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What do I do if my married lover's husband calls?

Tagged as: Cheating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 September 2012) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 September 2012)
A male Ethiopia age 36-40, *ini magna writes:

hello dear cupid teams and ladies and gentelemen! Well z story might be silly and extremely heavy 4 one subject. We me 27 and a lady 31 have a secret love contact between us started a month ago.we have been get in touch by text and cell phone but yesterday her husband saw my sent message 4her 2wice.z 1st sent message was not clear enough 2 undrerstand but z second me was vice versa, Btw she has a baby with her husband. 2day she called and told me z story that they were quarelling seriousely and even he noticed my cellphone number and gonna call me i'm so sad and promised not to text and call her.i know we made a mistake how can i respond if he calls and z relationship between me and the lady? Need ur urgent response thanx in advance.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 September 2012):

Do not cause any trouble for her and just say the sms went to the wrong person. With regard to the calls you are just friends.

I am only assisting assuming you regret your actions and will allow them to make their marriage work as there is also a baby involved.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (24 September 2012):

Honeypie agony auntIf you can sleep with the married lady, you should have Cojones big enough to handle a phone-call from the husband.

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