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*tudentForLife's Ratings

Do you know anyone who has many college degrees, but is working in a job far below his potential???

Q.   Hello all, This is a question on career options. I know...I know...this site is mainly dedicated to relationships/love/sex questions. But I am posting a career question here as my experience with this site has been good so far and I get the most s...

A.   6 December 2011: Thank you all. You have been kind in your replies and very sensible too. I just wanted to clarify that, I am not someone who expects a grand salary package of a CEO in the first year itself. However, I never expected to work for an hourly rate of 8$ ... (read in full...)

Should I tell my wife I cheated on her with over 30 prostitutes?

Q.   I'm 35, my wife 36, we have 2 kids, married for 7 years. Before our kids born we have really great relationship and have sex every day. Sine she got pregnant the first kid her interest for sex declined sharply. No matter what I tried the most we can ...

A.   19 January 2011: Hmmmmm...If you want to save the marriage, don't tell her about the 30+ prostitutes and your affair. Past is past. So, don't saw the sawdust, so to speak. I somehow get the feeling that you are repenting and that is enough. And when you are marr... (read in full...)

Question on etiquette and American culture

Q.   Hello all, This is a question regarding etiquette and American culture. I am a student studying in the US but I am not an American (I am from South Korea). My student life in US has been, for most part, a very alienating experience with absol...

A.   19 January 2011: Thank you all. You were all very helpful. By the way, I got this gift card idea because, all the stores(CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Bed Bath and Beyond)I've seen advertise this very gift cards for newly weds, for birthday... (read in full...)

Question to all those who workout regularly

Q.   Hello everyone, I am a 23 year old guy and weigh 62Kg (136lb). I have been going to the gym for the past 2 months. I follow the following routine: (1) Cardio on elliptical for 30 mins every alternate day. In this, I take the interval traini...

A.   28 June 2010: Thanks guys. I know that dearcupid site has more to do with dating, relationships, sex, pregnancy etc. But I just thought I would give it a shot by posting my question here. And you guys have been really nice to me and given sound advice and sugg... (read in full...)

*tudentForLife's friends

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C. Grant agony auntC. Grant
CindyCares agony auntCindyCares
DoubleM agony auntDoubleM
Honeypie agony auntHoneypie
maverick494 agony auntmaverick494
pinktopaz agony auntpinktopaz
TimmD agony auntTimmD

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