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What are your biggest problems these days?

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Question - (5 December 2009) 11 Answers - (Newest, 7 December 2009)
A female age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I wonder ,what are your biggest problems these days? I 'm really interested to know what are,or what were,the most painful things in your life so far?

My life is truly horrible right now,and I need to see,I'm not alone. Whenever I talk about my situation,people don't believe me,that is how bad it is.

Or they would think I must do something wrong to deserve this... Well, I just wanted to know,I'm not alone...if other people have big problems, I just don't see them around. Thanks

[Moderator's note: You can detail your situation if you wish, to receive answers in respect to the very problem that you are having.]

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2009):

Thank you! It is very kind to share, and to tell how great you feel now. You deserve every piece of your success! People who goes through a lot of painful times, seem to have more compassion for others, and sometimes their life is more interesting, because they know both sides.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2009):

To the anonymous female, I feel that sharing my problems should make you feel better, because then you realize you are not alone in this world with problems. When I was in the midst of all of this, I was isolated and felt I was the only one going through these problems. I know this sounds pathetic but this site has helped me because I realized we are all going through challenges. On the bright side, I did not lose my job, I have a amazing nine year old daughter. I have an enourmous supportive family. I have managed to keep my health and get in better physical shape because I work out alot to cope with the stress. Also, I had a terrific conversation with the guy I broke up with 6 months ago. I think we are on the right track now. I hope your life gets better.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 December 2009):

""This should make you feel better.""

Oh no, it is a misunderstanding.. It does not make me feel better.

I'm sorry for your sad life! I hope you are doing better now. You know ,its just like going to a support group.

You can never make anybody understand your pain, if they didn't have some similar experiences.

Well,I'm sick and tired of no compassion, and most people would like to blame it on you ,when it is clearly nothing you could have done better.. Like its not your fault your husband gone bi-polar,right? But some people might say it is, because you were too abusive with him,.. I mean ,it is not the truth, but people like to do their own judgment on things.. Take care ok? And ,thanks for sharing

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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 December 2009):

This should make you feel better. In an eight year span My husband was admitted to a institution for bi polar, lost his job, I had two ectopic pregnancies, Both had strong heart beats but were in my fallopian tubes, Divorce, husband verbally abuses me in front of my child, supported my child alone since her birth, so I am broke most of the time, lonely, harrased at work. I almost did not make it through this horrible horrible time..

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2009):

Everyone loses someone they love

Everyone loses a job

Everyone loses financially once in awhile

Everyone gets sick and dies

Everyone has relationship problems whether they be with family or a lover

Everyone loses a friend

Do you have someone ,who has all this problems at the same time,like an avalanche ,because I have all

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2009):

Going throu divorce,and fighting with ex....That is really bad..

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (5 December 2009):

I lost my job a while back, now I've set up my own company, and at the moment I'm very worried I'll go broke.

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A female reader, OHme France +, writes (5 December 2009):

OHme agony aunthello and thank you ! it's very nice of you to care about others and in the same time to make them want to listen to you as well, so thank you;

ok, my bigest problem is with my ex because I can't get over him complety, we used to see each other after our break up and this what made me so close to him in a way that it is hard for me to start over even if I know that he was just using me and using this love I had for thim.. so , this is my biggest problem for now!! because it's really affecting all my life right now ...what do you think? and tell me more about you!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2009):

If you read the posts on Cupid you will see that you are not alone.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2009):

What purpose will it serve for you to hear about our problems or the things that have caused us the most pain in our lives.

They usually fall into one category LOSS.

Everyone loses someone they love

Everyone loses a job

Everyone loses financially once in awhile

Everyone gets sick and dies

Everyone has relationship problems whether they be with family or a lover

Everyone loses a friend

Please tell us what problems you are needing help with and maybe we can find a solution for it or ways to cope better.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2009):

Logistically my problems are about financial and time limitations, same old crap as most other people probably.

Emotionally... I am basically tired of being single and also bored with most women that are viable for a long term relationship. So its looking like a life of celibacy or lowering my expectations and finding an emotionally detached sex partner that is in the same boat. Not real jazzed about being single and middle aged basically.

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