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We're not supposed to have sex before marriage but we want to!

Tagged as: Sex, Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 March 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 14 March 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *aitlin B writes:

I lost my virginity a couple of years ago, and was in a serious and long relationship which was sexually active. However, my boyfriend and I broke up after 2 years and soon after I became a Christian so I know I am not supposed to have sex before marriage. I now am dating another Christian, however unlike me he is a virgin. I miss sex so much and would love to be able to share the experience with him, and I know he really wants to have sex as well as he tells me a lot.

What do I do? He knows that I want to as well, so should we just do it despite our faith? I miss sex so much and I love my boyfriend a lot, and really want to take the relationship to the next level. Yet because he hasn't has sex yet I would feel even worse for taking his purity from God when we aren't married? I am too young to get married so should I just do it or try my very best to wait? I know he really doesn't want me to wait...

View related questions: broke up, christian, lost my virginity

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A female reader, celtic_tiger United Kingdom +, writes (14 March 2011):

celtic_tiger agony auntI am not religious, so I can not advise you on the rights or wrongs.

BUT - this is a choice you make when you choose to follow a religion. There are sacrifices you have to make as part of a faith.

We see so many questions on here about this topic, but ultimately it comes down to what you believe is right.

It is YOUR faith, and how you interpret it.

Is sex more important than faith - is faith more important than sex? Can the two be carried out in harmony? Is there a compromise?

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