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*ANDIWRPR agony aunt


United States  (Female   XML/RSS

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12Next > [2 pages, 42 answers]

How can he have a girlfriend if he really loves me!

Q.   hey..i know im only 16 but i really need help! i already talked to my mom about it but i need some one elses opinion too please. ok so i know this guy since like 4 years ago and the very first day i seen him i was like WOW!(and i was only 12) we ...

A.   2 December 2009: hahah good luck... (read in full...)

I wish I had a big sister!

Q.   hey everyone, i really wish i had a big sister! when i get sad, i feel like i need to tell someone and thats why i wish i had a big sister! im just asking what do think i should do? ...

A.   2 December 2009: are you close to your mother? try talking to her and also try your close aged cousins who you know are willing to listen and not judge you... (read in full...)

I need advise on women's problems

Q.   i bled for 3 days on and off lightly it was brown then ended pink, also it was ten days early. have had unprotected sex a few times. whats wrong with me and why did this happen? i have never experienced this type of bleeding before... any advice ...

A.   2 December 2009: get a pregnancy test bleeding or even just because u get your period doesnt mean that you can b pregnant also go check for diseases ... (read in full...)

I have feelings for my boyfriends brother!

Q.   Im in a bad situation.I have been with my boyfriend for almost eight years and we have two kids together. I love him but I dont know if im in love anymore. I cheated on him with his brother almost two years ago. He found out about it and he still ...

A.   2 December 2009: i think that its just a fling like when you are in a relationship with someone and then you meet a boy who could of had been a good mate it gets you excited..that excitement gets confuse with like if you love your husband/bf just don... (read in full...)

I want sex all the time and I don't want too!

Q.   well i have a problem me and my girlfriend have started having sex resently and ever since we had our first time together i cant quit wanting sex with her or anyone i am like always horny now and this has been going on for like a week now can ...

A.   2 December 2009: hahah theres nothing wrong its just that after doing it for the first time your testosterone are hi and up itll last a bit longer just make sure its with your gf... (read in full...)

Sweet Sixteen and Never Been Kissed

Q.   16 year old girl and has never been kissed?! Why do I feel as if no guy does not like me in a way to want to get to know me? I can grind with a guy and he can get a boner, but no guy wants to get to know me? Why is it that I feel that no guy want...

A.   2 December 2009: it sort of sound like you are giving out a bad name to urself "grinding and boners?" maybe you just havent met the right person to get to know... (read in full...)

Has my husband fallen out of love with me?

Q.   Dear Cupid, I need some advice. The last couple of months my husband has been treating me different. Some background on us.. We have been together since high school. We were both 15, now we have been living together for 8 years and married for ...

A.   2 December 2009: wow i cant belive that you would actually live like that why are you doing everything and still dont get to do some of your own stuff... is he even a good man? he sounds really lazy ... (read in full...)

Is she overweight, and how do I handle this?

Q.   Okay, well my niece is 12 years old and keeps asking me if she is overweight. I tell her that it is going to be alright and she isn't. She is about 120 lbs and hasn't had her period yet. Is she overweight? I don't know because when I was 12 I ...

A.   2 December 2009: as she grows maayb she will lose it its probably just "baby fat" but tell her to be careful of what she eats... (read in full...)

Should I talk to him?

Q.   My friend and I about six months ago were having this little thing... I liked the same guy as her, I liked him after I hung out with him a couple of times... Me and him would text for two hours straight and never run out of something to talk...

A.   2 December 2009: dude what kind of friend is that? if i read it right your friend went out with him after you told her that you like him? no no just keep away from him if he really liked you he wouldnt have gone out with your friend that easily.. thats li... (read in full...)

I'm really falling for him...

Q.   I met this guy couple months back. we've become real close, closer than i imagined. i mean we talk all the time, he trusts me and i trust him. i think i'm falling for this guy he's amazing. we hardly see each other since he goes to school and works, ...

A.   2 December 2009: go for it if you like him and he likes you it doesnt hurt to try... (read in full...)

We both said we'd delete our Facebook profiles but she still hasn't deleted hers yet!

Q.   hi, ok i posted a question a couple of days, and here i am. Well i'm 22, I'm 2nd year university, i'm dating this girl for 5 months, everything is fine... but a couple of days i began to worry a lot... i'm texting her 3 maybe 4 times as usual. ...

A.   2 December 2009: well you can ask her y she didnt delete it like you did but if you feel that she isnt doing anything that will hurt you its fine for her to have a facebook just tell her and yourself taht you guys shouldnt flirt with others now that you... (read in full...)

Help! She cheated on me and I forgave her but I can't get the incident out of my head...

Q.   I was dating my girlfriend for 2 years, she recently felt tied down and is in her last year of high school and says she wants to be free and able to go out with her friends. she tells me she loves me and can see us being together in the future she ...

A.   2 December 2009: yea you will never get over it its harsh but the truth ask her how it was with him if you really want to know make sweet love to her and make sure that she forgets that guy but if you feel that you really cant forget her and be happy... (read in full...)

Am I not satisfying him?

Q.   My boyfriend and I have a great sex life, but if I run to the store or take a shower he goes and plays with himself. He works 3rd shift and gets home, talks to me for a few minutes and goes to bed. He goes and plays with himself then too. He pretty ...

A.   2 December 2009: tell him how you feel mayb you can try to get him into the mood just play flirty ... (read in full...)

I've been seeing him for 3 months so why am I so nervous around him?

Q.   Hi, I am 14, and I am dating this guy, and I love him a lot, me and him have been dating for 3 months yesterday, November 30. and I am wondering how do I keep from being nervous with him?...

A.   2 December 2009: its like that that feeling of nervousness will go away probably the more you hang out with him or until like that 6 month or 5th... its juust a phase also before doing anything you will regret dont say that you love each other you are ... (read in full...)

Who should tell the maid???

Q.   I moved out and he hired a maid. She met me during her interview while I was packing. They have had sex each time she comes in to do housekeeping (once a week) since I left. We've decided to get back together and I am moving back in. I managed the ...

A.   2 December 2009: what the hecK? you are ok with him having sex with that other girl when you and him was still talking? arent you worry that no matter what he will cheat on you for that maid girl..he will if you are ok with everything and how there might... (read in full...)

I don't know how to get over this other girl without pursuing something with her.

Q.   I have been with my girlfriend for two years now and i love her but lately i have been thinking about someone else. One night i got very drunk and tried to kiss this other girl, luckily we didn't but i cant stop thinking about her and i have told my ...

A.   2 December 2009: im saying that you are just having a little crush you should really steer away from the other girl if you know that you love your gf and want to be with her do you really think that girl will make you happy as to how your gf has? did you... (read in full...)

Is it okay to make out with someone when you're about to break up with your girlfriend?

Q.   Hi everyone. I was just wondering if it's okay to cheat if you're about to break up. I have a gf and i'm not really happy with things so i'm going to break up with her when I see her next. I was wondering if it's okay if I make out with someone ...

A.   2 December 2009: no it is not you shouldnt do anything until you finalize the break up ... (read in full...)

My best friend and I BOTH like the same boy... help!

Q.   My so called best friend is so very immature and insensitive. For the second time she has gone out with the boy that I really fancy after promising me she doesnt like them and knowing that I do. The boy in question this time told 1 of my other be...

A.   2 December 2009: wait so are you trying to say that you annoying best friend went out with the boy that you like just bevause someone asked you out? well thats not what you call a best friedn and i honestly think that you dont consider her to be your best friend... (read in full...)

My boyfriend makes me feel insecure. My fault? Help!

Q.   Ok, so...I have been dating this boy for 6 months. At first, he was amazing. He complimented me all the time, and he made me feel like a princess. However, over the last few months, he has started making little comments that are starting to break ...

A.   2 December 2009: leave him y would you let him put you down? of course there are guys who want to be with their girlfriends for who they are no matter how the look is dont let him discourage you have confidence its only been 6 months if i was you leave him no... (read in full...)

Everybody hates me and nobody likes me

Q.   i am 17 years old. My 32yo sister won't have anything to do with me because i am "f***cked in the head, a s**t, a wh*re, embarrassing, stupid.. the list goes on. She has never met my 3 month old daughter as she told me to abort it or she would ne...

A.   2 December 2009: y is your family like that? and y did you have a baby with a man like that? or was it an accident? i feel so sad for you being in your situation sucks what do you mean you have no friends? i honestly dont know what to tell you but i don... (read in full...)

He likes to party but I don't

Q.   i like this guy, and he seems to like me back. the problem is that he loves to party, and i don't party because i was brought up in a Christian home and i have no problem with the fact that i don't party. for months since school started we've been ...

A.   2 December 2009: theres nothing wrong if you like him and he likes different things as long if his feelings are sincere and if you are willing to give it a try in a relationship it doesnt seem like he dislikes the idea that you dont like to go out. mayb b4 you... (read in full...)

Am I going to get dumped rather than a gift for Christmas?

Q.   My bf of almost 11 months moved back with his family after being unemployed as he was giving work with his dad. He now lives 80 miles away and says he won't see me at Christmas as he can't afford the £19 train fare even when I said I come pick him ...

A.   2 December 2009: he should give you a clear reason why he doesnt want you there and why he wont let you so see him tell him your relationship is more important right now than the money or gas that you will waste to go see him ... (read in full...)

We have been dating for a month and he is breaking my heart!

Q.   I,ve been dating my boyfriend since the beginning of November and he was happy for about 2 weeks. Now he tells mehow depressed he is and It hurts me coz I thought I was making him happy .I,ve tried everything to help him and Now he,s withdrawn from ...

A.   2 December 2009: really there has to be a reason why he is depressed mayb its just that time of the teenage year it happened to me before i would just hide behind fake smiles and not talk to anyone but i forced myself to go out with my friends and have fun... (read in full...)

How can he have a girlfriend if he really loves me!

Q.   hey..i know im only 16 but i really need help! i already talked to my mom about it but i need some one elses opinion too please. ok so i know this guy since like 4 years ago and the very first day i seen him i was like WOW!(and i was only 12) we ...

A.   2 December 2009: haha your mom said exactly what i would of done if i were you i would go over there show him what he is missing dress pretty and cute not skanky and be confidence dont show him that you are still interested in him but mayb if you still think ... (read in full...)

We want to have a baby but it's not happening for us

Q.   Me and my fience really want to start a family..we have been together for 4 years but are only in our 20's,were planing to move in together in the new year. when we have sex we normally use without a condom then put one on at the end of sex just in ...

A.   2 December 2009: before haaving a baby move in with each other first because when you live with that person day to day its going to be really different just wait and see if he's really the one you want to have a baby with after moving in together for a coupl... (read in full...)

I want to please my girl but I don't know how

Q.   Helloo, wondered if I could get some tips on something: i'm going to finger my girlfriend next time she comes round mine (if she's comfortable with it of course) but i've never fingered someone before, so i'm slightly nervous.. She is a virgin (as ...

A.   2 December 2009: ok.. i think that if you dont want to just put it in there you can try to play with her clit thats the part that gives pleasure also dont say shove that sounds like you are trying to do damage to her haha first go slowly with you hand touchin... (read in full...)

I am being forced to chose and she isn!t going to like my choice

Q.   Me and my gf have been dating over a year she is great until it comes time for me to hang out with my friends. she doesnt get along at all with my best friend and after many failed attempts its just not working. i know if it comes down to me ...

A.   2 December 2009: i was like her like a year ago i wouldnt let my bf go out because he does really bad things but i think that maybe you and her should have a serious talk about why she really doesnt like your friends and why would she say that u guys talk abo... (read in full...)

The thought of what my girlfriend does in her sleep keeps me awake

Q.   For some reason this is really bothering me. I woke up the other night sleeping next to my girlfriend and i thought she was masturbating. Now i dont know for certain but the reasons i thought this were because the covers were slightly moving,...

A.   1 December 2009: y does it bug you that she did or didnt masturbate? i dont think that you should let it get to you like mayb she got a weird feeling when she sees you after you asked her a question like that..thats why she got mad mayb every girl is differe... (read in full...)

I( want a baby but my boyfriend wants to wait

Q.   hey,im 17 iv been with my boyfriend for a year now and we live together and everything, its going great ...but for years iv wanted a baby..but dont no if i should try for one ..i want to but he wants to wait a while..he doesnt understand everything ...

A.   1 December 2009: i really suggest you wait on that. its only been 1 yeaer together. you would think that its a long time but there will be more trouble and the relationship opens up if you and him was to have a baby how would you support the baby? also you ... (read in full...)

I miss my ex so much, but she wont answer my calls

Q.   I miss my girlfriend so much. My girl friend and I just broke up after about 3 years. I miss her alot it hurts me not to be around her we have broken up before and we have gotten back togther but this time feels diffrent she usally calls and we ...

A.   1 December 2009: relationship is heading that way but its more like he doesnt care but if i was the one who doesnt want to be with you there has to be a good reason right? ok so the 3 years together was good? mayb she lost feelings mayb she just... (read in full...)

What can he do to make me climax?

Q.   My boyfriend can't make me cum! We're not having intercourse, but we do have oral and he fingers me. I've made him cum dozens of times! It's not hard at all! What he does to me feels amazing and I really like it, but he says that he feels bad for ...

A.   1 December 2009: like they said get to know your body i personally cant do masturbation with myself but you said that you guys do oral has he tried slowly and sweetly? like instead of just going down on you start forwardly he can try to just kiss around that... (read in full...)

I feel as if I'm not attractive to her any more as she never wants to make love to me...

Q.   Dear reader, I've been with my girl for the past 3 years, we've had our share of problems, like every couple must see. But during the last 3 or 4 months she has not been very interested in sexual contact. When I talk to her about it she always sa...

A.   1 December 2009: even though she doesnt like or want to make love did you try to turn her on slowly? like mayb just kissing frm the neck down and see if she stops you i think that maybe you just have to assure her a bit more that you love her and that you don... (read in full...)

Did this boy lose interest/feelings for me? And do you guys think he meant it when he agreed to remain friends with me? (or was it to make me happy?)

Q.   I met this boy over the summer. all along he was giving me these little hints that he liked me but didn't wanna see obvious...but EVERYONE told me that he REALLY liked me and that he was VERY shy...anyway, We knew eachother for 5 months and we were ...

A.   1 December 2009: if he is a good person and you know for a fact then maybe he just doesnt want to drag you into his "drug" problems but if he is one of those person who acts like he is only interested in you but really has many others then i suggest just stay fr... (read in full...)

I don't always feel that crazy spark when we're kissing!

Q.   I love my boyfriend and think he's just absolutely perfect for me. One thing that causes some major hangups, though, is that I don't always feel some crazy spark when we're kissing. I love being close to him and we get each other on so many levels, ...

A.   1 December 2009: i was like that too i wouldnt worry as long if you are happyy with him and know that you two care for each other the whole tongue kissing is complicated ive also only kissed my boyfriend but he's kissed many others but as of the 2 years we ... (read in full...)

How can I come out of my shell when I'm with him?

Q.   I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half and when I am with him i want to be able to come out of my shell. in my mind, i see myself being free and aggressive, but when i am with him i have trouble with that. also, what are some fun ...

A.   1 December 2009: so you are saying that you cant truly be yourself when you are with him? i suggest going to movies and holding hand while talking and waiting for the movie to start you can go to a park and just take pictures have fun if you want to b free with ... (read in full...)

Guys, would you sleep with a girl , then call her your "friend" ???

Q.   hi people, i met a guy online a year ago, and we met up the other week finally for the weekend. Because we knew eachother well enough, we slept together (safely), then he left as hes from a diff city. Things havnt been the same since. I think i...

A.   1 December 2009: honestly he just used you and then when you asked him if u were just a sexy buddy of course he's gonna keep saying no because he wants a girl to just call up when he wants some. he probably loves the idea that he has a "buddy". you shouldnt tal... (read in full...)

Kissing (and sleeping) Cousins, what if the family finds out?

Q.   Me and my second cousin are 17 we fell in love in secret, slept together in secret i also found out i was pregnant but we had a miscarriage, our family would go crazy at us he said he dosent care as long as he's with me but i cant help but be very ...

A.   1 December 2009: is he your second cousin through blood? or through marriage? well i suggest that if you really love him then stay with him. maybe when time comes you and him can open up to your guys family... (read in full...)

To snog or not to snog, that is the question

Q.   hey im 13 and im going out with a boy he is 15 and he wants to snog me i have done it before but i dont want to again i get nerves every time im around him and i cant seem to snog him what shall i do thankYou ...

A.   29 November 2009: wait wen u say snog u mean foreplay right? can u clarify tat?... (read in full...)

He is my friend, I like her but she likes him.

Q.   Well, there's a girl at my school and I love her to pieces. Anyway, I asked her out and she said she needed time. However to my shock, my best friend told me she liked him so now he's in a dilema. Really I am asking the question for him because he's ...

A.   29 November 2009: i say tat if he (ur friend) likes her and if u r ok wit them givin it a try witout interfering in between them u should encourage him ... (read in full...)

He's in a gang, but a sweet guy. Is he using me for sex?

Q.   I met *John during the summer in the middle of July through the internet. We have already met in person and after about 2 and a half months of knowing each other, we began dating, which lasted for about 2 weeks. The reason we broke up is because ...

A.   29 November 2009: ok..first off my boyfriend for 2 years now is also a really big GANG member.he smokes and all against weed..i such a hypocrite or watever..but he is so freaken sweet he acts like a kid and u can tell if he is really a nice pe... (read in full...)

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