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Should I see if we can become more than friends or do I just not pursue her at all?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 June 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 5 December 2008)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I have a friend I knew from a year ago but never really kept in contact with until a week ago when we met up to go to a convention and now I find that I am taking an interest in her.

When I asked her if she wanted to do something sometime she said yes, when I asked her (to clarify) if it was a date or not, she said it was to just "hang out". Should I see if we become more than friends or should I not bother pursuing her?

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A female reader, katatonik United States +, writes (5 December 2008):

katatonik agony auntIf you enjoy her company regardless of the romantic nature (or lack thereof) of the situation then hang out with her as friends and see what happens. If you don't want to waste time trying to win her over that is also understandable, as she doesn't sound too interested in you (romantically speaking) at the moment. Good luck =]

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