't end up with a hairball. But as I said, if you're not wholly comfortable with shaving it then don't do it.

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