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Why didn't he look for me, is he not interested in me?

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Question - (16 December 2014) 2 Answers - (Newest, 17 December 2014)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *pendy writes:

Why didn't he look for me, is he not interested in me?

So my brother invited me a function at his church and I got talking to this lady and she said I was very beautiful and that there is a guy she'd like to set me up with.

I caught her speaking to a guy I was eyeing (he's cute) and she asked me to give him a lift home.

I found out he is my brothers friend.

He came to see my brother and he was such a gentleman. Opening doors for me etc. I told him I wanted gospel music.

He put some on memory card and gave it to my brother to give it to me.

My mum had a party over the weekend and he attended. But I was in the kitchen serving with my girls and a lot of people came so I didn't see him. My mum told me he came and he looked really nice.

I looked really nice hoping I'd see him to thank him.

Why didnt he look for me? I feel like he avoided me for a reason. Is he not interested?

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A male reader, olderthandirt  +, writes (17 December 2014):

olderthandirt agony auntTme he sounds uninterested OR, playing hard to get in either case, it would be wise (in my view) to ditch the dream and try for another. If he's "playing had to get" then his ego is the elephant ithe room. If he's notinterested then so what BFD why waste time?

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A male reader, CMMP United States +, writes (16 December 2014):

At this stage you shouldn't be worrying about these little details. Maybe he's shy? Maybe he thought you were avoiding him? Who knows?

Ask him out. Easy.

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