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There's no limit to love, right?

Tagged as: Long distance, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 March 2009) 8 Answers - (Newest, 16 March 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hi (: first off thanks for answering this, or even reading it haha.

Okay so I'm 13 years old, but I guess I'm mature for my age. Me and my friends sometimes add people we meet on our social networking site, and they're not pedos or anything, at least... i hope not, haha. Anyway, I added this one guy and his msn address, but suddenly we just clicked and started getting on really well. He's round about the same age as me. He is really, really nice and can keep me laughing for hours on end, he's really sweet too. We have been talking for a few months now and I am really falling for him, sure you may say that I haven't even met him yet so I can't like him as much as I think I do but he is so amazing.

The problem is he lives 4 hours away from me and that really sucks. I told him I liked him since I couldn't hold in any longer and turns out he's crazy about me (those were his words, haha).

I know some of you may say that I'm too young to be in love and stuff like that but, and I may sound like the back of a cereal box here, there's no limit to love, right? I really really really like him and I was just wondering if anyone had been in this situation and how it worked out. I like him alot :) as you have probably gathered already, haha. And by the way, we're not going into a really serious long distant relationship or anything since we want to meet up first, but we agreed that we shouldn't just yet. Thankyou so much for your help :) now back to talking to him online, hahaha =P

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A reader, anonymous, writes (16 March 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks to everyone's reply but i just thought I'd say that I DEFFINATELY know that he is not a pedo and that he my age :) (thank god haha)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2009):

Well, i do think that you should be realy careful when you two decide to meet cause for all you know he could be like a 37 yr.old creep...ya know?lol But anyway im just a few years older than you and i completely agree that,there's no limit to love. Heck, theres a guy im in love with & iv never even kissed him....gosh iv never even been on a real date with him. give him the world if i could,he already has my heart,why not everything else.

So yea, just so you know...There realy is no limit to love.

Good Luck & pleez be careful. :)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2009):

basicly i wouldnt trust anyone you meet online its a dangerous game and facing reality would there be any chance for a relationship if you live 4 hours apart i dont think your ever to young to fall in love but you need to live in the real world and not the virtual one be practical good luck x

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A female reader, LilPixie United Kingdom +, writes (14 March 2009):

LilPixie agony auntRight, you've already had enough of the 'be careful' stuff so i won't start on that.

Fair enough I'm a few years older than you, but i first met my current boyfriend online. We got talking about 4 months ago, he asked me out 2 months ago though we hadn't met yet. I said yes but we agreed we won't make it official until we've met. He lives about 2 hours away. He came down to stay for one week last week. He was supposed to stay at a small hotel not far from my house because my mum didn't want a 'stranger' sleeping in our house, but she had no problem with us meeting, due to complications with the hotel he ended up sleeping at my house for the week. We got along great and we're official now. I'm hopefully seeing him again next weekend.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is, yes you do have to be careful about whatever you do where the internet is concerned but it's not all bad, there are some good, genuine people out there.

So, if you want to meet him, go for it, but do make sure you let someone know, and avoid going alone if you can. Just be aware that if you choose to meet him, and youu two get together, long distance is hard, really hard!

Good luck xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 March 2009):

Are you sure he is your age? Did you tell him how old you were first? I would be very careful. I'm sure you know what is going on in this cyberworld...there are a lot of pedofiles out there. Please be very careful and mention it to your parents as the previous poster suggested. Don't run off to meet this guy without anyone knowing your intentions. Test his sincerity by saying something like "My parents want to meet you." See how he reacts to that!

Again, be very very careful (and smart!)

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A female reader, glam231 United States +, writes (14 March 2009):

glam231 agony auntyou don't know if that's his real age i was in the same situation as you STAY AWAY

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 March 2009):

What you should do is mention this to your parents and see what they have to say.

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A male reader, SlackersACE1  United States +, writes (14 March 2009):

At your age i'd probably keep it pretty chill and slightly affectionate. Don't rush into anything head on and be smart about things you know? Other wise good luck to you sis!

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