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*HateWomanBeaters agony aunt


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In my short life, I have seen some amazing things and some equally disgusting things.

I am here to turn the disgusting things amazing.

A few examples might be

A. helping a child get out of a household where the step father abuses her and her mother sits by idly, whether out of fear or simple malice is beside the point.

B. Helping a victim of abuse become an independent individual that can accomplish his or her goals that he or she wanted to do for so long. (an example would be a 17 year old that was not allowed to go to school by her pedophile 27 year old bf that is now in premed to become an anesthesiologist)

C. In one case, getting a female police officer to arrest her own abuser.

Together we can do things to make this world a better place.

I intend on doing more than give advice. I will do what it takes to help others.

1234567891011Next > [14 pages, 515 answers]

Need help shopping for the perfect engagement ring

Q.   I'm starting the process of shopping for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. It seems like I've been reading up on them for hours, learning about the quality, cut and color. But I cannot seem to find a good way to determine carat size. I know th...

A.   28 February 2013: seems like she's in it for the ring. There is no element of love in it, seemingly. I would talk to her and ask her what the deal is.... (read in full...)

Should I tell my boyfriend that I have been faking my orgasms?

Q.   Hi Okay, I'm going to keep the introduction 'til my problem as short as possible. Please bear with me because I could really use some advice. I had a very rough childhood, bullied a lot and extreme. Then a couple of really bad things happ...

A.   28 February 2013: Talk to him about it. IF something doesn't change leave him It is ok to leave someone, because they are not willing to satisfy you. It is ok. So, now that you know what you need to do. Do it! You can talk to a BILLION people, bu... (read in full...)

What do I have to do to make my boyfriend realize that what I do for him/his family is out of love?

Q.   Is it possible for someone to never be satisfied with you,rather not see how much you care.. My boyfriend of 5 years never really sees the good in me..I'v been taking care of his autistic sister for the past 4 years not because I have to but beca...

A.   28 February 2013: This is simple. You can either choose to see it or not. Your boyfriend does not love you. Now, you can be like my mom and be unappreciated for 35 years by a shitty man and then get a divorce in your mid fifties. or you can take your yo... (read in full...)

Does I'm sorry no longer have any meaning?

Q.   Am I the only one who thinks that sorry has no meaning anymore? When my ex said he was sorry for leading me on, I just thought it's just a word, it doesn't mean anything to me... I find people say the word sorry too easily these days, that they ...

A.   28 February 2013: Listen up and listen well. Words mean nothing unless back by actions. Simple as that.... (read in full...)

Is it normal to have fantasies about being anally raped?

Q.   I'm just your normal, every day 17 year old girl. Sometimes I like to read erotic stories online. About two months ago, I stumbled upon this story where a teenage boy forced himself onto his sister, anally. I don't know why, but this turned me on ...

A.   28 February 2013: Here is the thing. THey are right when it comes to you being able to be desensitized. However, if you actually TRUST your boyfriend enough, you can do it. It is all about trust and setting up a system where there can be communication. T... (read in full...)

Why did he go soft? Am I a turn off?

Q.   If my boyfriend n i been together 7 yrs n lately everything is a argument. We juss had sex n i was on top seems to me everything was going well. Out of no where he gets soft.. What does that means?? Am i a turn off? Alot of thoughts are running ...

A.   28 February 2013: you are not a turn off to him. What you need to focus on first, is fixing the problems in your relationship... I suggest you look at your interactions with each other, and you both should honestly discuss your problems with one another. Th... (read in full...)

I thought he was the one. How could I have been so wrong?

Q.   We were together for a year. We connected on so many levels (emotionally, intellectually, physical intimacy). I've had many relationships before. I've even been married once. Never have I been so happy as I was with him. He broke up with me on the ...

A.   25 February 2013: Someone who continuously shows you that you two are not compatible in something where you two MUST be compatible is going to let you down. It is just the reality of the world. These comparisons might be silly, but they illustrations to... (read in full...)

52 year old male with 3 late teen daughters seeing a 20 year old woman?

Q.   I'm 52 and divorced with three daughters ages 21, 18, 17. I have been seeing a 20 year old woman. My daughters think this is very bad. The 20 year old wants me to choose her over my daughters. I broke it off with the 20 year old because of my ...

A.   24 February 2013: Who gives a crap what hat they think. Do what makes you happy/ However, do not be with a woman who expects you to choose. She is a bitch.... (read in full...)

How can I tell my cousin how I feel about her??

Q.   hi, I am falling in love with my cousin(my mom's brother's daughter). I am 16 and she is 18. We came close before 8 months. when we were watching movie i touch her body parts like lips, neck,waist, back, her butt, even when she was washing dish...

A.   23 February 2013: go for it. it seems like she feels the same... (read in full...)

I cheated on my boyfriend with my cousin!

Q.   So a few weeks ago, I went to visit my cousin who lives in another country. I haven't seen him in 2 years and we are really good friends even though we haven't had much facetime (we've lived in different countries our whole lives). During my visit, ...

A.   23 February 2013: if you guys enjoyed it, then you should not feel guilty. If you guys did not enjoy it then don't do it again and no harm no foul. As far as your boyfriend is concerned, clearly you don't really care for him. I think you 2 should do it again i... (read in full...)

I'm truly in love with my cousin!

Q.   well there's so much to say i dont really know where to start. from the very beginning will make most sense. i've known my cousin Adrian ever since i was born. he's a year oler than me and we've always been very close. we told eachother everything, ...

A.   23 February 2013: if your parents disown you, they did not love you to begin with. I think that you should do whatever you guys want to do. love is not something that you feel every day. You be doing yourself a great disservice by not following through with yo... (read in full...)

Why does he randomly contact me when we only met once over 2 years ago?

Q.   I met this guy (I will refer to him as B) almost two years ago when I went to my best friend's beach house. B and I lived in the same city but we both happened to be at the beach at the same time. We really hit it off and we flirted back and forth ...

A.   23 February 2013: tell them you're no longer interested in talking to him. He's not really interested in you. I know because I'm guilty of doing this once or twice... (read in full...)

Slept in the same bed with another girl (just friends) and I have a girlfriend..

Q.   Hey, I am just really worried at the moment as I am at Uni and we went to an after party at my friends and it got really late so i fell asleep on the sofa and their living room is really cold and my two friends (girls) offered to sleep with them ...

A.   19 February 2013: Forget the accusing people... Do what I said. It will work. ... (read in full...)

How to nicely tell my bf that his female friend needs to back off?

Q.   I've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now. We've had some discussions about our friends of the opposite sex and how sometimes they make us uncomfortable. He told me this about one of my best guy friends, so I nicely told him to back off a ...

A.   19 February 2013: Ummm... lol this is really pathetic to be honest If I were in a relationship and I trusted my girlfriend, I would not have an issue with her having a guy friend or 50. I am going to ask you a very simple question. Are you going to chea... (read in full...)

Slept in the same bed with another girl (just friends) and I have a girlfriend..

Q.   Hey, I am just really worried at the moment as I am at Uni and we went to an after party at my friends and it got really late so i fell asleep on the sofa and their living room is really cold and my two friends (girls) offered to sleep with them ...

A.   19 February 2013: Visit your girlfriend and tell her that you wanted to say it in person. "I love you and am wholly committed to you", if that is how you feel. Then kiss her proper ;) As for you being in university, I don't know. If it is just platonic n... (read in full...)

Am I pervert because I have fantasies/crushes on younger girls?

Q.   Hey Guys ever since i can remember i have had fantasy/crushes on "youthful cute girls" Im 21 and this still remains, Although the problem is this trait is mainly in younger girls(not preteens I'm not a pedo) with the exception of a few in there 21+! ...

A.   19 February 2013: I think I know what you are referring to, and if it is like a 16 year old that has the dimensions of Jennifer Lopez, then as long as you do not touch or try and seduce her, you're good. I would definitely focus on the older ladies, as you are doin... (read in full...)

Why my one kiss has changed my girlfriend so much?

Q.   My girlfriend, until recently, used to scold me quite with full throat even for little human errors. But for the last two weeks, she has got changed because she when was scolding me last time, out of nowhere, I got closer to her and shut her...

A.   18 February 2013: get organized and dint take advantage of her submissive position in an abusive way, but be dominant like you were. respect her but be like you were with the kiss. its passion she.was.waiting for. give it to her... (read in full...)

I like them when I start dating but then I really start to dislike the guy!

Q.   Hi friends, one problem i have is that when i meet a guy...i will be fascinated by his looks and all but when we start dating, i begin to really dislike him and begin to give excuses and we will end up seperating. pls how do i treat this? Can i ever ...

A.   18 February 2013: No offense, but countries like Nigeria, India, the Middle East, and the other countries in Africa all have this problem of tradition vs reality. If you have internet, you do not need to think the way you think. The only reason a marriage wil... (read in full...)

Sexless relationship please help!

Q.   I have been with my girlfriend for 6 years. We have been living with eachother for almost that entire time. She is a kind soul, and a perfect match for me in almost every way - a soul mate. I honestly wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. ...

A.   18 February 2013: This woman needs to focus on herself. She is gaining weight and having heart attacks and what not. I understand that she is under a lot of strain and what not. However, if she is not willing to make the necessary changes to even LI... (read in full...)

Why don't people like to share their feelings?? are they normal?

Q.   i am getting a little crazy after spending few years with my bf who thinks it's a bad thing to tell the world what you feel, who you are... etc... it makes me think i'm wrong to tell friends about what's going on in our relationship, like when i'm ...

A.   18 February 2013: what is a relationship without communication? I am sorry to hear of your troubles, but you are young and have a bright future ahead of you. Realize your self worth and don't be with someone who refuses to open up, as if he is living alone. ... (read in full...)

Why is my ex calling me and hurting me when he doesn't want us to be together?

Q.   Dear Cupid My bf broke up with me few days back, he called me today, i thought he is gonna give this relationship another chance took his call, stupid of me. He said as far as he is concerned i dont exist and cut the call. Why does he have t...

A.   18 February 2013: Haha, you might not believe me, but you have nothing to worry about when it comes to being repulsive :) Remember when they said to you as a kid that if someone hurts you they like you? It doesn't mean beating you up and what not. What it mea... (read in full...)

Do good looking girls get put on a pedastal?

Q.   Are men more likely to put you on a pedastal at the beginning of a relationship if they find you very good looking? ...

A.   18 February 2013: to say no is a bold faced lie. the paper dropping experiment is very accurate. If I see a person stranded on the side of the road, I stop to help. If I see a good looking woman stranded on the side of the road, I accelerate to get there ... (read in full...)

My away from home soldier boyfriend gets upset about everything! What can I do?

Q.   I am in a relationship with a currently deployed soldier. We love and respect each other very much. But the fact is, he tend to get mad for every single reason. For example, today he got mad over the fact that I want to go to the gym (because he ...

A.   18 February 2013: Tell him that he can either trust you or not. If he doesn't then it should be over.... (read in full...)

Husband expects me to go down at him at all times when he wants it. If I say no he gets agressive. Should a wife treat sexual favours as a part of the job?

Q.   So I have been with my husband for almost 7 years, married for about 3 and we have a 3 year old son. Our relationship has never been super wonderful but I’m still here and I am happy some times. My issue right now is sex. As a wife am I suppose...

A.   18 February 2013: Hahaha, wow. You're husband is a good con artist. Let me fill any woman here in who is being fooled by these dicks. If you are willing to give anal to someone to be a good wife, you are what many, many men, including myself, desire. I d... (read in full...)

My marriage is void of intimacy and I feel I'm running out of time.

Q.   I have been married for 33 years. We (my wife and I) never had intercourse before marriage. Although we did everything but, before marriage. We have never been able to make each other orgasm or cum through intercourse. Masturbation seems to be the ...

A.   18 February 2013: simple... Dod what aunt honesty said first. Communicate the situation and figure it out. Demand that she be honest with you as to why she is not interested. "This is a marriage and in a marriage we talk. I am asking you to please... (read in full...)

I pushed my boyfriend away with my insecurity and jealousy. I want him back!

Q.   My boyfriend, of 2.5 years, has basically had enough of my drama and won't even reply to my texts now. I've been super jealous and insecure and am constantly accusing him of cheating on me without reason. 90% of things I think I'm right about he ...

A.   14 February 2013: Work on yourself before you work on getting a relationship back. If you feel that you were the kind of person that was overly jealous and insecure, because of something that was totally on you, it is important to fix the problem, you, fi... (read in full...)

Was my Bf out of line for objecting to the discussions I had with my best girlfriend who is newly married?

Q.   My best friend got married recently. I had a text chat with her regarding her sexual life and she told me about the things that happened between her and her husband. My boyfriend saw those chats and started fighting with me that how can I talk l...

A.   14 February 2013: xearo is wrong regarding the deleting of your chats. If you are SHOWING him the chats, that is one thing. If you are having the chats in your phone, and he goes through your phone. Then, you should never trust him. If he goes through yo... (read in full...)

Was my Bf out of line for objecting to the discussions I had with my best girlfriend who is newly married?

Q.   My best friend got married recently. I had a text chat with her regarding her sexual life and she told me about the things that happened between her and her husband. My boyfriend saw those chats and started fighting with me that how can I talk l...

A.   12 February 2013: HE is in the wrong and is an ass. You are ok :) Keep talking to her just how you are talking to her. That is all.... (read in full...)

Trying to work things out with the ex but I'm giving him enough rope to hang himself. How long do I give him to change?

Q.   My ex boyfriend and I have decided to work our relationship out. In 3 years, we've broken up twice and have been through a lot together. Our breakups centered around him basically not having enough time for me, and by that I mean literally seeing ...

A.   15 January 2013: you need to get rid of him... if he put you on the bottom of the barrel in terms of priorities, then you are not loved by him... (read in full...)

How do I keep from talking to much when I'm nervous around my date?

Q.   I seem to talk a lot when I'm nervous. I think my new guy was a little annoyed the other night he was trying to leave but I kept talking to him. He was polite then said baby I have to go I'm so tired. I felt so silly did I blow things? I get so ...

A.   8 January 2013: You seem like a very nice woman. be confident knowing that you are indeed someone worth getting to know :) Talk! However, if you feel that you might not engage him enough? Just ask him some questions. What do you like to do for fun... (read in full...)

My wife never initiates sex with me. How can I fix this?

Q.   My wife and I have been together for 9 yrs and she is not happy with her body and I have never given her any reason to think I agree with what she thinks I have actually told her and showed her I love the way she looks but even with all my effort ...

A.   26 December 2012: It is OBVIOUS that your wife does not think that she is attractive. Show her that she is, if you feel she is, and SHOW her, don't just tell her. What is the difference between a husband and a best male friend? No sex! no imtimacy! BE... (read in full...)

I think I like my 21 year old cousin

Q.   my cousin's 21, and i've always been close to him all our family are close, but i think i like him, like not just as my cousin. i know it sounds weird, but it happens right? please could you help me and give me some advice on what i should do?...

A.   26 December 2012: It depends. I am someone who likes a cousin as well. She is married and 39, but stil very beautiful, etc. I don't know her very well, so maybe that is why it makes it easy for me to like her. However, I asked her, she said no, so I left it ... (read in full...)

Is this a good way to keep her on her toes and interested?

Q.   Hello everyone I just wanted some insight! So I've recently started dating my ex of a few years ago and since then we've both matured and have learned a lot since then. I am very happy to be dating her and her vise versa, we connect really well and ...

A.   15 November 2012: That seems like a good thing to do. You guys did your thing, and now she can contact you. Given your history, just doing that is good. Say what you need to say when you are in front of her, then let her text you again. She is the o... (read in full...)

What do I do about a B/f who is extremely physically abusive?

Q.   I have been with my boyfriend four years now and all we do is fight. He get bad temper and beat me up. We have a child together and hit me in front of her. He has pushed me down the stairs slapped and punched me and kicked me on the side while i am ...

A.   3 November 2012: You ask this question know the answer. You need to leave the gu, because all he is going to do is make your child get hurt very badly. The question you need to ask yourself is, "Do I want my child to grow up seeing this? Do I want to have my ... (read in full...)

How can I make anal sex pleasurable?

Q.   Ok ladies, how do you make anal sex more comfortable? Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I would love to try it and enjoy it but it just hurts so much! My man hasn't been real pushy about it since the first few times we tried and failed ...

A.   18 July 2012: @soveryconfused, if you are talking about my technique in reference to the part where you say DO NOT FORCE IT, reread what I wrote. What i said was, when the woman is ready, at that point the guy thrusts in, not "anally rape her".... (read in full...)

I feel so guilty about making out with my guy friend, I feel like I've let my parents down

Q.   I've known this guy friend of mine for almost two years already. During which we talk a lot and we've grown closer recently because he has been with me through my darkest days and all. Thing is, we made out while we were alone one day. It was ...

A.   18 July 2012: Excuse me, but that is ridiculous. Every time you worry about what other people think, because you do something that feels right to you, you let yourself down. Do what you know to be right for you, and do what you want. You kissing a m... (read in full...)

How can I make anal sex pleasurable?

Q.   Ok ladies, how do you make anal sex more comfortable? Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I would love to try it and enjoy it but it just hurts so much! My man hasn't been real pushy about it since the first few times we tried and failed ...

A.   4 July 2012: She said that she wants to make it happen. Let her explore. Fingers while having sex, before, my technique, etc. all are safe bets,.but taking it slow, doing climax, conditioning by do inf something you lie a lot along with small, s... (read in full...)

I want a driver's license but I'm too scared to get one

Q.   I honestly feel like giving up on the idea of me ever getting my drivers license! I am 23 years old and still have to ask for rides like a damn teenager. I'm too scared to drive I get behind the wheel and panic. I just don't know what to do anymore...

A.   4 July 2012: How about you get behind the wheel and drive? Go into a parking lot and drive with a boyfriend or friend or family member. You don't need to go onto the capitol beltway on your first drive. Take it easy, practice, and get over it. Re... (read in full...)

How can I make anal sex pleasurable?

Q.   Ok ladies, how do you make anal sex more comfortable? Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I would love to try it and enjoy it but it just hurts so much! My man hasn't been real pushy about it since the first few times we tried and failed ...

A.   4 July 2012: Imagine you are on your side, and their forearm and bicep are cradling your neck, applying just enough pressure to how you like it. They are kissing your neck and mouth, their right hand is playing with yo ur breasts and their left hand is ... (read in full...)

My girlfriend has no interest in sex whatsoever, is it wrong to consider breaking up with her?

Q.   We've been together for 3 years, but this isn't the sort of thing where she gradually became less and less interested in sex... She's just always been pretty non-sexual, at least with me, anyway. We broke up for awhile about a year ago, and she had ...

A.   15 May 2012: Is there something that you are not willing to do, that she needs done? if that is not the case, then there is nothing you can do, because she does not desire something that can change your sexual relationship. I would say that you should br... (read in full...)

Why my one kiss has changed my girlfriend so much?

Q.   My girlfriend, until recently, used to scold me quite with full throat even for little human errors. But for the last two weeks, she has got changed because she when was scolding me last time, out of nowhere, I got closer to her and shut her...

A.   28 August 2011: shes smitten and likes the fact that you were really dominant. I believe that she was lashing out, because you were being pushed around by her and she wanted you to stand up for yourself. You did in the right way. We all make mistakes, ... (read in full...)

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