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Why are we not together?

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Question - (18 May 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 19 May 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

okay I've been confused for sometime and it's hard not talking about it we'll i was pretty young when I met this guy his name was jose we met through his cousins which is along story but we went to the straw berry festival in Florida and he want with his cousins and met started talking and so on. but like i was saying after two weeks we started dateing and we just really had alot in common there were alot of haters but we didnt care . before i dated him we'll i had already gone out with 2 of his cousins yeah I know what ya'll sayin but He was my first i lost my verginity to him we dated for about 1 year and i remember what he said before he left he gave me a chain and he said i love you so many times that i just cried he was 17 I was 15 and we made this promise that when i turned 18 we were going to get married my mom liked him. AlotBut yeah but before he left he insiisted to me to leave with me but I couldn't but I didn't want to let go. At the same time we would go out to tha club we did everything after he left I changed a lot I wasn't tha same without him is it right til know just forget about him? I'm always thinking about him ? My heart is still with him. But the question is why are we not together. Was it destiney or just time ? Why is it that when I asked why was leaveing he never had a strait answer?,,

View related questions: cousin, I love you

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 May 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Why are we not together ? I ve been through a lot the past year that I can't even believe it. I've been I met this guy at the club and he really wasnt my type really didn't like him he insisted and insisted he was like24 he invited me to dance we did but anyways I ended up going out with him and it was fine for bout 2 months my mom thought I was bad and sent me away to ohio we still talked 6 monthshes name was Daniel. came back were still dateing. He was a gelous type cuz I was17 so he was older so. But its not it so we would go out to tha club and I would notice some old bitch would always just look at me she was like30 and real big and one day we were dancing and she pushed us I looked at him and said shit wat tha f...k is going I looked at her she walked away shit I wasn't scared neithet was I gelous I love drama so yeah. Ididnt think any of it. So my dad got real sick was aqt tha hospital for over a month. U would think he would at least b wit me no he never was there. Ever instead he had a nice kind cousin he was 18 we became friends he would always call me and ask about my dad and I was always cryn. All he's cousin would ask is was I goinh to tha dance. Instead of asking how I was. I would just cry and wat would u do ? He'd be like well I'm going just 2 b wit my friends. And I would just cry and say jose why did u leave me now that I need u more than ever? Now I'm all alone ? Do you still love me like I do ? No guy will ever be like you care loving guy . Now I'm just a mess without u. (On next topic find out wat happens)

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (18 May 2009):

It's hard to get over someone when they won't tell you why they are ending it.

Why not try writing him a letter (or email) and ask him to write back and explain the truth to you, no matter how painful.

All you can do is look back on your time together, keep the happy memories and move on with your life.

Some things are not meant to last for ever, and are like a rose. Beautiful but they'll die and you have to let them go.

Good Luck!! xx

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