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What are the best ways to gently break the news to my Bf that I'm not having this baby?

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Question - (1 July 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 1 July 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I need advice on how to break the news to my bf that i want a termination of our pregnancy:( We've been together 9 months, and despite being on the contraceptive pill, i've found out i'm 6 wks pregnant.

My bf was initially stunned, but having had a few days to think, is now saying he's happy and wants a baby. Neither of us has children. He has always wanted kids and says i'm the person he wants them with-i feel the same about him, but doesn't want kids now.

We don't live together, haven't saved up money to pay for a baby, and a couple of issues arose at the start (4 months in) of our relationship which made me doubt my trust in him(he was sexting another girl, 4 wks later i found him in bed in his boxers with 2 girls).

He's done nothing since to make me doubt him, but i feel i need more time to regain my trust and to get to know him. He says we need to move into his apartment together in the next 2-3 months, and i really don't want to, it's too soon.

I love him, but i'm not ready to have a child with him and need your advice on how to gently discuss this with him. Thanks.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 July 2011):

I was going to say that when my bf and i had our first we werent ready either. Nothing saved barely had anything but we managed. Since the day he was born we couldnt imagine life without him. But i agree you need more time with this man. It wouldnt be healthy to raise a baby if you dont trust your partner. I dont know if you would consider adoption but i have had one abortion and it was very hard on me. Either way its your decision. But you are going to have to sit down and talk to him about this. Theres no easy way to do it really.

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A female reader, sammy1986 United Kingdom +, writes (1 July 2011):

i wouldnt rush into something like this it is a big decision you both need to sit down and talk things through properly i am i single mum to a 2 and a half year old little boy and it is the best thing i ever done.

As for the money side of it you always manage to get by.

good luck

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (1 July 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntThere really is no easy way of telling him this. But this is something that you both need to talk about together and soon. Don't delay it any more, the longer you leave it the harder it will be and the more difficult it will be for him as well. Just go over to him and talk to him and just explain how you feel. Tell him you are not ready and don't forget to ask him how he feels and take his thoughts in to consideration as well, he is a part of this as well.

Just start by telling him that you have been having doubts and that you feel a termination is the best solution for the both of you. But just make sure it is really what you want and that you wont regret it later on down the line.

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