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*unnyTee agony aunt


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*unnyTee's profile:

Female, often accused of being somewhat quick on the trigger, fire-from-the-hip type completely NON-PC, highly Conservative dispensation of advice where it's needed, been around the block a few times as well as some pretty dark alleys. Tough, but honest. An MBA from Texas A&M ('89) says I'm educated. High geared, high strung stock broker. Tri-Delta Alumni. Deceivingly-innocent-looking-blond-bunny without the bimbo edge. Tough on loser men and predators a specialty.

1234567891011Next > [14 pages, 507 answers]

Unmarried break up law in state of Indiana??

Q.   I dated a guy for 1 year and 6 months the lease was in my name and he moved in with me. He ended up abusing me and hit my son only once it took and I called the law and he was put in jail. I had bruses and so did my child. He is looking at prison ...

A.   22 June 2010: It sounds as though you should consider obtaining qualified, legal advice. I'll offer you what I know, but it's not specific to Indiana so take it for what it's worth. Generally speaking, possession is 9/10ths of the law. I don't know where... (read in full...)

Is there something going on here?

Q.   I have a long time female friend. We went through all through school together. We hadn't seen each other in over 30 years, until about 5 years ago. We meet for coffee once in a while. She's married, I'm separated. I asked her to set me up with her ...

A.   22 June 2010: Sir, I'd recommend maintaining a lock down on the temptation to verbalize your suspicions to her. Afterall, where are your facts to support turning this hypothesis into more than a theory? They're only interpretation and assumption at this poi... (read in full...)

Is it ok to want other men to find you attractive if you are in a relationship?

Q.   My boyfriend and I are best friends and we are very open with each other. He has told me on a few occasions that his friends think im beautiful. I am very flattered by this. The truth is although I love my boyfriend very much and would never ...

A.   22 June 2010: That it does, Cindy, that it does. Provided you're not getting attitude all over the room, that is. No one hands it out, you bust your butt for it. So if you've worked for it, and earned it, what's the point of trying to conceal it? Look *good* ... (read in full...)

I'm 18, he's 36. Is that wrong?

Q.   I know this is going to sound like another 13-in-a-dozen age gap question. But I need some advice. Sorry if this is long and boring, but I need someone to read through it. I'm a normal girl and I used to date guys my age. I had a couple of boyfri...

A.   22 June 2010: Is it "wrong"? I wouldn't say it's wrong like right vs. wrong. Not wrong as in you're not a legal adult and he's a child predator. If you were under the age of consent, I'd give you a resounding wrong! But I'm going by your indication that you're ... (read in full...)

How can he do that at his age?

Q.   How is my lover of 62 able to keep an erection for up to three hours?...

A.   22 June 2010: Perhaps just the mere idea of getting away with adultery at the ripe ol' age of 62 is an extraordinary aphrodisiac? And all this time, I've believed that people stopped having sex at 50! Surprise, surprise.... (read in full...)

Sex Ed in school

Q.   I am very annoyed every time a girl or boy gets on here and is afraid someone is pregnant and they don't know the facts because they didn't have sex ed. I went to a very liberal public school that taught very good sex ed, about STD's, how to stay to ...

A.   22 June 2010: Personally, I don't why the responsibility of basic, sound sex education doesn't remain squarely upon parental shoulders. I concede the point is arguable in that many parents may be miserably under-qualified to teach much of anything beyond ... (read in full...)

Should I meet this 43 year old online friend?

Q.   On wednesday I'm supposed to meet up with a 43 year old man off this chat room, I'm just not sure if I want to. We first started talking when I was 16 and he really wanted to meet me and we would talk fir hours on the phone an skype etc, i dec...

A.   21 June 2010: SMART GIRL!!... (read in full...)

How can he do that at his age?

Q.   How is my lover of 62 able to keep an erection for up to three hours?...

A.   21 June 2010: I think maybe there's something else at work here, Viagra perhaps?... (read in full...)

Should I meet this 43 year old online friend?

Q.   On wednesday I'm supposed to meet up with a 43 year old man off this chat room, I'm just not sure if I want to. We first started talking when I was 16 and he really wanted to meet me and we would talk fir hours on the phone an skype etc, i dec...

A.   21 June 2010: Oh, I'd agree that he's definitely trying to regain some youth, yes I certainly do. Problem is I don't think it's *his* youth he's trying to regain, sweetie. I'm thinking he must be at least 20 years your senior? I predict that if you meet up ... (read in full...)

Egoistical girlfriend...

Q.   I have been going out with my girlfriend for 7 months and she has a big ego! when i first met her, she just recently broke it off with a guy she was seeing. we started talking and ended up liking each other a lot. however, she indicated that she ...

A.   21 June 2010: This is not good, my friend. I'm fairly certain you know this already. It sounds to me as if you're Mr. Right NOW and not Mr. Right. Honestly, from the sounds of things, I'd say you could tell her how you feel til you're blue in the face, I t... (read in full...)

Is it ok to want other men to find you attractive if you are in a relationship?

Q.   My boyfriend and I are best friends and we are very open with each other. He has told me on a few occasions that his friends think im beautiful. I am very flattered by this. The truth is although I love my boyfriend very much and would never ...

A.   21 June 2010: Define : "pout" for us?... (read in full...)

Is it time to end things...or keep trying?

Q.   I need advice. I have been with my bf for almost 4 years. We are both in our late 40s and care about each other deeply. However, his family (his kids, his parents, stepparent, siblings etc) don't treat us all that well. You would think by now, they ...

A.   21 June 2010: I think almost any situation CAN be improved but the real question is: are you willing to continue to invest the time and effort to attempt it? I'm none too certain that subjecting your children to that sort of heinous behavior from his family i... (read in full...)

Is it ok to want other men to find you attractive if you are in a relationship?

Q.   My boyfriend and I are best friends and we are very open with each other. He has told me on a few occasions that his friends think im beautiful. I am very flattered by this. The truth is although I love my boyfriend very much and would never ...

A.   21 June 2010: I see nothing wrong with your wanting to look attractive, whatsoever. I think it's a great idea! I'm much older than you are, but I still bust it hard to maintain myself and defy gravity. I always try to look good. Even if it's around my husband's ... (read in full...)

Why does my boyfriend act like this around me?

Q.   Me and my boyfriend have always been very close and share a deep bond. He is very loving and sweet. He has problems of his own though. He is struggling with a bad drug addiction and is staying with his dad who is very nasty to him. He is however ...

A.   21 June 2010: Lucky for him, he has you, Poster! Good luck!... (read in full...)

There's another man and she says she's distracted by him

Q.   we met at the bus stop her car wrecked,my liesence suspended. shes alot younger by 10 yrs but we began to talk nand then see each other,we're both adopted and though we're very diffrent we loved each other and began to plan life together. we'd ...

A.   21 June 2010: Most people dislike ultimatums because it forces a "fence sitter" to get off the proverbial fence. I tend to believe that as long as you allow the fence sitting this is all you'll have. I recommend telling her that your patience has run out and it ... (read in full...)

He treats me like a princess, but always wants sex and calls me a tease...

Q.   Hi, well me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 months now. im 16 and he is 19. we have had sex four times. but we hang out almost every day and he alwaaaaays tries to start it. i usually let him touch a bit and then just say stop but it always ...

A.   21 June 2010: 22 girls and he's 19? That just doesn't have the ring of truth to me, sweetheart. I suppose anything is possible, though. One thing is for certain: 19 yro old boys are nothing but a walking study in raging hormones. It goes with the territory. ... (read in full...)

There's always little things in every relationship that don't need to be said.

Q.   I love my girlfriend and couldn't ask for anything better, we tell each other everything. When it comes to our past partners I have told her the truth (3 people before) but have lied about who they are. Just about ages, because I was kind of ...

A.   21 June 2010: Some people will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication. They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others. Therefore, having rationalized their phoniness into nobility, they settle for superficial ... (read in full...)

New relationship, advice please!

Q.   I've been in a relationship with this guy for a little bit short of a week now. I know that seems like a short period of time, and it is. But I feel like I shared a lot of myself already with this person, and of anyone else I feel like there's this ...

A.   21 June 2010: I think it's only humanly, natural to feel nervy around someone you don't thoroughly know. A week is a very short time, too short to really know someone much less be totally at ease with physically expressing yourself. I'd say focus on relaxing. ... (read in full...)

Why does my boyfriend act like this around me?

Q.   Me and my boyfriend have always been very close and share a deep bond. He is very loving and sweet. He has problems of his own though. He is struggling with a bad drug addiction and is staying with his dad who is very nasty to him. He is however ...

A.   21 June 2010: I'm agreeing hands down with CG. This guy's looking for mommy. Perhaps you make him feel comforted and safe. I recommend due caution going forward. Ultimately, this relationship will most likely stall at some point and not go any further. I'd be ... (read in full...)

There's always little things in every relationship that don't need to be said.

Q.   I love my girlfriend and couldn't ask for anything better, we tell each other everything. When it comes to our past partners I have told her the truth (3 people before) but have lied about who they are. Just about ages, because I was kind of ...

A.   21 June 2010: Full disclosure means to disclose all the details and FACTS of a problem which are known. It is a philosophy of factual management completely opposed to the idea of with holding fact through obscurity or omission. The concept of full disclosure is ... (read in full...)

Tips for my camping trip?

Q.   Ok, Ive invited a few of my friends to come camping with me at the beginning of the summer hols and we're all REALLY excited! I need some tips so that it will all run smoothly! What if get out of control? Some of them are dating each other.....

A.   21 June 2010: The easy, short answer? Is: BEHAVE. ALL the time. Act right. Don't be tempted to do stupid things. Ask everyone to conduct themselves responsibly in all things and respect themselves as well as others. Beyond that: have a blast! Be safe.... (read in full...)

There's always little things in every relationship that don't need to be said.

Q.   I love my girlfriend and couldn't ask for anything better, we tell each other everything. When it comes to our past partners I have told her the truth (3 people before) but have lied about who they are. Just about ages, because I was kind of ...

A.   21 June 2010: I believe that this subject is one of those that definitely needs to remain UNSAID for all time. Unless, there's a very substantial reason that mandates full, honest disclosure, for example: health reasons. In telling partial truth or altering... (read in full...)

Jealousy for attention, what gives?

Q.   Continue from the last, question. she is 33, and I am 40, we have known each other for 6 years, i have always kept up on her birthdays, we really didn't see or talk within the last 6 years which was just a week fling. So we been together for 4 ...

A.   21 June 2010: While I'm relatively sure this isn't what you want to hear, Poster, please keep in mind that you asked. From your post, I'd say she's trying to let you down easy. Telling you without really coming straight out and telling you that you are not ... (read in full...)

Why does she essentially require that I have an erection during oral sex?

Q.   My fiance and I have a pretty good sex life but it's not without some quirks. I've always enjoyed giving her oral sex. She claims that I'm the first who has been able to bring her to orgasm this way. The problem is that she essentially requ...

A.   18 June 2010: I'm gonna have to go with Cindy and Q on this ultimately. She's getting all the sauces and pickles AND the main course. It's still the same even if the candles don't remain lit through the entire meal. Now, what's for dessert?... (read in full...)

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

Q.   How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

A.   18 June 2010: That would be: sayING what IS... (read in full...)

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

Q.   How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

A.   18 June 2010: So, let's go here: this is about threat level. A potential exists, in the Poster's wife's mind that his looking at another woman via porn constitutes a threat lurking in his mind, this translates into "he's considering it". This threat translates ... (read in full...)

Why does she essentially require that I have an erection during oral sex?

Q.   My fiance and I have a pretty good sex life but it's not without some quirks. I've always enjoyed giving her oral sex. She claims that I'm the first who has been able to bring her to orgasm this way. The problem is that she essentially requ...

A.   18 June 2010: Me too, mal! I don't agree that it's a sound rationale to expect a solid woody right up to the big bang , no matter what. I see no reason to waste a good hard-on.... (read in full...)

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

Q.   How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

A.   18 June 2010: I DID say "within that rationale" That's all this subject of debate boils down to: rationale.... (read in full...)

Why does she essentially require that I have an erection during oral sex?

Q.   My fiance and I have a pretty good sex life but it's not without some quirks. I've always enjoyed giving her oral sex. She claims that I'm the first who has been able to bring her to orgasm this way. The problem is that she essentially requ...

A.   18 June 2010: Alright, I'll be waitin' outside, Q. Bring your A game.... (read in full...)

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

Q.   How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

A.   18 June 2010: So..because we don't sport on-board equipment that makes us..umm....less or something like that?... (read in full...)

I looked at porn and my wife thinks I cheated!

Q.   How can I prove to my wife I am not, and have never cheated on her? Recently my wife found out I had been looking at porn, it is something we had agreed not to do in the past, argued about in the past, and for some reason I looked at it again (I am ...

A.   18 June 2010: I believe some, (ok, a lot) of women actually do see this as cheating, actually. In that rational, a woman's use of a vibrator or dildo would qualify as cheating as well. Same ends, different means. I believe this to be a circular argument.... (read in full...)

Why does she essentially require that I have an erection during oral sex?

Q.   My fiance and I have a pretty good sex life but it's not without some quirks. I've always enjoyed giving her oral sex. She claims that I'm the first who has been able to bring her to orgasm this way. The problem is that she essentially requ...

A.   18 June 2010: I'm down with, Carrot!... (read in full...)

Why does she essentially require that I have an erection during oral sex?

Q.   My fiance and I have a pretty good sex life but it's not without some quirks. I've always enjoyed giving her oral sex. She claims that I'm the first who has been able to bring her to orgasm this way. The problem is that she essentially requ...

A.   18 June 2010: Isn't there a "concentration" element required to maintain a good ol' Blue Steeler? Meaning if you're off focused upon other matters, then the redirected concentration can result in a bit of the wind sock thing? ... (read in full...)

What causes someone to become a masochist?

Q.   So I have come to terms that I am a masochist. I thought that I had biastophila but I do not want to be the inflictor, but the one who it's inflicted on. Am I considered damaged if I'm like this?? I wondered if there is a connection to th...

A.   18 June 2010: Wilhelm Reich was once a student of Freud's, Mia, he was Austrian, not a Nazi. I've found Reich not to be so fixated on the sexual aspects as the root of all things. Reich's observations are more balanced than Freud's, by a long shot. At least he ... (read in full...)

Should I break up with him and find someone new?

Q.   Okay, I have a question just like most of us girls want to ask. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year. He seems to me like he dont really care but heres the question. My boyfriend has lied to me about his ex a few times and has ...

A.   18 June 2010: Problem is, sweetie, want to or not, seek to or not, you're going to make mistakes and alot of them. It's what makes us human. It's part of life, consider it the price of admission. That said, it sounds to me as though you have zero reasons to ... (read in full...)

What causes someone to become a masochist?

Q.   So I have come to terms that I am a masochist. I thought that I had biastophila but I do not want to be the inflictor, but the one who it's inflicted on. Am I considered damaged if I'm like this?? I wondered if there is a connection to th...

A.   18 June 2010: Poster: have you sought professional help to understand how to deal with this? Biastopilla and Masochism are two dangerous behaviors typically leading to intensified, even more dangerous behavior. Often diagnosed as Serious Mental Illness. An ... (read in full...)

What do these incestual feelings mean?

Q.   Hello. I'm only after hitting puberty, I'm a girl and I've recently been turned on by incest - I read it but I wouldn't act it out. Then I noticed i felt weird feelings towards my dad but I shrugged them off. Now they are back and I don't know wha...

A.   18 June 2010: Oh good, I thought it was just me smelling the troll.... (read in full...)

Was moving in with him a big mistake? Can our relationship be repaired?

Q.   I need advice. I moved in with my boyfriend about 3 months ago. And we have been fighting a lot. We are always arguing and sometimes his sex drive is too low. he is always grumpy and yells at me for almost anything. I know he loves me but I'm ...

A.   18 June 2010: Living with someone is one of those things that sounds terrific in theory but put it into practice and it suddenly becomes a nightmare of adjustments. This doesn't happen overnight. You're learning to live with each other. It's a new ball game, ... (read in full...)

How do you know if she is having a real orgasm?

Q.   How do you know if a woman is having an orgasm? Ive heard alot of women fake it. But how do you know if its real? My girlfriend likes it when i lick and finger her at the same time. While doing it, she pulls my hair and presses my head against ...

A.   18 June 2010: Sounds like the real McCoy to me.....that's WAY too much "faking" to be faking it. Sorta sounds like you were blowing her mind. Keep up the good work!... (read in full...)

I can't get the thought of her one night stand before we were together out of my head, and its killing me!

Q.   I met my fiance in college at the end of my freshman year. I noticed her from the beginning. I had a crush on her the entire year but she had a boyfriend that went to a school nearby who she had been with for 2 years. They went to high school ...

A.   18 June 2010: No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you wish, knowing certain things is like the spoken word, once you know it or once spoken you can never take it back. It just stays there, static and unmoving. Like the monster in the closet peeking at ... (read in full...)

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Midge agony auntMidge
TimmD agony auntTimmD
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