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Can a man look at hundreds of porn images and NOT be disappointed at his wife's imperfect body?

Tagged as: Marriage problems, Pornography<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 April 2017) 8 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2017)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Can men just look at hundreds of women hotter than their wives in porn each week and not feel disappointed that their wives don't look as good as the girls in porn. Even if the wives are fit , how does the husband help but not feel let down that she has scars of sags from age when he is seeing so many women with bodies that are outstanding

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2017):

Yes. I watch and masturbate to porn once almost every day, but when my Partner of 7 years, wife of 3 years and mother to my two year old son takes of her clothes twice a week for us to lay in bed, her imperfect body is still the best thing to happen to me.

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A male reader, CMMP United States +, writes (19 April 2017):

I prefer normal looking bodies to so called perfect ones. Yes, I will occasionally admire a perfect body (at least what I consider perfect), but I don't lust over it or get disappointed when I see a more conventional woman. Been married for ten years and still like the way my wife looks.

On a related note, it dies help too take care of the body you have. Not just because a more fit body is generally considered more attractive (and who doesn't want to be more attractive), but it's good for you.

I got into shape a couple of years ago and the way women, including but not limited to my wife, look at me has definitely changed. It was a decent amount of work, but it was more about consistency than hard work.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2017):

I do try turning the question around but I have never once masterbated to a naked man like he does with women . I simply don't find it that exciting to look at men naked so I can't really understand why he needs to

Although I can appreciate when a person , make or female is attractive I literally only have eyes for him when it comes to being sexually excited yet he clearly doesn't feel the same

I feel extremely interchangeable like I don't matter . Any woman will do really to excite him . It doesn't matter who's body he looks at they are all exciting to him so long as they are hot . It upsets me as I have nothing unique physically for him to visually enjoy like he does for me

There's nothing specially about me appearance wise . Not one thing I could possible have that he can't see on the net . Depressing, whe. He is so exciting to me and no other man turns me on just to look at

Women seem interchangeable to men, like we are just holes

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A female reader, microonda United States +, writes (19 April 2017):

I wonder this as well, I'm 23 but I have stretch marks all over my body, they are very gross, some of them are like very deep gashes almost. My body isn't perfect, but men still seem very attracted to me. The same way, i'm still attracted to a man with a little gut or some wrinkles. They can still be very sexy. Also sex with someone you have an emotional attachment with is better always.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2017):

Try turning the situation around and asking yourself if you feel disappointed in his body after seeing a chiseled male model. You know the bodies are different but you want different things as different times - a "perfected" image for entertainment and someone beautifully sexy with all their imperfections in reality.

Remember, we rarely want the people around us to be too perfect because that would make us feel insecure. Your imperfections probably put your husband at peace about his.

And finally, nobody has to be perfect to be beautiful or attractive. That's not what beauty is at all. Beauty is the sum total of a person and doesn't include specific sizes or shapes


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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (18 April 2017):

chigirl agony auntIt all bodes on perspective. Is the wife really worse looking than the porn stars? I think not. I think the man finds his wife more attractive than those women in porn. I think it would be a question worth answering whether or not it isn't the wife herself who does the comparison, and not the man?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2017):

Answering the question with a question:

Can women just look at hundreds of men hotter than their husbands in porn each week and not feel disappointed that their husbands don't look as good as the guys in porn? Even if the husbands are fit , how does the wife help but not feel let down that he has scars of sags from age when she is seeing so many men with bodies that are outstanding?

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A female reader, Joleen United States +, writes (18 April 2017):

He will find those women more sexually appealing, prettier, and he wishes with all of his animalistic lustful instincts to have one of those beauties who will satisfy his every sexual desire willingly and enthusiastically.

But it's unattainable, it's a fantasy, he knows it. No matter how much he wishes he can have one of those sexy 20 something woman with a perfect body doing sexual acts you're too afraid to try, he knows it's an act. The girl is on a screen, those girls would not want him. So he makes mediocre love to you thinking about those hot girls.

How much different is it than fantasizing about a rich strong handsome man whisking a woman away from boredom to travel the world in luxury?

He has desires you cannot fulfill and you have yours.

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